Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 24: Catch

"Mr. Madam! Violent incidents in this community have endangered your personal safety. We are now taking over here, please open the door as soon as possible!"

"If you do not open the door after ten seconds, we will determine that you have been attacked and take necessary measures!"

The voice outside the door was very anxious, Kuang San looked at himself in a home improvement, and then put down the ponytail.

Magic hides the things in the bedroom so that ordinary humans cannot see it.

"Please wait a moment, I'll be here."

A few well-equipped agents outside the door slightly relaxed. Those mad dogs are generally monsters, and they really don't want to see them.

Whoever bites who you see, they are talking about!

A woman in a black combat uniform is holding a gun and standing not far from the door. As long as there is a monster inside, the bullet will hit the opponent's head 100%.

She still has confidence in her marksmanship.

Her name is Melinda May, a seventh-level agent of SHIELD.


The door lock was opened, and the agents tensed in an instant, and the guns in their hands pointed towards the wooden door!

They can't help but treat it carelessly. Just because of the sneak attack, five colleagues have already sacrificed.

The **** corpse was right in front of him, and no one would take his life seriously.

If it weren't for their fierce firepower, let alone the corpse, it would be good to be able to see half of it!

This is definitely not a joke, just the crocodile just eats three policemen!

The ghost knows how it has such a good appetite!

A small slit was opened on the side of the door, and the agents bowed slightly, their muscles were compressed, and powerful forces would burst out at any time!

Until... a small black head was exposed, like fine silk hair, covering the outer half of Ling's pretty face, and the only red eyes that were exposed had a pitiful magic.

The agent standing in the forefront was dumbfounded, but his good qualities made him react quickly, and relatively formulaic words came out of his mouth.

"Madam, do you keep pets in your house? Or some other special species?"

The girl was surprised. She shook her head slightly and denied the agent's words.

The agent wanted to say something more, and the girl made a straight face, although there was no deterrent.

"What are you doing here?" The voice is weak, but it has a special smell, which can instantly arouse the desire to protect!

Before the tall agent could speak, his head was pushed aside.

The black combat uniform outlines the figure of the woman vividly. If she puts on the ol costume, she is believed to be an urban beauty.

"Miss, where is your family?"

"I live alone here..."

After hearing this sentence, the agents did not look surprised. The location here is good, and many rich people will buy one as a spare.

It usually comes in handy when working or playing in New York.

After all, no one wants to stay in a hotel every time like a tourist.

Besides, which rich man has few properties in his name?

As for the one in front of me, if it wasn't a "little pet" kept in captivity by the rich, then he would be the real eldest lady.

But... these are none of their business.

Mei was taken aback for a moment, then came back to her senses, "Did there be any abnormalities in your house?"

The girl shook her head, "That's not true. I only heard a car crash and gunfire outside. Madam, can you tell me what happened?" the girl asked timidly.

Mei didn't reply first, but instead pressed the wireless earphone in her ear, "Black Hawk, the survivor was found in Villa 5."

"Bah~" The electric current collapsed, "Black Hawk received it, and rescue will come in two minutes."

After hearing these words, Mei's face looked slightly better, and said to Kuangsan seriously: "There is an infectious virus spreading in the community. We must first send you to the hospital for disinfection protection."

At the same time, Mei was also observing the girl. She only saw that the other person's face was pale, and she pressed her lower lip lightly, and said, "Well, when can I come back?"

Mei Qiang pulled out a smile, and her heart made her not want to deceive the girl, but because of the nature of the job, she couldn't help but not lie, "It should be possible soon. After we clean up the infection, you can move in again."

The girl nodded, and people could clearly see the worry and fear in her eyes.

She is just pretending to be strong.

"Do I need to prepare anything?"

"Nothing is needed. Someone will make arrangements at the hospital."

"Then I will get the key."

Mei agreed. She didn't know if the girl could return here. This time the infection was not trivial. Maybe they would be quarantined uniformly after performing their tasks.

She has seen the miserable appearances of those rich people, their bodies are preserved intact, and she seems to have experienced the coldest torture in the world before she died.

Behind these wealthy people, when the energy is not yet operational, it is their job to "capture" all the surviving personnel.

The woman who lived with the local tyrants in the Middle East was quite arrogant, and even scratched the face of one of the team members.

Compared with this girl, it's a heaven and an underground.

What is upbringing...Of course, this does not rule out the possibility that the other party is ignorant of the world and has no defense against their group of people.

Thinking of this, Mei's eyes narrowed slightly, and the dangerous aura overflowed from it, like a snow leopard before hunting!

"Madam...I'm ready."

Mei turned around and found that the other party was wearing a black rabbit pajamas ~ ~ wrapped the whole person tightly.

At this time, the sound of the helicopter came from the sky, and the call of the "Black Hawk" echoed in the headset.

May witnessed the girls sitting on the helicopter until they rose, and they moved towards the B5 area.

"...Sir, open the door!"


"Boom, boom, boom!—"

The fire from the gun illuminates an area, golden bullets, don't fall to the ground like money.

Mei's team fought and retreated, and at the same time scolded this rich man in his heart!

Okay, what lion do you raise!


When Kuang San was about to leave, he had already transferred the black cat and the clothes to the basement, and the main body of the red queen was also stored there by her.

After that, Umbrella’s personnel will come to deal with it, and she does not need to worry about anything. The next step is to live in the "hospital" for a day or two, waiting for Umbrella's "high-level" to pull her out.

She is just an ordinary woman, a woman who has just become an American citizen.

There was a young man and a pale woman who took the helicopter at the same time as Kuangsan.

Swiping over the corner of her eyes, she found that there were still insignificant traces of flesh and blood in the woman's long fingernails. I don't know where she caught it.

The youth's complexion is not very good, although no woman looks frightened, but that expression is no different from constipation.

When Kuang San came up, the other party's eyes clearly brightened, and he only nodded slightly to show hello.

The helicopter flies in the night sky, but it is not moving in the hospital.

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