Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 89: A series of games not to be missed

  Chapter 89 The series of games cannot be missed

   The second, third, and fourth game development teams have all made achievements during this period, released games, and achieved certain results.

   They are the first game development team, but they have to hold back all the time. Zhu Yuxing forced them to constantly polish the game and strive to make Dragon Quest 2 the best.

   In fact, they basically finished the game in about two months.

  The rest of the time is to continuously optimize the game, add a variety of gameplay, and then stuff these things into the limited space of the cassette.

   This has been repeated for a full five or six months, and now the game has almost no faults.

   While the first game development team was desperate to prove themselves, they didn't want to look weaker than the other three teams.

   It’s just that Zhu Yuxing kept pressing them.

  Although Zhu Yuxing has never forced them to have any achievements, but in such a surrounding people who have shown achievements, if they don’t move at all, there will definitely be pressure.

   "President, I assure you that our Dragon Quest has done quite well and can definitely reach the standard of an excellent game."

Zhu Youxing nodded: "I believe you, and I know what you are thinking, but what I want to say is that a series of games should be made better and better. Players are very picky, especially We are loyal fans of the series, and we can't let these eager fans down."

   Take Yuxing already knew the pressure of this first game development team, but let them settle down as much as possible, and make sure to make Dragon Quest 2 better.

   He knows best how much damage a series of games will do to fans who like them if one of them fails. He has experienced it too many times in his previous life.

The first masterpiece is the same as the second one. This situation happened too much in the previous life. Most of them are those companies who forced to make sequels for the sake of performance, and finally ruined the reputation. Zhu Yuxing does not want this kind of thing to happen to him. On the body, he has to be responsible for himself, and also for the players who like his game.

Ishigaki said with deep conviction: "President, I understand that Dragon Quest 2 is also our hard work, so we will never screw it up, and I can't forgive myself in that case, so when are we going to officially release it now? "

   Zhu Youxing looked up at the calendar on the table and said, "One month later, in this last month, you can check and fill in the gaps as much as possible."

After Zhu Youxing finished speaking, he took out a plan and said, "Also, according to the above introduction, you will make another game preview and prepare to publish it on the Internet, and then you can also take time to participate in the red and white machine. In the interview with the game magazine, Mr. Tsuchiya Sansuke will also participate together, and the series games also have the advantage of series games, that is, they have a fan base."

  Ishigaki hurriedly stepped forward and picked up the plan.

   This planning book is a general document. It details the detailed steps of a series of video game promotions. The best way to increase player stickiness has been written clearly.

   These are also very common methods in later generations, and they are some of the methods that are most likely to generate a sense of cohesion for loyal players of the series.

   For example, special interviews, offline interaction with fans, and inviting loyal fans to participate in the promotion of the game, etc.

  Ishigaki’s eyes became brighter as he turned the pages.

   He will participate in various activities as the second producer to promote Dragon Quest 2, and Zhu Yuxing, the first game producer, will also come out on the platform at some critical periods to help promote it.

  Dragon Quest 2 is a slap in the face of those two new challengers.

   Let them taste the power of the series, don't think you can shake our position in video games.

   "President, please rest assured, I will follow the contents of the plan!"

   After saying that, Ishigaki excitedly left with the plan, and trotted all the way back to his team office.

   "Team leader, what is the boss looking for you for?"

   In the office of the first game development team, several programmers were still repeatedly testing Dragon Quest. Seeing the team leader running back excitedly, they all raised their heads to look at Ishigaki.

   "The president just said that our Dragon Quest 2 can officially enter the game promotion stage, and it will be officially released one month later."

   A dozen developers looked at each other and immediately cheered happily.

   They can finally prove their worth in the company.

   During this period of time, they were also envious of seeing the sales of various games of other groups breaking records.

   But Zhu Yuxing is not in a hurry to let them release the game, even if they feel that the game they make has almost no shortcomings.

   But if a game really wants to find faults, there will always be.

   "Leader, what should we do in the last month? Continue to check the loopholes in the game?"

   "Leave two or three people to do the final inspection, and the rest will follow this plan with me."

  Ishigaki raised the plan in his hand.

   "This is the propaganda plan specially customized by the president for Dragon Quest, and we will spend most of the next time in accordance with the above content to carry out the propaganda work."

  The group members gathered around and began to study the contents of the plan.

   Then everyone mobilized that day, and they seemed to be very energetic, attracting curious eyes from the other three game development teams from time to time.

   Soon they also knew the plans for Dragon Quest 2 to be released, and then they came to congratulate the first game development team and celebrated the big sale of Dragon Quest 2.

  Some people from the first game development team started to make promotional videos for the game, and a few people started to make game demos for demo games. When they were ready, they would go directly to several exclusive authorized stores to distribute game demo content.

   Then, Ishigaki also contacted Daigo Ikeda, the editor-in-chief of the game magazine exclusive to the red and white machine at the time, by phone, and he helped to contact Dragon Quest for the interview work.

It just so happened that Tsuchiya Sansuke was relatively free during this time. Since the Dragon Quest comics were on the right track, he has become more relaxed, and his spirit has improved a lot. He drew a few extra comics for Dragon Quest 2.

   Next, is to contact the company's network department to help create the official forum community of Dragon Quest. In the future, these producers will also interact with players through the community.

   At the same time, Vaders and Jinping Entertainment are also promoting their own game consoles with great fanfare, and also want to take a share of the video game field.

   But they are obviously much smarter than Suri Electronics at the beginning.

   Among them, Vaders’ game consoles have chosen to offer discounts to stores such as entertainment halls.

   Encourage them to let players experience the game by coin-operating, and did not intend to sell to players directly from the beginning. Obviously, they intend to go the arcade road first.

  Jinping Entertainment began to help publicize through its own artists, and the focus of publicity was idols.

At this time, idols are setting off a wave of popularity among the whole people. In order to chase idols, some people don't mind how much they spend to buy products recommended by idols. As for whether players have played games after buying them, it has become secondary, anyway. Just sell the game console.

   When the two were promoting, they were also staring at Yuxing Electronic Entertainment all the time, wanting to see what tactics Yuxing Electronic Entertainment was going to do to deal with it.

   Then, the promotion of Dragon Quest 2 officially started.

   (end of this chapter)

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