Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 97: Metrod

   Chapter 97 Metrod

   After Murakami obtained the qualification for the game's advance evaluation, he immediately told the good news to Zhu Yuxing's trumpet.

   And Zhu Yuxing pretended to know nothing to congratulate him, and then reminded Murakami to pay attention to his neutral attitude.

   Zhu Yuxing is still busy with things, so it is impossible to spend all of his time on this child.

   However, he has already intentionally guided the child to gradually develop into the strength of award-winning in the future, and finally establish an Oscar in the video game industry.

   Whether the rest can really develop to this level is up to him.

   In the next few days, all three except the first game development team are making games step by step.

  Pac-Man was released on time. This game is also very representative. It is also a very classic casual game. In his previous life, Pac-Man also led a cultural boom.

   However, it seems that the players in this world have already experienced games like mountain delicacies and sea delicacies, and their pursuit of Pac-Man is not as good as in the previous life. It can only be regarded as a boutique game, and the first week sales reached 70,000.

However, compared to Pac-Man, players are obviously more looking forward to Dragon Quest 3, and they have already started shouting in various places that Dragon Quest 3 will be released soon, and some people even held a small parade because of this, hoping that the game will be released soon. .

   In this regard, Zhuyouxing suggested that major stores try to persuade those people not to cause trouble. Only with enough patience can video games be good enough.

   He doesn't want to cause any bad social ethos because of this kind of thing, so he will be targeted and used by those who care.

   As for the sales of game consoles, the speed is starting to get faster and faster.

   is now selling at a rate of 13,000 to 4,000 units per day.

   If there are occasional promotions, it will also increase sales significantly.


   "Miss Tsukino, I suggest you go to bed on time every day, even if you can't fall asleep, lie in bed regularly and don't do other things"

   In an office of Yuxing Electronic Entertainment, Zhu Yuxing is developing a new game with several people.

   In addition to the four game development teams, Zhu Yuxing occasionally pulls out a few people from the four teams to temporarily form a development team to develop games that he is fully responsible for.

   Now Zhuyouxing himself is already a golden signboard, so naturally he should make good use of it, and Zhuyouxing himself also enjoys the fun of game making.

   This time, Zhu Yuxing selected four or five people from the four game development teams, and formed a small team of about 20 people, who were responsible for the development of programs, art, music and other content.

   In the era of red and white computers, programmers are all-rounders, and their positions can be switched at any time, but it will not work after the super-tenure era, and then more professional people will be needed to do professional things.

  Art and music and animation special effects and other technologies have to start working.

   He has asked Matsuhashi to start looking for candidates, poaching people from film companies and poaching people from TV stations.

   At the morning meeting, Take Yusei saw Aya Tsukino with dark circles around her eyes like smoky makeup, and finally couldn't help but say something.

   "I'm not sleepy, so I don't need to sleep so much." Tsukino Aya rejected Zhu Yuxing's suggestion.

Zhu Yuxing shook his head: "This is out of consideration for your health. If you continue like this, I will worry about your sudden death at any time. If something happens to an excellent employee like you, I will definitely be very worried. Regrettably."

   Tsukino Aya glanced at Zhu Yuxing and said, "I'm fine, I heard that you often don't sleep for days and nights? You don't seem to have any problems."

  Zhu Yuxing pointed to his face: "Then look at me, I'm full of vigor and blood, there's no problem at all, but like this, you can play a vampire with a little dressing up."

   Zhu Yuxing didn't know why he was so energetic, it was probably some kind of special welfare golden finger who passed through.

   He didn't have a system when he crossed over, and he didn't have a grandfather's ring. His energy and good memory seemed to be the only time-travel benefits.

   But he didn't dare to be too ruthless, in case this kind of welfare is a life-span, for example, staying up late now is equivalent to losing a lot of life, so I still have to maintain some health.

Seeing that Tsukino Aya wanted to say something about refusal, Zhu Yuxing simply said: "If I want to learn to make games with me, all I need is a good body, and I don't want the game-making skills I taught to be wasted in the end. "

   Tsukino Aya opened his mouth and finally said in a low voice, "I'll think about it."

   "Hey, that's right, okay, let's continue to discuss the development of Metrod today, do you have any problems with the program data in the past few days?"

   An employee raised his hand at this time and said, "President, the program of the level has almost been completed, but there are still some flaws in the design of some details of the level. We may need a longer period of time to continuously test it."

   "Because this is a Galaxy City game, the design of the levels determines the replayability of the entire game."

   "Speaking of which, President, why is this called the Galaxy City game?"

   "This, because I can't think of a very good category name, so I just use the name of our game."

   In the past life of Zhu Yuxing, the Galaxy City game is a general term for two classic games.

   Metroid and Castlevania.

   Among them, Metroid's official name is Metroid,

   These two games were released at essentially the same time, and together they created the unique category of Galaxy City games.

   This type of game also occupies a very important place in the field of video games.

   has become the favorite of many independent game makers in later generations.

   Like Hollow Knight, Dead Cells, Shadow Torch City, these are the types of later Galaxy City games.

   The focus is on the puzzle solving of game map levels, followed by action and role-playing.

   The puzzle solving of this game is also different from that of Super Mario.

   The puzzles of Super Mario come one after the other, and you won't be faced with unsolvable puzzles in the first place.

   But that's not the case with the Galaxy City game.

   Sometimes you may encounter several unsolvable puzzles at the beginning of the level.

   This kind of puzzle usually requires certain props or skills to be solved in later levels.

As players' playing time increases, they will gradually discover that some places in the past can be solved by the props and skills they have just acquired, which will also give players a sense of discovering secrets, and at the same time increase the thickness of the game, Make the game more playable as a whole.

   This is a time-saving, but also very brain-intensive, game-making method.

   Of course the main thing is that these kinds of games are really popular.

   Zhuyouxing wants to develop the game industry, and naturally he will not miss this video game that also brings a lot of attention to the game industry.

   (end of this chapter)

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