Tokyo Literary Godfather

Chapter 532 Joint Report

"How could this be..." Aso Kozo was sweating from his forehead.

I looked at the "Sankei Daily", which detailed the box-office stealing behavior of many theaters under the Songni Theater. The specific time, location, and number of box-office thefts were clearly recorded, and there were also real shots. Pictures and counterfeit bills are used as evidence, which is almost certain and cannot be denied.

Not only that, the report also bluntly stated that this box office theft was on a large scale. It was not just done by one theater, but was an organized act by multiple theaters. It can be seen that this was a theft led by the leadership of Matsunichi Pictures. Behavior.

And according to estimates, as of the date of writing, the amount of box office theft has reached 1.2 billion yen, which is an extremely large amount. It's not an exaggeration to say it's a criminal act!

Kozo Aso's eyes widened and he read the article from beginning to end, trying to find some loopholes between the lines so that he could order the public relations staff to counterattack with public opinion.

However, looking at it, Aso Kozo's armpits and chest became wet.

The article is well written... well written, not beautifully worded, and journalism is not prose.

But it has strict logic, detailed evidence, and almost kills all their excuses. Looking at the author's name again, I feel dizzy again. He is the ace investigative reporter of "Sankei Daily" and once reported a sensational story in Japan. The pachinko corruption case also indirectly contributed to the resignation of the former prime minister.

For such a man, he has rich experience in fighting through words and is extremely skilled in public opinion warfare. It is difficult to find any mistakes or logical loopholes in him...

"The newspaper sent these guys... it's really disgusting! It's obviously aimed at us! Could it be that they want to provoke a struggle?!"

Aso Kozo roared furiously, his voice echoed throughout the office, gradually weakening, there was no response in the air, and his secretary just stood with his head lowered, saying nothing.

The three companies, Sankei Shimbun, Fukuyamadai, and Matsunichi Pictures, are tied together by chains of interests, but in fact they are not as close as one family, and there are many times when they show their fangs and tear each other apart.

Especially Sankei Shimbun and Matsuni Pictures. They do not hold shares in each other. It is just that they jointly established Fukuyama Television, so their interests are tied together.

Occasionally they will fight against each other, but more often, the newspaper faction and the film school will fight fiercely in order to compete for the power share of the TV station. Since Yoshida Kashi left Fukuyamadai and the newspaper faction elected their people to the top, the two factions began to fight openly and secretly. Especially after the new director came to power and the revenue in the station showed a downward trend, the desire of the newspaper faction to change the director again was particularly strong.

Now this happens to be an opportunity to stab the Yinghua faction well, and the newspaper faction certainly doesn't want to miss it.

It is also because of this that Kei Fujiwara called the Sankei Daily when planning the encirclement and suppression of Matsunichi Films. It is interesting to say that as Kei Fujiwara and Matsunichi Films and Fukuyama Television became increasingly hostile, his relationship with Sankei Shimbun was getting better and better. In addition to the fact that his current vice president is Yoshida Kashi, it is also because of the eternal basic truth of "the enemy of an enemy is a friend".

But the fight between your newspaper school and the film school is all about the business of the TV station. You go to the group of people in charge of the TV station and make trouble with them. I'm the one in charge of the cinema, so what's the point of you taking me under the knife!

Aso Kozo howled in his heart, although he knew in his heart that as long as he fought, the target would not be so precise.

After the panic, Aso Kozo suddenly remembered that there was still a magazine he hadn't read.

So he opened the "Japanese Filmmaker" weekly magazine at hand. The contents of this journal are all related to movies. It is a highly professional entertainment magazine and the highest-selling movie magazine. The readers of this magazine are generally those who are interested in movies, and some senior movie fans and professionals must buy it every week.

In terms of the Internet, the field is very vertical and concentrated.

So from a certain point of view, it is even more deadly to publish an article in this magazine that exposes Matsuri Films stealing the box office.

The main picture on the cover of the magazine is a still from "My Sassy Girl". There are several lines of titles printed in the lower left corner. The most prominent title is: [The theater chain Songzhu Theater stole the box office of multiple movies? Is he a repeat offender or an occasional offender? 】

The articles in this magazine are different from the articles in the "Sankei Daily". The "Sankei Daily" presents evidence and tells the facts with strict logic; while the article in the "Filmmaker Magazine" is more about inciting emotions. , accusing Matsuri Pictures of this shameful act of polluting the market.

Careful people will find that there is almost no overlap in the text of the two articles, but there are many similarities in the evidence cited, and they were published at the same time, which shows that they were agreed upon.

Kozo Aso was so angry that he tore up the magazine, but it was useless to vent his emotions. He had to solve the problem, so he calmed down and started calling his acquaintances in the Sankei newspaper industry.

"Tsuruda-kun, you must also know why I'm calling you. What's going on? Why did the newspaper group and the film group punch each other and hit me? I have nothing to do with the people from the TV station. You... Really, thanks to the fact that we are still classmates, you didn't tell me in advance?"

"How should I put it? I'm not responsible for that section." The other party replied, "And the editor-in-chief personally took care of it this time. I saw that article before you did."

Kozo Aso smiled bitterly and said: "It's still a front-page headline. When did the film industry have such a front? Can it be discussed on the same level as the Prime Minister's collapse and the earthquake? What is going on?"

"What else can happen? They are starting to take revenge. You are really too courageous. At least you have diverted more than a billion in box office. How much can you share? The performance belongs to the company. Your future and freedom are your own."

"I can't help it... Forget it, let's not talk about it. Why are you still joining forces with the guys from "Japanese Filmmakers"? In my impression, Matsuri has never offended those guys!"

"Filmmaker Magazine always prides itself on working hard for the healthy development of the film industry, so it is not surprising to do this kind of thing... In addition, there is one more thing I can tell you. There will be more media coverage of Matsuri in the future The news of box office theft is not limited to our two companies. I heard that NHK will also be affected. Please order the public opinion response department in advance to prepare."

Aso Kozo's head buzzed again, and he said in a hoarse voice: "What on earth is going on? There is no need at all..."

"Whether it's necessary or not is not up to you and me. One billion yen is not a small amount, isn't it?" The other party replied, "Let me tell you more clearly... You have offended the wrong person. There is indeed someone behind this matter. Promotion, who in the Japanese film industry can promote so many media platforms at the same time, and there has been a feud with Matsuri itself before? Who is the biggest loser of your box office stealing this time? I guess I don’t need to say more... …The editor-in-chief is here, I’ll hang up first.”

Hearing the "beep" sound from the receiver, Aso shook his hands, and the phone receiver fell to the table.

"Kei Fujiwara...Damn it, that bitch Mime Sato...killed me..."

Aso Kozo murmured.

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