Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 42: Excellent comic storyboard

  Chapter 42 Excellent comic storyboard

  The cartoons drawn by Tsuchiya Sansuke are normally not too bad.

  In the comics, the hero first shows his combat power and kills a few monsters at the beginning to give readers a basic impression.

   Then the king heard the legend of the brave and learned that it seemed to be the bloodline of an ancient hero. He immediately announced his summons, and then the brave accepted the king's request and went to save the princess.

   This is what is presented in nearly forty pages of the extended edition.

   It can be seen that Dawu Ikeda is really fond of Tsuguya Sansuke, and he can give a share of 40 pages when the new work is launched for several years.

   Overall, the story is very compact, and readers will be attracted by the story after a closer look.

   However, since it is Dragon Quest, it is the proper so-called Wang Dao Man.

   Zhu Yuxing doesn't know the technical terms of those comics, but at least Wang Daoman and the like still understand.

  A Wang Daoman should use excellent storyboards and wonderful fights to attract readers, rather than a large text introduction like boiled water.

   Even if there is, it shouldn't occupy too much space, this is Take Yuxing's own concept.

   And the introduction of such a large paragraph of text makes this manga feel a bit beautiful.

   That's why Zhu Yuxing looks so awkward.

   is not to say that the style of American comics is not good, but since you are watching Japanese comics, prepare yourself mentally in the style of Japanese comics.

  Take Yuxing picked up the paper and pen and started to write and draw on it.

   He is not a cartoonist, but it is probably no problem to draw some cartoon battle scenes that he is familiar with in his previous life.

   Copy it.

   Anyway, all cultural products such as games, comics, film and television dramas, etc. in this world are different from those in the previous life, so you don’t have to worry about copyright issues if you copy them yourself.

   So, Zhu Yuxing simply sketched the most impressive scene of the Dragon Ball fight in his memory.

   However, Zhu Yuxing's elementary school-level painting skills don't matter, as long as people can understand what's going on.

   Tsuchiya Sansuke, who was on the side, didn't particularly care.

   He just took a casual look.

   However, after Zhu Yuxing finished drawing a page of the sketch, he was slightly attracted by the fighting action in it.

   That is the duel scene of the world's No. 1 martial arts tournament between Xiao Wukong and Tianjin Fan.

   This seems to be a little outdated in the era of Zhu Yuxing.

   But this fight scene is just right to match the size of the main character of Dragon Quest.

   And the artist of the two works is originally the same person, so it is no problem to say that the hero is the Sun Wukong of the parallel world.

On the paper, a somewhat ugly and trembling character jumped high, collided with the enemy's fists and feet, and then the enemy swept his legs and flashed in the air, and then leveraged his strength to beat him hard. The jaws of the enemy bring heavy damage.

   The whole process is very tense, this is roughly the fighting scene presented on two pages.

   In fact, when it came to Dragon Ball, the Japanese comics industry storyboard system had gradually matured, and it was getting closer and closer to the film storyboard system, making the characters more vivid and three-dimensional moving.

   In this parallel world, it has actually developed to the same extent.

   It’s just that Tsuchiya Sansuke himself did not develop in this direction.

   "Well... that's roughly it. The hero I imagined should be confronting the enemy with simple pictures, rather than describing how to fight through words. If you only use words, it would be better to write novels."

   It took more than half an hour for Zhu Yuxing to draw two pages.

   In such a short time, the painting skills of this sketch are really uncomplimentable.

  The image of the character is trembling.

   But the character's every move can be very intuitively understood.

  Tsuchiya Sansuke stopped talking at this time, but stared silently at Take Yusei's drawing.

   is only two pages, but it can contain a lot of content.

   Let the battle from the beginning of his dry story introduction instantly become a dangerous and **** battle scene.

   The change in this is that unless he is smart, he will still feel that his level is more professional than Zhu Yuxing.

   "Bamboo Yusang, you... have you never studied manga?"

   "Uh, of course not. Look at what I've painted. I've painted it deliberately and seriously, just in case you won't recognize what I'm painting."

   Zhu Yuxing couldn't bear to look directly at the messy things he drew.

   If you let him use the computer to make a few pixel-like figures, there is no problem, it can be done in minutes.

   But when it comes to fields like painting, he will immediately become a novice.

   After all, I was not a professional in the past, and I didn’t do it.

   He is better at modeling than painting.

   There is a specialization in the art industry, and he does not intend to deliberately learn this thing, just let others do it, he is only responsible for appreciating it.

   In the eyes of Zhu Yuxing, this is his real situation.

   But in Tsuchiya Sansuke's view, this is modesty.

  Do you know how to draw or not? If you learn a little bit, you can have a foundation. If you study hard for seven or eight years, there is absolutely no problem in drawing as a person.

   But there are some things that you can’t really comprehend by just learning.

  Sometimes some things really depend on talent or luck.

   The original version of One Punch Man is bad enough, but because of the wonderful story, the painting skills are no longer important.

  Sometimes, a work with the same level of painting and story can be raised to a great level by relying on wonderful storyboards.

   Now, Tsuchiya Sansuke's painting skills have been given, and the story Zhu Yuxing has also been given.

  The combination of the two is basically a comic book level above the passing grade.

  If the storyboard is a little more violent, it can indeed raise the level a lot.

   Is this Zhuyou-sang a comic genius?

  You have such a good talent, you can create excellent stories, and you can draw excellent storyboards. As long as you work hard to get your drawing skills done, I am afraid that you will not worry about food and clothing in the comics industry.

   And Zhu Yuxing has no idea about it.

  Because he only has games on his mind.

comics? There is no shortage in this world, and there is no sense of accomplishment to get it.

  Take Yusei felt that the way Tsuchiya Sansuke looked at him at this moment was not right.

   Does this guy have any special hobbies?

   Zhu Yuxing rested his hands on the ground, and subconsciously moved his **** to keep himself away from Tsuguya Sansuke.

   "Zhuyou-sang, you are really talented. I'm glad you're not a cartoonist, but I'm sorry you're not a cartoonist."

  Tsuchiya Sansuke sighed, and suddenly there was a sense of frustration.

   He has worked hard for so many years, and he has always insisted on drawing comics by relying on his love, but he cannot match his absolute talent.

   Take Yuxing's simple storyboard is enough for him to study for a while.

It's not that he hasn't learned other things before, but the other storyboards are finished products, and Zhu Youxing's is more like a deconstruction. It's easier to understand what's going on with the storyboard. .

   Now he can follow this template to create many similar actions and then enrich them.

   It seems that it is necessary for me to learn the real manga skills, and I can no longer bury my head behind closed doors.

  Tsuchiya Sansuke, who has been self-isolating, has the idea of ​​active learning for the first time.

   "Looks like you can take my advice."

   Take Yuxing looked at Tsuguya Sansuke's reaction and felt that he should be stable.

  Tsuchiya Sansuke nodded vigorously: "Of course Zhuyou-sang, your suggestion is indeed very useful, I will try my best to revise it in this regard, as for what I drew before..."

  Tsuchiya Sansuke looked at the few pages he had already drawn with some distress.

   But he still gritted his teeth and decided to abandon it completely and start from scratch. In the second chapter, he will present the reader with a new look.

   Take Yuxing himself did not expect to bring much change to Tsuguya Sansuke, he was just happy that his publicity plan could continue to be executed perfectly.

   And then, basically waiting for the day of the official release, other preparations have been done.

   I heard that Japan has a custom of worshipping gods before the release of works such as film, television, animation, etc. Do you want to follow the local customs?

   But what should the **** of games be?

  PS: Thanks to the leader of Ci Qing, but the traveler-like reader, the boss, the boss is very generous, I wish the boss a happy and prosperous every day! Thanks to book friends 20210910051211966, sharing ABC, Kansai beef noodles, book friends 20200401193342805, 1 love addiction lw, dragons in the world, hate me incompetent, readers 1445217462952968192 and other readers for their rewards, you are my food and clothing parents ! Thank you for your great support!

   Owe more: 2 chapters will be added later: 11 chapters (more and more, but I can still do it!)

   (end of this chapter)

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