Tokyo Literary Godfather

Chapter 504: Approaching Summer Vacation

Another half month later, "Meteor Garden" officially entered the filming stage. With the support and guidance from Shuibo, the progress has been fairly smooth.

Juri Okada, a secret agent who lurked in the past, also successfully secured the management contracts of three major artists before filming started. are the three digits in F4.

Okada Juri originally wanted to win all F4 and heroines in one go, but many of them already have agencies and long-term contracts.

Okada Juri tried to communicate with the brokerage company and bought the brokerage contracts of these two artists.

However, the heroine's manager is under a local artist management company. The heroine seems to have a financial sponsor in Taiwan. The sponsor is unwilling to let go of the heroine, so naturally he refuses to hire a manager from Shuibo Production.

It is impossible for Juri Okada to change the heroine chosen by Chai Chiling at will just because she can't get a management contract, not to mention that the heroine's sponsor is willing to provide advertising sponsorship.

At first, Okada Juri thought about trying again, but later she completely changed her mind when she saw the actress backstage.

At that time, the female artist was wearing a cool suspender belt, and a circular tattoo on her back was extremely conspicuous.

Japanese cultural customs are relatively conservative, and tattoos are extremely unpopular in Japan. In China, it is a policy and regulation that tattoos cannot be photographed, but in Japan there is a spontaneous boycott of people with tattoos. Of course, this is due to the inertial thinking of "tattoos are the exclusive symbol of gangsters", but no matter how you say it, with such an obvious thing printed on the back, it is almost declared out of the Japanese market.

At present, Shuibo does not have that much ability and only operates artists overseas.

Moreover, the well-informed Okada Juli also realized that this tattoo seems to have a special religious meaning, not like a random tattoo. But it doesn’t look like a well-known sect, let alone what the doctrine is.

So Okada Juri felt that this person was more uncontrollable than Sato Mime, and it was better to keep him at a respectful distance.

Okada Juri reflected this situation to Kei Fujiwara on the phone. She was a little apprehensive at first, for fear that Kei Fujiwara would think that this was an excuse for her not being able to get the heroine's agency appointment. However, Kei Fujiwara's attitude is still friendly, and instead encouraged Okada Juri, saying that she can prevent problems before they happen. Shui Bo's current brokerage business and public relations department are not strong, so the fewer artists with such problems, the better.

"In about one and a half months, "Meteor Garden" will be officially broadcast." Okada Juri said, "The president will definitely not be disappointed by then."

"Calm down." Fujiwara Kei said, "But I believe in you, this is your first overseas business, I wish you success."

After hanging up the phone, Kei Fujiwara went into the editing room again and started haggling with the editor.

As soon as he entered, he found that Kashi Yoshida came in at some point, watching the editor's work with his big back pouted, and asking about the progress from time to time. Kei Fujiwara listened closely and found that the questions were all: "This movie When will it be completed?", "Where is the filming of the early material now?", "How long will it take for the post-production team to release the film after the film is shut down?"

Now he is really concerned about when the movie will be released, so that he has a chance to get back the funds.

[Calm down] This kind of words can only comfort Okada Juli, but it has no effect on Yoshida Kashi, who has a higher position and greater work pressure.

Five films were filmed at the same time, and people eat horses, and the consumption is huge. And now the major crews, except for "My Sassy Girl", are asking for additional budgets one after another-all blame Kei Fujiwara for not setting an example! Yoshida Heshi gritted his teeth and said.

Especially two days ago was the company's payday, and the bonuses of the main creators of the previous TV series were also sent to everyone's accounts one after another. The employees naturally smiled when they saw the extra numbers in the account, but Yoshida Kashi couldn't help but feel even more excited. concern.

So he is now very eager to see these five movies released, and he can earn a little bit.

He is not very worried that these five films will lose money. In terms of content creation, no one trusts him more than him, who has worked with Kei Fujiwara for nearly five years.

The shooting of the five films was indeed fast. As the time came to June and the temperature rose, "My Sassy Girl" came first and completed the shutdown ceremony first.

But the light shutdown is not enough, and a lot of post-editing has not been completed. There are quite a lot of post-editing parts of "My Sassy Girl", because according to the setting of the plot, the heroine is a person who dreams of becoming a screenwriter, so there are a lot of plots within the drama in the movie. So the post-production is also a big job, and even for some martial arts dramas, Shuibo lacks experience, so he has to ask other film and television companies to assist in filming. It will cost another sum of money.

But seeing that "My Sassy Girlfriend" was the first to finish filming and it would be released soon, Yoshida Kashi endured the toothache and approved the payment for him.

And just when Yoshida Kashi was thinking about whether to set the file in advance, "The Black Dress Killer" was completed and officially set the file. July 5th is when this movie will be released.

On the outer wall of a theater, there was a poster of "Black Dress Killer". Naoki Yamazaki stood in front of the poster and stared at it for a long time. His name is printed on the poster: [Supervisor: Naoki Yamazaki].

Perhaps most audiences don't particularly care who the supervisor is, and people value the male and female leading actors more, but people in the industry will pay special attention, and Naoki Yamazaki also cares.

Holding an umbrella, he looked at the poster, and suddenly unspeakable emotions surged up, making his eyes a little sour.

It's impossible for him not to be touched. Ever since he established his dream of becoming a film director in college, he has only realized it until today... half of it has been realized. If the movie did poorly at the box office, his status as a director was aborted.

Becoming a best-selling author was just an accident, and the identity of a film author is what he pursued.

Yamazaki Naoki applauded himself silently in his heart. At the same time, he looked at the other posters on the poster wall - they were all movies that would be screened in the near future, and sighed.

He was lucky and found a good screening time. The summer vacation is coming, but the movies in the same period are not very competitive. During this period, Hollywood movies did not have strong works imported into the country, so this is a good opportunity to win the box office.

More importantly, the five films produced by Shuibo have not yet been finalized, and it is impossible to compete with them on the same stage.

Naoki Yamazaki couldn't help sighing in his heart, although he knew that avoiding Kei Fujiwara was the right way to maximize his own interests. But still feel sorry.

He walked into the cinema, which he often came to in Shinjuku District. When he was still in poverty, he lived near a street in Kabukicho where the rent was cheap (due to poor public security), and he often came to this theater to watch. Movie. Not only watch some popular movies, but also watch some niche art films that cannot be screened in other theaters.

The owner of this theater knew him well. When he saw that he was struggling, he often let him watch movies for free. After Yamazaki Naoki became famous, he also visited the owner many times.

There are fewer and fewer people coming to the theater to watch movies. After buying the tickets, he sat in the waiting area and looked at the sparse audience nearby, Yamazaki Naoki thought to himself. And a "transfer" posted on the wall made him even more inexplicable.

It seems that the golden age of Japanese movies has really passed... and has inevitably entered a low ebb.

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