Tomb Robber: I am Hu Bayi’s cousin

Chapter 335 Under the Arch Bridge

"Go down. Go down???"

"No, Uncle Ming, didn't you see the joke? You can't see the whole thing down here, who knows how deep it is! It doesn't matter whether the climbing rope is long enough or not!"

Wu Xie was immediately dumbfounded.

Under the white marble arch bridge, everywhere you look is filled with invisible black fog.

Even if a searchlight focuses its lights together, it can't see the bottom. It doesn't look like a good place no matter how you look at it.

"That's right, Mr. Ming, this is a dead pit. There is sulfurous poisonous gas everywhere. The poisonous gas underground is 80% more toxic."

"Our gas masks are barely enough up here, let alone down below!"

The place is filled with sulfurous poisonous gases accumulated by volcanic activity.

In this closed environment, the lower the terrain becomes, the more concentrated the poisonous gas becomes.

Nowadays, they all feel faint stinging sensations in their throats while wearing gas masks, which is proof that the gas masks are not enough to completely filter the poisonous gas.

Panzi has a lot to say on this point. He had encountered this kind of mine before when he was fighting in certain south.

If they get down there, even if they have gas masks, they will all be poisoned to death.

"First, this is an arch bridge. What's underneath? What's underneath is the moat! I can hear it from the air flow. There's not a high drop here, so it's very safe."

"Second, believe me, the landform here is special, the conditions below are special, there is no sulfur gas, you can take off the gas mask!"

Hu Ming quickly arranged the climbing rope and pulled it hard to test its sturdiness.

"Anyway, the road has been pointed out for you. It's up to you whether you can get down or not."

With that said, before the three of them could react, Hu Ming had already swung down the rope.

"Isn't this uncle of ours too reckless? How does he know that there is no poisonous gas down there? Is it intuition?"

The fat man was completely dumbfounded and pointed downwards in a daze.

"I seem to have heard someone say that Master Ming's intuition has always been very accurate and he has never made a mistake..."

Hearing this, Panzi said thoughtfully.

"Okay! Let's just trust Hu Ming's intuition for once! Tianzhen, you go first, Panzi and I will take the back seat!"

The fat man's face twitched, he gritted his teeth with determination, held the rifle to guard the rear, and said to Wu Xie at the same time.

These human-faced birds are really smart. Within an hour of Hu Ming's presence, they became restless and eager to try.


Wu Xie also knew that now was not the time to be humble, so he nodded and pulled the rope and swung down.

Immediately, Fatty and Panzi also swung down one by one.

It took half a cigarette for a few people to swing down the rope.

It is worth mentioning that in mid-air, there are some bronze chains as thick as arms, and it is not known what they are used for.

It was dark underground, and the ground was full of dry stones and sand.

The moat is dry.

Below, Hu Ming has thrown away the gas mask. This thing will not be needed for the next formation.

The smell of sulfur was strong all around, but surprisingly, there was no discomfort at all.

Seeing this, the three of them took off their gas masks with confidence.

To be honest, it's quite inconvenient to carry this thing around.

With a slight movement, the glass eyecup on the mask was densely covered with mist, greatly obstructing his vision.

"Is there really no poisonous gas here? Although the air smells bad, it doesn't have that irritating feeling in my throat. Hey, it's really strange!"

"Uncle Ming, your intuition is really amazing. Can you feel this?"

Putting away the mask, the fat man sighed in surprise.

"Intuition? That's right!"

Hu Ming raised his eyebrows but said nothing more.

Otherwise, tell them that he has read the original work and knows what is going on here. Is he kidding?

"But...Uncle Ming, the moat here has dried up. It's different from what Third Uncle said. Could it be that we went to the wrong place?"

"The moat that Third Uncle refers to is not the moat of the Third Palace and the First Palace, right?"

Taking a handful of dry sand, Wu Xie asked in confusion.

"...You also study architecture. Let me ask you, which imperial tomb in ancient times had its moat dug in sections?"

"The structural diagram your third uncle obtained was left by Wang Zanghai hundreds of years ago. But after so many years, the moat should have dried up long ago, right?"

"Even if there is an underground river connected here and it is running water, there is no guarantee that the underground river will not change its course due to changes in the sea and geological activities."

Hu Ming shook his head and explained.

At a glance, this moat is about sixty meters wide and extremely deep.

The bottom of the river was filled with uneven black stones. There was a fault in the riverbed in front of it. It was a ditch about one meter deep and more than twenty meters wide.

Countless black life-size ancient human and horse figurines, as well as some bronze carriage wrecks, were mixed in. These things were arranged in a continuous line in the ditch.

The black stone is probably the raw material for carving the human and horse warriors.

"Nuo, look here. All the statues have serious traces of water corrosion. This is enough to show that there was water here a long time ago."

"But for various reasons, the moat eventually dried up, and this is the evidence."

Hu Ming stepped forward and pointed at these sculptures.

The surface of these human figurines has been severely corroded, their faces are blurred, and even their facial features cannot be distinguished clearly.

The bronze carriages are even more serious. These wrecks are the traces of surviving the erosion of the water flow.

"But isn't that right? These burial figurines symbolize the procession of guests or the emperor when he travels."

"Logically speaking, shouldn't these things be placed in the underground palace or the burial pit?

Wu Xie stepped forward and saw that it was indeed the case, but a new question arose.

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