It was probably too much blood loss, sluggish, and that dizziness felt like water streaks, spreading to every part of my body.The numb feeling fills my whole body

The water around me finally stopped fluctuating, and I found myself back in that dark and quiet place again, just as I was about to close my eyes, a strange sound rang out. Vague, but inaudible, vaguely mixed with human ravings

The light suddenly appeared again, and I could see this water clearly. There were many plants in the liquid with fantastic shapes, like grapevines and pitcher plants. There were many closed tissues. I could hear those words clearly.

Those words are all saying the same sentence: Tengger wants to eat yog, mortals sacrifice blood, and the great Diebu Yeluyi is about to be reborn

What exactly does that mean?

Zhou You and others saw this, and the doubts in their hearts increased.

What does the sentence "Tengger wants to eat Yog, mortals sacrifice blood, and the great elector Yeluyi is about to be reborn" mean?

Ye Yixin seemed to think of something, Wuchan asked her quickly, but Ye Yixin waved her hand and motioned Zhouyou to continue to write down Li Xiang's diary. The content of the records became less and less, and the handwriting became more and more sloppy, not like a narrative. , more and more akin to neurotic ravings

July 962, 7, overcast

That familiar feeling came again, hope it was just my delusion. August 1962, 8, overcast

Yes, back, the stars return, the earth collapses, back again.

On August 1962, 8, Yin I knew who Yeluyi of the Diezbu Department was!

0359: Meaning of Tengri and Yog

July 962, 9, overcast

They were all wrong, only I was right!correct!Hahaha, I was right!I'm the one who was chosen 1 No, I don't want to be chosen!What the hell am I doing?

962 ~ July 7, overcast

Why am I so impatient?I can feel it, I don't want to wait even a moment for this to be wrong-, it's not reasonable!Humans cannot achieve longevity!It is impossible for human cells to reproduce without a trace, and it is cancer that reproduces indefinitely!

July 1962, 7, overcast

Tengri gave me peace, and Tengri gave me the eternal Yeluyi of Yongning. After that, there are words that people can't understand, like a child's painting. , at the end of this, Ye Yixin said

I think I might know what that sentence means.But the meaning behind it, I still don't know what to say, let's listen

With you, Xiaoye, I can't see it!

Ye Yixin blushed and said softly, "You all forgot, the direction of my research as a graduate student was ancient religious culture.

The term Tengger comes from the Mongolian language, but originated from the Tungusic language of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.Gerry means heaven in Mongolian.His original meaning is the meaning of gods. In a broad sense, this word can be said to be a unique word of shamanism.We all know that shamanism is a folk belief activity developed on the basis of primitive beliefs. Shamanists believe in the dancing god of Oroqen, the Druid of Ketel, the witchcraft of Haiti, the totem worship of the Indians, etc.

Therefore, this Tengri 039 vocabulary can only be used as an attributive, and cannot be used as a source for judging the origin of this sentence.

However, the word Yog can locate the meaning of this sentence.

The word Yog comes from the Wuji people in the early Sui Dynasty. The Wuji people were a small fishing and hunting people in the northeast at that time. The word means blood and food. It was the exclusive vocabulary of shamans. The shaman believes that through prayers, rituals and other actions, the 039 master in the universe can be temporarily descended into the world, so as to obtain the secret and mastery of super life forms, and this yog is the main food of the so-called master.

Leaf knows a lot

Wuchan smiled approvingly at Ye Yixin: "Our family is full of talented people.

At this time, Xue Li Yang also said

I remember that in the ceremonies of religious activities held by shamanism, there are still many instruments.Such as the god case, waist bell steel mirror, camera drum and other things.And when the shaman sacrifices, he needs to simulate various animals or gods and monsters, and

And you need to wear a mask and cover your face with the colorful stabilizers sung by the gods, because they are afraid of being recognized by the dead or the gods. "Ye Yixin said with a smile.

The two people recorded in the diary just now learned from their identities that one is a physicist and the other is a scholar who may have lived abroad since childhood.They definitely don't understand the taboos of this ancient religion at all, so from their diaries, we can tell that the thing they see and adjust does not cover the danger like in religious ceremonies, so it may lead to The final ending 0. Ask for flowers

And Yeluyi of the Diela tribe was the one who established the Great Liao Kingdom during the Song Dynasty, that is, Yelu Abaoji of the Khitan kingdom wanted to eat Yaoge from Tengger, and mortals sacrificed their blood, and the great chosen tribe Yeluyi was about to be reborn. , we can know what it means

"Because the Khitan language is indistinguishable, what he actually means is that Yelu Abaoji has obtained a method of rebirth, or immortality. This method is to let the gods in the sky eat the so-called blood food. , This can give Yelu Abaoji the chance of immortality. However, this method needs to use the blood of mortals for sacrifice. Combined with the context of the diary, we can know that the sacrifice requires the blood of mortals, and the time span is also very long. voluntarily

It is possible that this Yelu Abaoji has self-knowledge and knows that the Khitan Kingdom he created cannot span too long, that is, the country's fortunes will not last long.So he set up a formation on the right banner of Baerhu, attracting a steady stream of voluntary blood sacrifices

Shuangling, who was next to him, asked very suspiciously: "But what does this diary have to do with her husband?

Wu Chan smiled: "Silly sister, have you forgotten?

Yelu Abaoji's daughter is the second in-law of the old man in our husband's family. She is Princess Aogu.

Sulli Yang said

Her original name was not Aogu, but Yeluzhigu. Her status in shamanism was similar to that of a goddess, so she was also called Aogu. "[-] million

0360: The reason for Chenghua Li Ting

Aogujing is not another name for Yeluzhigu, but a shamanic goddess.In shamanism, women have a very high status and generally must be elected from noble women

When the Khitan people held a banquet, the crying position in the felt tent dome was enough for the goddess to sit and preside over the ceremony for everyone.This position is considered the most honorable position by the Khitan people.And gu means female.However, before the Khitan period, the term gradually became the word Aogu.

With that said," Wuchan looked at Zhou You and said, ""The man on the train deliberately handed this diary to Li Tiejun in order to say, "May [-] let us go to Inner Mongolia for a question, and Zhou Youjing nodded:" I think it is very likely. However, this is a private matter of our family, why does the organization behind this person care so much about this matter?

Xue Li Yang and Huo Ling smiled at the same time, Xue Li Yang said, husband, you forgot, immortality, or real reincarnation, how attractive is it to those people? Don't you forget, why is Yi Tianxue? Send Nanfeng samples to our house?Not for that elixir?I figured it out, [-]% of it was that Yelu Abaoji, who got the method to make mortals immortal, so it attracted so many people's peeps.But they can't get in through the door, so they have to deliberately reveal to us immortality. For us, this alone is not attractive enough.But add your husband's red line of smoke, then this amount is enough.

Zhouyou waved his hand and said, "We're definitely going. But for now, let's look at the third part first.

the third part

The third part is very short, not in the form of a diary, but similar to a record.

This record was not written by modern people, but by a deputy Qianhu of Jinyiwei during the Chenghua period of the Ming Dynasty.The founder of the living dynasty was Aixinjueluo Montemu, who was the commander of the Jianzhou Zuowei in the Ming Dynasty at that time.After the death of Aixinjueluo Montemu, his son Aixinjueluoshan and his brother Aixinjueluo Fancha competed for the position of commander of Jianzhou Left Guard.In the end, Aixinjueluo Danshan became the commander of the Jianzhou Zuowei. Later, the Mongolian Waza tribe rose up, posing a threat to the northern frontier defense of the Ming Dynasty.Aixinjueluo Dongshan also participated in the campaign to attack the Mongolian Wayu tribe.In this war, Aisin Gioro and Dong Shan seem to have obtained something like Aisin Gioro "Shan is a talent, because of this battle, he was promoted to the Governor of the Left Guard. But he was so immortal that he was at a banquet. , He Duoduo said that when he was fighting in Mongolia, he got a treasure. This treasure can be safe and secure in the country, and the bones can be fleshed down. The most important thing is that when you get the treasure, there are some Khitan characters written on the wall next to it. It just so happens that Aixinjueluo Crooked Mountain is the one who recognizes these words and records that there is a way to make people immortal.

It didn't take long for the news to reach Ming Xianzong's ears through the Jinyi guards of the Hercynian Jurchen Ministry.Emperor Chenghua sent an envoy to ask for treasure and detailed information from Aixinjueluoshan.But Aixinjueluo Dongshan shied away and said that he drank too much and was talking nonsense.

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