Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 6 Chapter 99: Capture Fire Spirit (2/3)

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The shaking of the tower body was obviously much smaller, but the fighting kings were all blushing.

The fire poison that condensed at the bottom of the tower rushed into their bodies frantically, and it could be resisted with vindictive energy in normal times, but now it can only be pinned on the detoxification pills that they have taken before.


There was another slight shock, and Su Qianjin, who was in the center of the seal formation, frowned. Although the seal was stabilized by them, there was always some bad feeling deep in his heart.

Glancing diagonally at the lively twins from above, Su Qian immediately placed his gaze on the seal, and the second impact of the Molten Python came instantly!


A low-ranking Dou Wang spouted a mouthful of black blood, his face was pale, and he hurriedly took out the pill from Na Jie, trying to restore his vindictive energy.

"Sister, will the fire spirit keep attacking?"

"Who knows?" Kuang replied three times, narrowing his eyes, and the magma phantom was reflected in his burgundy pupils. She wanted to keep the fire spirit attacking, and it would be best to break through the seal! Otherwise, she has no good excuses to subdue Falling Heart Flame.

As time passed by, more and more elders were vindictive, so that Su Qian had to send them back to the ground.

The lowest level of the Burning Qi Refining Tower is fierce and fierce, even if it is Douwang, it is very easy to suffer a hidden wound when the fighting energy is not supported.

After more than half of the elder Dou Wang evacuated the Burning Qi Refining Tower, several veteran Dou Wang supported several rounds of attacks, and the molten giant finally stopped attacking the seal at the bottom of the tower.

The gray-haired old man wiped the sweat on his forehead with his cuffs, "This brute is getting more and more aggressive. If we can wipe out its mentality and re-train it, that's a good way to do it once and for all."

The elders nodded one after another, only Su Qian's expression was solemn, "How easy is it to erase this animal spirit? As long as the animal gets into the magma, the old man can't even see the shadow, let alone what he has to bear in the process of erasing the spirit. risk."

Su Qian looked around for a week, "Once Falling Heart Yan makes a mistake, this inner courtyard will be over!"

Hearing what Su Qian said, Kuang San smiled indifferently. This sentence seemed to explain to the elders, but in fact, didn't it warn her not to mess around?


There was another loud noise, and the tower shook slightly.

"Damn it! That beast is attacking another location!"

The white-haired old man hadn't finished the analysis, the sky-reaching pillar of fire gushed out of the magma, and slammed into the seal!


The expressions of several other elders changed drastically, guaranteeing that the seal where the Burning Heaven Refining Tower was located was actually punched by the animal? !



Zhang Xu's mouth appeared on the film seal, and the molten giant python's offensive became more and more fierce, and even Su Qian's expression changed.

Several elders stepped on the tricky asynchronous method, and the prints in their hands changed frequently. An aura comparable to a high-level fighting emperor was just exposed on the seal, and the double seal... was broken by the molten giant python!


A large amount of poisonous gas poured into the tower with the sky-filled fire mist, and the elders who had formed a formation were propped up by a huge force, and the fighting emperor's aura that had just condensed melted away in an instant!

The temperature rises rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, the air is distorted by the high temperature, and the black tower surface with a slight red mark is bright red by the high temperature baking!

The golden fire curtain firmly wrapped Kuang San and Xun'er, but those Dou Wang had to use their little remaining fighting spirit to support them.

Su Qian's face rose with a trace of anger, waved his hand to play an unknown fighting technique, and instantly shot the lava giant into the magma below!

The high-temperature slurry splashed Lao Gao, and Su Qian's old face was illuminated by golden light. He deliberately controlled his anger just now, and the brute was only slightly injured at best.

Being beaten into the magma, it will only take a while to recover.

as predicted! The molten giant python, slapped by Su Qianyi's slap, learned its skills, and only urged the column formed by the molten slurry and sent it upwards.

Even if Su Qian exploded it, he couldn't prevent some magma from splashing into the tower.

According to this kind of offensive, neither of them can do anything about it, but tomorrow those students will never want to use the Burning Heaven Refining Tower for cultivation.

While defending against the fire poison, while supporting the shield, Su Qian consumed vindictively rapidly in the confrontation with the molten giant python.

The fire spirit attacked every time Su Qian swallowed the pill, which made Su Qian feel bitter. He couldn't wait to grab the fire spirit from the lava and let the other party experience the rhythm of land joint fight!

The fighting kings were out of anger, and Su Qian told them to leave. Before leaving, the white-haired old man glanced at Kuang San Er quite strangely.

"Stay here obediently."

When Xun'er just wanted to talk, Kuang San directly displayed his flame wings and flew over.

Su Qian was taking medicine, Zhang Xu Kuan's Huo Zhu came to face him, and when Su Qian wanted to sweep it down, the Huo Zhu was gently held by a small hand.

Kuang Sanjiao smiled and said, "Great Elder, I am very happy to help you solve this trouble."

Su Qian shook his head. Just when he wanted to refuse, he saw Kuangsan shot the magma column into the magma below!

With a "bang", the two pillars of magma collided, and the lava python roared dissatisfied.

Before Su Qian could react, Kuangsan went down and came to the top of the magma instantly!

Dozens of huge magma fire pillars came towards Kuang San, golden flames burned in his pupils, Kuang San reached out his hand, and the Golden Emperor Burning Sky burst out!


Those huge pillars of magma all exploded, and they were integrated into a giant hand by the Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan. Under the urging of the fighting spirit in Kuang San's body, they went straight to the depth of the magma!

Under the power of Emperor Jin Tianyan, the magma retreated one after another, and the giant flame hand came to the panic fire spirit in the blink of an eye.

I grabbed the magma python in one fell swoop, trying to pull it up from the depths of the magma!

Huo Ling immediately gave up the tall and mighty giant python body, transformed into a colorless fire python, and wanted to escape from this terrifying place. However, under the drive of Kuang San, the giant flame palm turned into a ball again, firmly holding The body of Falling Heart Flame is wrapped inside!

Su Qian, who watched this series of actions, was A little girl with only Douwang level, easily grabbed Huo Ling, who had a headache for the entire academy!

Even if it was him, it would never be possible in the magma zone!

That golden flame... is it also a different fire? !

Although Su Qian knew about ancient races, he didn't know much about those races. He only knew that the dean of Canaan College, Man Tianchi, was also a member of the ancient races.

If it weren't for Mang Tianchi, he wouldn't necessarily know this secret.

But... this Gu Mo'er obviously possesses a different fire that is far stronger than Falling Heart Yan, why does he have the idea to fight Falling Heart Yan?

He has never heard of someone who can melt two different fires into himself! That's nothing but death-seeking behavior!

In the magma area below, Kuang San's face turned pale, and he took out the Qi Yang Dan from Na Jie and swallowed it. Falling Heart Flame's fire spirit is much stronger than her. The reason why she was able to successfully capture Falling Heart Flame was due to the natural suppression of Emperor Fen Tianyan.

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