At that moment, Hu Ming and Wu Sansheng drove away the reckless people.

The two of them lay on it, and it took them a while to carefully remove the jade nest intact.

Not to mention, this thing is quite heavy. The two looked at each other and decisively stuffed the thing into the eldest nephew's backpack.

"Niece, be careful. This thing is very valuable. If you bump into it, you will suffer a big loss!"

The two of them patted Wu Xie's shoulders in an old-fashioned way and gave careful instructions.

Well, nothing wrong!

Both of them are a round older than Wu Xie and are his elders!

Not to mention, no wonder there are always some old immortals in movies, TV series, and novels who like to use their seniority to suppress others.

At this time, Hu Ming had truly felt the overwhelming pleasure of backup.

Seeing that Wu Xie was so aggrieved, he couldn't refute.

Hu Ming felt secretly happy.

Under the jade nest is a layer of painted lacquered wooden coffin, which depicts the scene of the burial.

Just when a few people were about to move away, Hu Ming's ears suddenly trembled slightly.

He heard it.

A long and gentle breathing sound came from the coffin.

Although the sound was weak, there was only a layer of wood between them!

Everyone gathered around again, so they naturally heard it clearly.


"What the hell? Third uncle, could it be that I was too nervous and heard it wrong?" Wu Xie suddenly took a breath of cold air and pinched his teeth.

Zongzi is not terrible.

With Hu Ming around, he wasn't even afraid of bloody corpses.

Wu Xie could barely accept even the weird things from the previous Yin soldiers.


This coffin can be judged according to the burial specifications of nobles during the Warring States Period.

It should be a two-story coffin and a three-story coffin.

With these layers of sealing, no fresh air can circulate properly, let alone flies, and even living creatures should have been suffocated to death.

But what did he just hear? Breathing? Is this ghost thing inside still alive?

In fact, Wu Xie guessed correctly.

Fatty and Panzi didn't believe this, so they thought it was just a collective hallucination.

Immediately, the two of them lay down and placed their ears on the coffin lid to listen carefully.

After a few minutes, the two of them looked up with ugly expressions.

Both pairs of eyes were full of horror.

That was not an illusion, the thing lying inside the coffin was really a living, breathing creature!

But now that we're here, we can't just put the coffin back on and go home.

Hu Ming walked forward silently, his hand went deep into the gap between the painted wooden coffin and the bronze coffin, and felt for the mechanism.

With a slight pull, the sound of mechanism operation came.

The painted wooden coffin suddenly rose up, like a lotus flower, and split into two halves from the middle.

Then the left and right half of the coffin lid turned over and slid down along the gap.

This is an extremely well-made machine expansion device.

During the Warring States Period, the Mohist family developed this business to its peak. Hu Ming happened to be good at this, and he could see something fishy at a glance.

Inside, there was a man wearing pitch black "armor".

As soon as the coffin was opened, he sat up straight.

Fortunately, none of them were cowards, and they keenly discovered the support rod behind them.

Armor is a jade figurine.

It is woven from meteorite, and the color should be bronze, not jet black.

This is enough to show that this jade figurine has long lost its original function.

Those who lie inside and wait for transformation will ultimately be empty-handed.

You can tell by looking at his expression. His eyes are closed, his face is twisted, and he is in extreme pain.

Inside the painted wooden coffin, you can still see a thick layer of scale-like horny matter.

That's human skin.

Sloughed human skin.

This layer of jade figurines is actually the last layer of "coffin".

The scientific name is Jinlu Jade Armor.

Looking carefully, sure enough, the chest of the corpse was constantly rising and falling, but the breathing rhythm was extremely slow, making it difficult to detect.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but pinch Yahuazi.

Thinking about it, it spans more than two thousand years of history from the Warring States Period to the existence of the 21st century. It’s scary to think about it.


Hu Ming glanced back at his little brother, half-smiling.

The younger brother had already firmly grasped the black gold sword and was approaching slowly.

Hu Ming didn't know what the relationship was between the Zhang family and those three people, but as long as he knew, the younger brother vowed to kill Tie Miansheng.


Under the confused gazes of everyone, Hu Ming stepped aside to get out of the way and watched as the little brother raised his knife...

The next moment, in everyone's confused eyes.

The little brother had already followed the gap in the jade figurine and stabbed the "living dead" head with a knife.

The force was so strong that most of the blade was inserted.

If it weren't for the outer layer of the bronze coffin, I'm afraid this knife would have penetrated the entire coffin.

This knife was extremely cruel and extremely fast at the same time.

It was so quick that there was almost no struggle, and the living corpse that was still breathing completely burped.

They were almost there and even Wu Sansheng didn't react.

This old fox was really confused at this time, not just pretending.

"Who are you Taima? What kind of hatred do you have with King Lu Shang?"

"We finally met the real master, such a rare living dead, and you stabbed him to death without saying a word!?"

The fat man opened his mouth and shouted with a somewhat broken expression.

After seeing the little brother finish all this, he drew his knife and shook off the blood, then sat back without saying a word, without any intention of explaining.

Hu Ming had to speak: "The reason? Little fat man, do you want that jade figurine? This is the reason."

"Have you seen the bloody corpse from before? It was because someone took it out of the jade figurine that it became like this."

"Everything you want to know is in that purple jade box."

At this time, the little brother suddenly pointed to a purple jade box next to the living dead in the coffin and said indifferently.

My mood has relaxed a lot...

Of course, I have the same expression three hundred and sixty-five days a year, and no one can tell the difference.

But being willing to speak means that the little brother has calmed down.

"Purple jade box?"

Hu Ming looked at the younger brother with a half-smile.

Others don’t know, but he doesn’t know? No, Wu Sansheng should have noticed it too.

There are traces of newly opened coffins on the coffin. Although they are very subtle, they cannot escape in the eyes of this old fox.

The little brother obviously opened this place first and took the ghost seal from it.

As for the silk book in the purple jade box, Hu Ming could have sworn that it was definitely brought in by the younger brother. It was poured out of an ancient tomb in the Song Dynasty.

The purple jade box was originally used to hold ghost seals...

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