Tokyo Literary Godfather

Chapter 576 No winner or loser

The dark day has arrived.

Listening to the bell ringing, Kei Fujiwara suddenly remembered that movies with midnight screenings should be released in some theaters at this time.

Although during the New Year, most people will choose to watch the Red and White Song Concert at home and reunite with their families, there are also many people who will get together with their peers, go to the movies and even play pianball. Especially in modern metropolises like Tokyo and Osaka, this situation happens more often.

In fact, this situation of movie theaters starting to show movies at midnight on the first day of the new year has existed for many years. Especially last year, some cinemas showed movies at zero o'clock. They originally planned to open only two theaters, but the audience turned out to be unexpectedly large, and one night earned as much as the previous days' box office.

So this year, more and more theater operators have chosen to stay in the theaters, responsible for entertaining movie fans who come to watch movies. In another year, money is more important than anything else. That is the talisman used by the gods to protect their families.

In January this year, there are also a lot of highly anticipated movies, all of which were released together. Some movies originally wanted to be released in January, but were afraid of the terrifying competitive environment during this time period, so they withdrew early.

However, despite the fierce competition, the market is hungry. At midnight, many young audiences flocked out of the theater to watch the first movie of the new year.

Some theater operators who originally had no intention of making this money and planned to spend the New Year with peace of mind could no longer sit still after learning about the lively scenes in their theaters over the phone and drove away from home overnight to go to the theater.

The first battle between "City of the Deep" and other movies has officially begun.

Arima Keika became obsessed with the killing game and taught the game to other members of the White Crane House. So the group played the face-to-face killing game for two hours, and then played flower tiles and mahjong. Cool, Fujiwara Kei didn't sleep for a few hours yesterday, and stayed up all night. In the morning, he finally felt a little drowsy, so he plunged into Arima Keika's room and fell asleep.

It was four o'clock in the afternoon when I woke up. The sunshine outside the window looked bright and bright, and Arima Guixiang fell asleep peacefully in her arms.

Kei Fujiwara got up from the bed, washed, changed clothes, took a piece of cake from the refrigerator and ate it casually to replenish his sugar. When I walked to the telephone base, I found that there were several missed calls.

So click the button to listen to the message.

Arimama Sai: "Teacher Fujiwara, happy New Year, it's like this. I asked others and they said that minors are not allowed to participate in gambling. So can you ask my sister to pay back the New Year's money she won from me last night? Give me?"

Inoue Morimata: "Teacher Fujiwara, Happy New Year. Thank you for your New Year gift (a set of Chinese painting paints). I like it very much. It is a color feeling that I have never experienced before. I also prepared a return gift, which was painted with your paints. A painting can be dried tomorrow. I am afraid that it will be damaged if it is delivered by home delivery, so I plan to deliver it to you in person. Is it convenient to deliver it to your company, or to your home? By the way, I plan to... next year... ...Oh no, I will officially go to the United States around June this year. Now I will go to high school there for one year to get used to it. My agent has already helped me contact private high schools in the United States in advance. I don’t know if I can see you often at that time. Yes. Happy New Year to you again and wish you good health."

He listened to several phone messages in a row. At this time, he didn't hear the phone message from Shuibo Productions to calculate the box office results. He looked up at the clock hanging on the wall and shook his head with a smile. He laughed at himself for being a little impatient. Now that the day is coming, there is no need to be so anxious to know the results and statistics.

In fact, Keiichi Otomo is now more impatient than Kei Fujiwara.

Strangely enough, before the movie was released, Otomo Keiichi had great confidence and ambition in his work. He even felt that bombing publicity was unnecessary. Good works will naturally win the favor of the market.

But as the release date got closer, his confidence began to waver, and he began to feel worried and scared.

Thinking about it now, Otomo Keiichi suddenly felt a little regretful. Maybe January is really not a particularly good time for the release. Maybe we should have been more active in cooperating with the publisher to promote it? And Kei Fujiwara originally planned to find a lyricist to write the lyrics for the movie's theme song of the same name, and then find a national singer to sing the song to promote it, but he rejected it. And he regrets it now.

Otomo Keiichi had so much confidence before, but now he feels so weak.

It seems that all the courage and confidence were overdrawn in the days before the release.

In fact, this is normal. Unless they are people with particularly strong psychological qualities, most people will be more or less timid in battle. In particular, Otomo Keiichi's works are now attracting great attention from the industry to see whether he can continue the company's strong performance.

All day long, Otomo Keiichi hid at home and didn't want to answer the phone. He listened to music and read a book restlessly, waiting for the first day's box office results.

At night, as midnight was approaching, Otomo Keiichi stayed awake and stared at the phone nervously.

At 05:00, the phone did not ring, but the fax machine suddenly beeped, and then spit out a hot new piece of paper, which recorded the box office performance of each movie in the twenty-four hours before the new year.

"City of the Deep" ranks second, not much different from first place, and not much different from third place.

From first to fourth, the box office was very close, and it was a dead heat. It can be seen that the initial appeal of these four movies to the audience is quite similar.

Who is better depends on subsequent performance.

However, this also made Otomo Keiichi breathe a sigh of relief. Although he did not leave all the works of the same period behind him as he expected, but looking at the current situation, it is also very good. Otomo Keiichi's confidence has recovered somewhat.

Daniel Ellison was sitting in a cafe on the Santa Monica Pier, drinking a cup of coffee and watching the seagulls snatching tourists' French fries and ice cream outside the window.

Santa Monica is a seaside city located in California, USA, and is also a very famous filming location. Many movies are shot here, the scenery is beautiful and the scenery is intertwined.

After waiting for less than five minutes, the sensor door of the coffee shop opened, and a bearded man with a side profile walked in. After seeing Daniel Ellison, he came over to shake hands with him.

"Hello, Mr. Ellison. Sorry to keep you waiting for so long."

"It doesn't matter." Daniel smiled, "I just came here too... How was your rest? You really know how to choose travel destinations. The scenery here is so beautiful. Oh, the beauties wandering around in swimsuits are really a big attraction here. The scenery and the coffee feel delicious.”

"You're joking, you're just here to kill time."

"But it seems that your vacation is over." Daniel said, taking out a script from his bag and handing it over, "This is the script for the new job I mentioned to you on the phone. I have already read it. , is a very interesting story. I think the producer recommended you because I believe you can shoot it well."

Altman Green glanced down at the script, but then his hands dropped under the table without touching the script, and his expression seemed hesitant to speak.

"Why, are there any difficulties?"

Daniel noticed the embarrassment on the other person's expression.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Ellison, I'm afraid I have to live up to your good intentions." Green Altman suddenly said, "I just accepted ABC's invitation yesterday and plan to film their TV series... I have thought about it, I still feel that filming TV series is more suitable for me. I decided to give up the career path of film director."

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