Tokyo Literary Godfather

Chapter 495 Challenging Road Signs

"Sorry, producer, I have to revise the script and extend the production time." Naoki Yamazaki said firmly.

The producer's head swelled up like a balloon, "Changing the script...why so suddenly? Also, it is really difficult to extend the production time. The screening time has already been confirmed, and the theaters have coordinated. If If we extend the screening time, I'm afraid there won't be such a good schedule."

"No matter how many films are scheduled, if the quality of the film is not good, it will not be able to achieve a high box office, will it?" Naoki Yamazaki has always been very easy-going, but this time he can't help but say, "I know what the audience wants to see. If we follow the original If it was shot with the same idea, it would only score 80 points, but if the script is revised, I am confident that it can reach the level of 85 points or even 90 points.”

Naoki Yamazaki took a deep breath and said, "Actually, I felt a little regretful about this script from the very beginning, but I couldn't think of how to modify it, and now I finally thought of it. I'm sorry for wasting everyone's time, but I also want the movie to look better. The time does not need to be extended too long, half a month will be enough."

The producer sighed, "Okay, you've said that...I'll go and coordinate with the higher-ups."

"Also..." Naoki Yamazaki hesitated, "In terms of production costs...can you increase it a little?"

The producer slapped his forehead suddenly, "Not only the production cycle, but also the budget has increased? Well... If you have any other requirements, please say it all at once."

"It's gone, and it doesn't need too much. Just give me another fifteen million. If you can't apply, I will make up for it myself."

"That's not much? At this price, you can hire a first-line worker. But you don't need to make up for it. Don't worry, I'll go find it..." The producer left muttering, although he knew that Naoki Yamazaki was still rich. , Tens of millions can afford to make up, but once the budget is lacking, let the supervisor pay to make up for it, why do you need him as a producer? Don't worry, I'm only a professional film producer, if I don't squeeze out some money from those investors, I will lose!

After the producer left, Naoki Yamazaki took out the revised script and read it again.

The reason why I decided to change the script was actually related to the movie "Jieyou Grocery Store" I watched two days ago. I have to say that this is a good book that can go deep into people's hearts. This book does not have a protagonist throughout, but is connected by stories of different people.

One of the stories moved him very much. A man who wanted to be a singer, but because he couldn't create a hit music, he was depressed in middle age.

He later worked as a volunteer at an orphanage for a period of time, but accidentally came into contact with the Jieyou Grocery Store and communicated with letters from the future.

From the letter from the future, he learned an exciting thing, that is, a song he wrote became a big hit song in the future, almost everyone sang it, which made him very encouraged. , decided to keep going down this road.

However, an accident happened and a fire broke out in the orphanage. He died in the fire in order to save a girl in the orphanage who was very talented in music.

No matter how beautiful the ideals and ambitions were, they were all destroyed in this fire.

And that song did become popular later on, because the little girl who was saved by him became a singer and sang this benefactor's song famously.

A sad and touching story.

This story also inspired Yamazaki Naoki. He has always felt that his movie script seemed to have some irregularities and wanted to revise it, but he was unable to write it.

Until I read this chapter, an electric spark suddenly flashed in Yamazaki Naoki's mind. Why not borrow this plot? A person's ideal cannot be realized in his lifetime, but all his efforts have blossomed in his juniors. To a certain extent, his ideal can be considered realized.

Thinking of this, Yamazaki Naoki suddenly had an inspiration, so he picked up the script and revised it, and it was completed in less than two hours. These two hours seemed to rival the previous days of effort.

I originally thought that after becoming a professional writer, I would no longer rely on inspiration. Now it seems that after becoming a professional writer, inspiration is also very important...

And Fujiwara Kei accidentally became his source of inspiration once again...

Therefore, Naoki Yamazaki, who revised the script, asked for an extension, and at the same time he had another hidden thought in his heart.

Maybe there will be a chance to compete with Fujiwara Kei’s works on the same stage?

Although investors are now a little afraid of "original" and although the producer speaks loudly, he is also very scared if it really has to be screened at the same time as the work produced by Shuibo.

Naturally, Yamazaki Naoki also knew in his heart that if he wanted to maximize his profits, avoiding Fujiwara Kei's works would be the wisest choice. But there is still a vague impulse in my heart, hoping to compete with this signpost on my career path...

This entertainment industry really can’t hide the news...

Fujiwara Kei looked at the newspaper in his hand and thought.

The entertainment section of a newspaper that sells 100,000 copies a day - a relatively influential publication - published the news that Kei Fujiwara had recently expelled Mia Sato from the crew.

This incident already happened half a month ago. Because Kei Fujiwara did not promote it with great fanfare, and the artist did not make any publicity in order to eliminate the impact, not many people except those in the industry knew about it. Originally, the producers and artists were covering up the news, but unexpectedly it was revealed by a newspaper that they had no contact with.

Fujiwara Kei was very sure that this matter would not be revealed by the artist side, which would be harmful to them. The actor was expelled from the crew by the producer in the middle of filming, which had a very bad impact on the artist.

Could it be the news leaked from my side?

Fujiwara Kei touched his chin and thought.

……Hard to say. Anyway, at least he and Yoshida Kashi never instructed to disclose to the media. It's probably caused by someone who didn't know what to say about this matter in front of the media... If he knows who it is, tear that person's mouth.

But there is no impenetrable wall in the world, and this kind of thing is inevitable.

But at the same time, it also made Kei Fujiwara realize that it was too eye-catching for Mizumi Productions to announce the simultaneous start of five works in 1998. The longer the time drags on, the more various accidents will occur, and the greater the probability of public opinion causing trouble.

But it is impossible to blindly shorten the construction period. He is the director, and of course he knows that a good movie is fed by budget and time. If you blindly reduce any investment, you will suffer from malnutrition.

The company's internal public relations department is not yet fully established and weak, and it may not be able to deal with too many sudden public opinion incidents.

It seems that I have to cooperate with a professional PR company... and it will cost money...

Kei Fujiwara pinched Yamane. He left a large amount of money specifically to bet against the Thai currency and the Korean won. If the financial tsunami comes, Kei Fujiwara will now have an extra zero in his account. However, it seems that there is still no movement.

But Kei Fujiwara does not doubt that this financial tsunami will be replicated at the pixel level in the world. After all, the financial crisis is not an accidental event, but an inevitable event for foreign trade exporting countries. But when it will happen and when the powder keg will detonate, Kei Fujiwara is still uncertain.

Just as he was thinking, the phone on the desk rang.

Kei Fujiwara picked up the phone, and after a few words, the expression on his face changed one after another, from surprise to joy.

"Who are you talking about?"

"Shibasaki, are you talking about Shibasaki Hideaki?"

"Is he willing to come to Shuibo?"

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