Tomb Robber: I am Hu Bayi’s cousin

Chapter 339 The reason why I went to the grave

"It's like riding a horse and dreaming..."

Hu Ming faintly said something quite suitable for the occasion.

"Little fat man, how are you? Are you surprised? I can tell you, this thing is a great supplement!"

"Strengthening*, the effect is far beyond your imagination. Look at you, you are getting older. It's time to take a good supplement."

"After all, an ordinary person like you will always be unable to do what he wants when he gets older. Even the young ladies in the club will dislike you!"

Finally, Hu Ming added with a wicked smile.

When it comes to killing people and punishing the heart, Hu Mingyuan's rank is much higher than Panzi's.

"I love your uncle, I will strengthen your uncle, Fanzi, you are just trying to harm me, Fatty! And Uncle Ming, you too..."

"Isn't this horse riding thing really made of babies? Damn it, Fatty, I've seen a lot of ghosts and monsters, but this is the first time I've seen such an evil thing as riding a horse!"

The fat man's face turned even greener. He pointed at a completely soaked body picked out from the wine vat with his waist knife and shouted angrily.

The flesh and blood of this thing has completely melted into the wine, but the skin and bones are still there, forming a torn cotton-like mass.

From the appearance, this thing looks very much like a baby's corpse.

"Don't worry, fat man, if this is really made by babies, even if you dare to drink it, we won't dare to let you drink it. That's too evil. Who knows what will happen if you drink it."

"This is "hericium roasted", which is made from pre-term monkeys. It is a specialty of Guangxi Province and is also popular among small tribes in several countries bordering China. "

"Perhaps when the Jurchens were still in their heyday, the Southern Song Dynasty paid tribute to the cellar wine Fatty. This is a good thing, it is really tonic! I couldn't even drink it if I didn't have any status before!"

Hu Ming explained quickly.

But the evil smile couldn't be wiped off his face.

The stuff is good stuff, but most people really can’t enjoy it.

"Monkey? That's okay. If it's not a baby, it's better. You two bastards almost killed me, damn it!"

The fat man's face looked a little better.

The food is already in the stomach, so just be a monkey, it’s better than a baby.

But I still couldn't stop feeling sick in my heart.

"You guys stay for a while, I'll go out and vomit, mad vomit!!"

As he said that, the fat man could no longer suppress the feeling of nausea. He covered his mouth and got out of the square hole.

The next moment, the loud sound of vomiting was heard outside.

What a listener... hilarious!

Outside, the fat man was vomiting until he was unconscious, with tears streaming down his face.

Inside, Hu Ming, Panzi, and Wu Xie were laughing so much that their stomachs ached.

Nephew is just for trapping, this is the truth.

It took half an hour for the fat man to regain his composure.

"Your uncle, Panzi, let me tell you, next time, believe it or not, Fatty, I will fall out with you?"

"And you, naive, why are you pretending to be innocent? You have nothing to do with this? You have thick eyebrows and big eyes, and you are also good at deceiving people, just like your damn third uncle!"

"And Uncle Ming, my old man is unreliable, why are you like this too..."

Fatty is still full of resentment.

The eyes looking at the three people who were snickering were full of resentment.

"Ahem, okay, Fatty, we are pressed for time. Let's rest for a while, eat something to replenish our fluids, and we will continue setting off soon."

Hu Ming looked away.

This matter, cough cough, is indeed not done properly.

"How the hell do you know the time is urgent?"

"If An Ning and his gang take all the treasures away, Fatty, I will have to worry about you!"

The fat man glared and said dissatisfied.

Even so, he obediently took out the dry food and water.

That pass just now did take a lot of physical strength, so I need to make up for it.

It's just this food that always feels a little off when I put it in my mouth.

After another half an hour, everyone calmed down, packed up their equipment and moved on.

It is worth mentioning that there is a square corridor on both sides of this tomb chamber.

This passage is extremely long, and it is so dark inside that even the searchlights cannot reach the bottom.

"Excuse me, which path should we choose?"

"How about, Uncle Ming, you use your intuition to choose one? Or, just listen and see which one we should take?"

After looking at the two passages, Wu Xie scratched his head in confusion.

In the ancient tomb, the most terrifying thing is making choices.

A little carelessness could put everyone in danger.

"Don't bother, go this way," Hu Ming said firmly, pointing to the passage on the left.

"Left, are you sure?"

"Nonsense, your little brother has left a mark, what do you think?"

Hu Ming kicked away the pile of rubble at the entrance of the passage, pointed to the mark of a secret place and said

There, there is a string of English letters with unknown meaning.

It's exactly the kind of mark left by the little brother before.

"Hi~ It's true. I hope I will be merciful and leave some treasures for us to touch."

"Hey, by the way, Uncle Ming, you are the first to know me. Why did he go to the grave? My father and Uncle Hu didn't tell me!"

"If I think about it carefully, I really don't think I've ever seen my little brother touch anything in the ground."

Everyone stepped into the passage one by one. Suddenly, the fat man frowned and asked.

"...The little brother did not go to the ground for money. He came to find memories of his past and some answers that have been forgotten."

"My little brother told you that he lost his memory because he smelled the incense of Jin Po at the Xisha Undersea Tomb twenty years ago, right?"

After a moment of silence, Hu Ming spoke.

"Indeed, is it possible that there is something hidden in this? Did the little brother lie to us?"

Wu Xie was stunned, Hu Ming seemed to be revealing something, and asked quickly.

"To be precise, it's not that I'm lying to you, but that he himself has forgotten the real reason for his amnesia. The blood and uniqueness of his family."

"Repelling insects and avoiding evil, keeping you young and having a long lifespan, especially Zhang Qiling of every generation who has the highest blood concentration is the best among them."

"But it is precisely because Zhang Qiling's blood concentration is too high that the Zhang family's genetic disease, apathy, is particularly serious in my little brother."

"Every once in a while, except for some childhood memories, I will forget everything I have experienced, and I will go in and out of ancient tombs all over China alone to look for clues about myself."

"Because he knows that the Zhang family has been inseparable from the ancient tombs underground for generations. Before he lost his memory, he must have visited an ancient tomb and left some clues."

"This is the life cycle that I have experienced in the past one hundred and thirty years."

Lighting a cigarette, Hu Ming explained in a deep voice.

Just imagining my brother's experience will make people feel sad.

A person, forever alone, constantly repeats the reincarnation of losing memory and searching for memory. The bitterness of this is difficult for outsiders to understand at all.

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