Tokyo Literary Godfather

Chapter 559 Personality Cult

Not only do many production companies and distribution platforms in Japan hope to obtain the rights to adapt "Meteor Garden", but so do other countries.

As the "Meteor Garden" TV series was broadcast in more and more countries, and all achieved very good ratings, phone calls in various languages ​​came to Fujiwara Kei's office.

The popularity whirlwind set off by "Meteor Garden" spread from Taipei to the entire Asia. Countries have also begun to follow suit and film trend dramas.

In Taiwan, the term idol drama has officially become an official term in the broadcast industry. Before that, there was no "idol drama" option in Taiwan's TV drama categories. Since then, idol drama has also become an official term in the local broadcasting industry. drama.

After other TV companies in Taiwan learned that the actual creator of this drama was Shuibo, they also sent people to discuss cooperation matters. When China Television learned about it, they were very anxious and quickly sent Chai Chiling and a group of CTV employees to Shuibo Productions to visit and study. .

In addition to Taiwan, a Korean television station also sent employees to Japan to study and learn the Japanese television station's filming model and employee training system.

Originally, I only planned to visit large television production bureaus such as Fukuyama TV and TTV. I did not plan to visit independent production companies. However, now that the reputation of Shuibo Production is so strong, the Korean producer team came here specifically to visit and learn.

Shuibo Production also sent people to receive them and showed their grace.

"Shuibo Production produced three TV series last year, all of which achieved very good results." A producer assistant led everyone to visit the filming center rented by the company and Shuibo Production. "The three dramas were "Blue" "Love, Life and Death", "White Tower" and "Axin", I wonder if Mr. Nan has heard of them?"

Nam Hyun-shin is a producer at Seoul Culture Broadcasting Company in South Korea. He came to Japan with a learning attitude. The recent financial turmoil stabbed South Korea hard on the back, and South Korea's industrial form has also changed as a result.

Shift from foreign trade exports to technology and cultural industries, which are cleaner and more energy-saving industries. And it seems that the government also intends to support the local cultural industry. The current president has even shouted the slogan of "building a country through culture" on many occasions. These simple four words may be a great support for the government's future policies and funds.

Even the top executives of the club said: "Although I really don't want to admit it, I have to say that to a certain extent, the cultural industry is inherently [difficult to make money for the country]. The tighter the national fiscal revenue, the more prosperous the cultural industry may be. , neighboring Japan has proven this. The entertainment industry is an anesthetic that numbs people's names, isn't it? Anesthetic is also very important. It can make society more stable and prevent people from acting irrationally because of pain.

President Kim proposed "Cultural Nation", which further illustrates the country's determination to invest in the cultural industry. The spring for us Korean TV people may be coming, and we must not miss the opportunity of the times. We must learn from the most advanced TV production countries in Asia. "

So this group of people came to Japan.

"Of course." Nan Xianzheng said in a humble tone, ""Blue Life and Death" is very popular in South Korea, and its ratings are extremely high, surpassing many local TV series. It is very enviable to our domestic TV production platforms, and we The company is now targeting Shuibo and striving to produce TV dramas that are equally popular. Japan's production capabilities and screenwriting skills are worth learning from us Korean TV people."

The "tour guide" said very proudly: "That's natural, but it's not Japan that's great, it's our President Fujiwara. More than half of the popular works in China in recent years were created by our president himself."

Although Kei Fujiwara did not deliberately create an atmosphere of personality worship in the company, he never posted his portraits and personal quotes everywhere in the company, so as not to restrict the creativity of others and the atmosphere of free speech in the company.

After all, it is an entertainment company, and the individuality of employees needs to be protected. Many entertainment companies do not even have uniforms, because they cannot create a corporate culture atmosphere in which the top executive is the only one who believes in everything.

However, most of the employees' admiration for Kei Fujiwara is spontaneous and not deliberately guided. After all, his personal achievements are there, and Fujiwara Kei has jumped from a poor student to a figure like a godfather of literature and art. This kind of life experience is very enviable and followed.

Many employees even came to Mizunami because of their admiration for Kei Fujiwara himself. For example, this spring's job fair was particularly popular at Tokyo Bunge University. More than 30% of the newly recruited employees are from Kei Fujiwara’s alma mater.

After browsing, everyone came to a classroom-like place with more than a dozen chairs. A teacher stood on the podium and said something, and a group of people sat and listened.

"This is our screenwriting training class. Those who can enter this training class are those who have passed the exam or participated in our Shuibao Screenwriting Grand Prix and have written works with certain potential. Although they have not won the award, they cannot become independent Screenwriter. But as long as you show a certain ability, you can get the opportunity to be our intern screenwriter. You must first participate in our training class for unified learning."

the tour guide said.

Nan Xianzheng took a look and found that most of the students sitting in the training class were women. This was completely different from his understanding, because in the broadcast industry, most behind-the-scenes positions were held by men. This was natural. There are some opinions that men have better working ability, but it is also because shooting is a tiring job, no matter what the position is. Men are physically stronger and bear the pressure of supporting the family, making them easier to exploit.

"Is the screenwriting training class still divided into classes according to gender?" Nan Xian was muttering casually.

After hearing this, the "tour guide" took a look inside and replied casually: "Oh, that's not the case, because our screenwriting training class was opened not long ago, and now we only offer screenwriting training classes for trending dramas, and President Fujiwara's instructions Yes, it seems that women are more likely to write scripts for trending dramas, so more of them will be selected, and most of our scripts for trending dramas in the future will be written by female screenwriters.”

When Nan Xianzheng heard this, he suddenly thought deeply. According to his observation and daily experience, this statement was indeed reasonable. Women are the largest audience for TV programs, and compared to other drama types, female viewers have an absolute soft spot for idol dramas and romance dramas.

"President Fujiwara said that people will have a higher success rate if they do things that are in line with their own interests. Since women prefer to watch romantic dramas, they will also have advantages in creating... As for professional dramas, our screenwriting team is composed of men. Mostly."

"Taiwan also sent people to visit our company not long ago. The suggestion given by President Fujiwara at the time was to cultivate a group of screenwriters who are good at idol dramas. The main production direction of the TV station is also biased towards idol dramas. Compared with professional dramas, idols The writing difficulty of the drama is lower, the audience is wider, and there are creative rules to follow...the investment is lower, the income is higher, and the audience will not get tired of watching it in ten years. According to the words of our president, this is called a small knife sawing a big result. Tree……"

"Haha, this is an interesting description, isn't it? Our president said that whether you are filming a TV series or a movie, there are a few themes that can be used to cut a tree with a small knife. They are love, horror and comedy. These are our internal meetings. The secret of martial arts, I tell you this because you are humble, Mr. Nan, I don’t tell other people."

Nan Xianzheng smiled and expressed his gratitude to the other party, while also thinking seriously in his heart.

Taking idol dramas as the mainstream direction and using the theme of love as the main shooting sounds like this path is indeed feasible. How about we also learn from Shui Bo's approach and cultivate a group of screenwriters with female screenwriters as the main team?

It’s interesting to say that this is obviously a method Fujiwara Kei learned from Korea in a parallel world, but in this world, he became the inventor. From then on, it influenced the Korean entertainment industry for decades.

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