Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 26: undercurrent

"Tingling bell~"

"Hey, this is..."

"Director, we need assistance! The unknown virus has infected the injured team members, please send a medical team as soon as possible!"

Nick Fury hung up on his own without saying a word, but the gunshots and roars from inside seemed to be very bad.

After the dispatch team passed, Nick Fury remembered the girl who was taken away by the military.

"Relationship?" The black chief shook his head, "I hope they don't make any moths."

Thinking about it, he began to process various documents and reports, and within five minutes, the phone rang again.

"Hey, here..."

"Director, the hair data you asked me to check the last time came out. Do you know how amazing it is? It contains a huge vitality beyond your imagination!"

"This is a magical creation! It cannot be achieved by modern technology! It is simply the hair of the female magician himself, am I right? Chief?"

Nick Fury has taken care of his brain that is about to "overclock". Anyone who talks with a scientific world’s Tarzan Beidou, the other party has a magic, that kind of’s just like Teddy’s. So!

Although he did not deny it, he did not fully recognize "magic." During World War II, Hydra used energy weapons to hit people and disappear directly. In that era, it was the most "magic" thing.

Therefore, to overwhelm people to the ground and use gravity, it is entirely possible that this is technology!

After an appointment with the professor, Nick Fury was lying on the chair. There have been too many things recently, especially this kind of supernatural phenomenon...

Now there is another virus. A total of three survivors have already been taken away by the military. No one can say what the **** is on them.

"Tingling bell~"

This time, Nick Fury didn't even have a chance to say "Hey", so he was preempted by the opponent.

The tone was rapid, and he was obviously passing a message to him while his body was moving at a high speed.

"Director! The male survivor suddenly became hot and collapsed to the ground. Then he woke up and his physical fitness became extremely powerful!"

"We have tried our best to chase, but he has run out of the branch...Oh! My God!"

The agent stood dumbfounded on the street. The young man jumped onto the car for the first time, and then used his second force to jump directly to the height of a three-story building on the side of the street, as agile as a monkey, and disappeared from their sight after a few seconds.

"Hello? Hello! What's wrong?!"

The black chief's anxious voice came from the headset, and the corners of the agent's mouth were slightly astringent, "Chief, we are lost, and he reminds me of someone."


"Captain America."

"Hat?" Nick Fury wrinkled his eyebrows deeply, forming a "Chuan" in the middle.

"Report all his information and investigate it as quickly as possible."

"Okay, Director."


He was already upset, and he couldn't sit still at all, glanced at the documents on the desk, and then walked out of the office.

At present, the laboratory has not yet given whether the virus has the characteristics of reinfecting.

But that thing can make humans evolve!

Only one one-eyed eye was slightly squinted, and his dangerous aura surged!

Don't know the sequelae, don't know the danger, don't know the source of infection, don't know...They don't know anything!

Nick Fury took a helicopter to the experiment site and witnessed the "evolution" of the woman with his own eyes.

All the data was recorded. Holding the data list on the paper, the black chief felt a little chill.

One-eyed glanced forward again. In the glass room, the woman was sitting quietly beside the bed, except that she was almost recoverable than'Captain America', but she was able to explode in speed!

For now, there are no sequelae. The paper is held into a ball and closed my eyes... "This world is going to change."

As he said, the staff of SHIELD is not only loyal to one organization, but it has long been natural for other forces to place chess pieces.

They are generally sent to other countries or places where the birds do not shit.

But Nick Fury can't guarantee that the people in this laboratory don't have a "chess piece."

Just as the black chief thought, the unknown bigwigs didn't feel that absurdity in their hearts when they saw the report in their hands.

Perhaps it is the example of Captain America before, even if they are doubtful, it does not mean that they want to give up this big cake.

If used properly, this is something that can change the world!

Alexander Pierce was unable to speak for a long time after watching the "monster" in the agent's camera.

The "experiment" that he inquired about with his authority silenced him.

Hydra will also have its own super warrior!

With a fierce expression, a gleam flashed in the old eyes, and his secret plan began.

The various forces are connected to each other, which should have belonged to the most confidential document, but now it is "known to everyone."

"Mysterious masters" climbed stairs with bare hands and jumped without humans! This type of video has long been shot by netizens and posted on the Internet.

There are at least hundreds of videos.

The American masses exploded in an instant after a night of fermentation!

Nick Fury just hung up the secretary of state, and the presidential line called again.

They just asked about one thing, what is the need for the contagious virus found in Phil Manor to contact the "super soldier"?

Is it an experiment done by SHIELD itself? Or other organizations?

Does S.H.I.E.L.D. have the ability to continue the investigation? Both fbi and the military are very willing to take over this " After all, this matter is not only about American citizens, but also about international relations...

Nick Fury's head is almost big when he hears it, and if Pierce hadn't come to him to talk to him, he would be about to explode on the spot!

There is only one Nick Fury. You can't separate so many people and handle everything, right?

At present, only three survivors were found in Phil Manor, and a young girl was taken away by the military.

A woman is already under the surveillance of SHIELD.

The last male youth has fled, which also gives hope to all forces.

Phil Manor has been classified as a military restricted zone, and it is impossible to bring out a little air from it.

Let alone experiment with some useful things, they have already been divided by the military and SHIELD.

Everything in Phil Manor represents huge profits. This new type of "contagious virus" brings them not only "super soldiers," but also life span.

Which person in power has been in power for only a few decades? After a few years, he will be buried in the soil and die in this world.

Regardless of whether you leave a name or leave it for thousands of years, if you can live for a few more decades, what do you still need to do with that stuff?

Obviously it is an experimental report of SHIELD, but it is now on the table of the big bosses. When you see the last one...

In everyone's eyes, there is unstoppable enthusiasm.

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