Tokyo Literary Godfather

Chapter 513 The tiger comes out of the cage

The sales situation of "Jieyou Grocery Store" is almost the same as the previous forecast of the publisher. It directly reached the top on the first day of listing and received rave reviews.

After all, the serialization period of half a year has passed, enough warm-up has been done, word-of-mouth has come out, and there is a sufficient reader base.

The conversion rate of Kei Fujiwara's works has always been good. During the serialization period of his works, more than 70% of the readers who bought the magazine without landing, often bought physical books.

This is a very high conversion number in the industry. After all, these readers who have finished the series buy books because they are no longer interested in the content, but want to collect the booklet.

There are also some readers who are brand new readers who have never followed the magazine serials at all, and these readers also occupy the bulk of buyers. Some came here because of Kei Fujiwara's name, some were interested in buying it after seeing this book consistently ranked at the top of the list, and many were recommended by friends and people around them.

Some media people are also very concerned about the sales volume of this book. Kei Fujiwara's books have always paid equal attention to word-of-mouth and sales. It's not news to sell well, even if it sells one million in a month, it's not strange, but if it doesn't sell well, if it's not as good as Naoki Yamazaki, it's news...

These media people are keen to create gimmicks, compare Naoki Yamazaki and Kei Fujiwara, and hype the topic of "Xin Wang Dang Li", which is what they did. It's not that I have any opinion on Kei Fujiwara, but I just think that if it is topical, readers will love to read it, thereby increasing the sales of newspapers and magazines.

The physical book sales of Kei Fujiwara's previous work "The White Tower" were not as good as those of Naoki Yamazaki's novel that won the Ranpo Prize, so it was widely publicized by them. It was really not bought by Naoki Yamazaki's publishing house.

But this time, Kei Fujiwara's new work was published, and some media people actually expected that this book would not be as good as Naoki Yamazaki's previous work, so that they would have more articles to write.

The Japanese naturally worship the strong, but under the adoration, there is still a hidden desire to hope that the strong will collapse.

However, on the fourth day after "Jieyou Grocery Store" was put on the shelves, the expectations of these media people were crushed to pieces.

The sales are unbelievably good, almost surpassing any of Kei Fujiwara's past books!

It is not uncommon for a famous writer like Kei Fujiwara to sell well in the first few days after the book was released. However, the reputation of a famous artist only works in the initial stage of sale. It will return to rationality after a few months. It is difficult for a bad book to sell more than 200,000 yuan.

However, Kei Fujiwara's new works not only have better sales than before, but also have slightly better reviews than previous novels. They are even regarded as the best novels written by Kei Fujiwara by some of Kei Fujiwara's loyal readers.

Judging from this sign and trend, the sales volume of this book will most likely not be bad. It's not impossible to sell over two million in a year. Anyone who knows anything about the publishing industry knows that the sales of Kei Fujiwara's book may set a new book sales record in recent years. Let alone Yamazaki Naoki, even another best-selling author can’t beat him. After all, there is a difference between a best-selling book and a best-selling book.

Some media people who had planned to cause trouble could only sigh after realizing this.

The plan doesn't work!

At the same time, I also realized that the throne under Kei Fujiwara’s butt seems to be strong for a long time, at least in the field of novels and TV series.

It's hard to say how the movie will be. If Fujiwara Kei's new movie is not as good as Yamazaki Naoki, then there will be something to write about.

The focus of the Japanese media is almost all on Kei Fujiwara's new novel. However, just 2,000 kilometers away from Tokyo, few people know about the release of another new drama by Kei Fujiwara.

No one pays much attention to it, even some people in the industry. In their view, it was just a mediocre overseas cooperation produced by Shuibo. No one thinks highly of it, but no one thinks it is bad either. It is a drama that is not taken seriously in Japan at all.

Indeed, as far as the cultural industry is concerned, Japan is unique in East Asia. At this time, Korean dramas and K-POP have not yet risen, Hong Kong movies have declined, and China’s film market has not been developed. Japanese film and television practitioners only know how to Although he shows humility towards Hollywood, he is a bit arrogant towards his colleagues in East Asia. I don’t even bother to study their works.

Many people feel that even if they get Kei Fujiwara's script, it won't help. With their production level that is many years behind the times and their crude production conditions, no matter how good the script is, it cannot exert its energy. Even if Kei Fujiwara gave them the script of "Naoki Hansawa", they wouldn't be able to film it.

Some people also think that Fujiwara Kei was a little careless this time. How could he personally submit his work to be photographed in Taiwan?

It is really disgraceful to have one more inferior work under your name, and it will damage your reputation as a victorious general.

If he were Kei Fujiwara, he would never do this. Many people think so.

Given this disdainful thought, it's no surprise that most people aren't paying attention to the new show.

In fact, not only the Japanese broadcasting industry doesn't care about it, but even Taiwan's Central Television is not optimistic about it.

Even within CTV, many people are already considering what to do with Chai Chiling after the failure of this drama. Chai Chiling is working on the production of this drama under extraordinary pressure.

After the show ended, Chai Zhiling suffered from insomnia, exactly like Okada Juri. But Okada slept soundly. When he woke up early the next morning, his head was still groggy, and the phone rang.

After picking up the receiver, what she heard was Chai Zhiling's cheerful voice: "Ms. Okada, the ratings of the first episode are very good, reaching 3.34%, "Meteor Garden" has been saved!"

"So low? Wouldn't it be doomed?" Juri Okada was startled.

Chai Zhiling was also shocked: "How could it be? It won't be finished, Miss Okada. This score is completely above the passing line, and it is close to one percentage point above the half-cut line. It is very safe. Even if it is compared with some relatively Compared with famous TV series, it is no less impressive."

Chai Zhiling paused and decided to flatter her, "Of course, compared with Ms. Okada's previous works, it is indeed..."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I just woke up and my mind is not very clear yet." Juri Okada held his forehead and said: "I thought it was still in Japan... 3.34... It's really good to be in Taiwan. Congratulations. , Miss Chai."

Due to different broadcasting rules in Taiwan and Japan, the ratings performance is also completely different. The highest ratings in Japan reached 40 percentage points, and the highest average ratings were in the 20s and 30s, while Taiwan's current record holder for the highest average ratings is only 5.3%. From this point of view, this result is indeed good and worthy of praise.

"Moreover, the audience response to this drama is very good, so I judge that the ratings of this drama will not fall but rise. The ratings of the next episode may be even higher, reaching 3.5%, and the highest ratings will reach 4%. maybe……"

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