"What are you doing? It's so mysterious."

Several people looked at each other in confusion. Just now, they thought Hu Ming wanted to say something shocking.

The result was unexpectedly anticlimactic.

But they also knew that if Hu Ming didn't want to say anything, they wouldn't be able to get anything out of him.

There was no choice but to follow Hu Ming's footsteps and get into the car.

Not to mention, they had only been in this torrential rain for just a few minutes, and several people were almost soaked to the skin.

This is still wearing a raincoat!

The distance of five kilometers is usually very short. Even if they walk, given their average physical fitness, they can get there quickly.

But the problem is, with the bad weather nowadays, even off-road vehicles have a hard time going to the extreme.

The entrance to the oasis mentioned by Hu Ming is a natural grand canyon.

Sloping across the cliff, there is a natural passage leading to the oasis.

"Okay, as you can see, the canyon in front of you is the entrance to the Western Queen Mother Kingdom. Let's say goodbye here."

"By the way...this is for you."

When he got here, Hu Ming took out several small packages from his bag and threw them to everyone.

"This is? Biochemical potion?"

The fat man opened the package and took out the emerald green injection inside, his imagination was wide open.

"Biochemical medicine, you're afraid it's not Gua (gua twice) Pi (pi softly)? Why the hell am I giving you that stuff when I have nothing to do?"

"This is the serum, the cockscomb snake venom detoxification serum. Friendly reminder, the Queen Motherland of the West is a paradise for cockscomb snakes."

"Due to certain habits, this kind of snake will not kill outsiders directly, but their nerve venom can paralyze the nerves in just one breath, making you unable to move."

"I got this thing with great difficulty. It works very quickly, but the quantity is limited, so use it sparingly."

Hu Ming rubbed his temples with a headache and took biochemical medicine. Did he read too many novels or play too many games?

"I understand the truth, but, Uncle Ming, what do you mean by "鸹"?"

The fat man nodded clearly, and then asked blankly.

The fat man didn't have a high level of education. He didn't really understand the obscure words and pronunciations, so he immediately asked without shame.

"The Pipi is an auspicious and noble animal in the Guanzhong area of ​​Qin Province."

"This word is used to describe people with kind and noble qualities, and it is an elegant word to praise."

Hu Ming showed an impeccable and perfect smile.


Immediately, Wu Xie and other people who understood looked at Hu Ming in shock.

As far as talking nonsense and calling a deer a horse, we would like to call you Hu Ming the strongest!

Mad, this pronunciation says it all. Fatty is also a fool. Don’t you understand this?

No, listening to Hu Ming's explanation, he was as happy as a 200-pound child.

This is the first time Hu Ming has praised him!

"Kind uncle Gao Ming, hey, it's embarrassing for you to say that, fat man, am I that good?"

Fatty is so embarrassed!

"..Come on, let's go, little fat man, let's set off soon. The Kingdom of the Western Queen is right in front of us. Are you not looking forward to it at all?"

Wu Xie was a good boy, and he couldn't bear to see the fat man, so he quickly pulled the fat man and walked down the canyon.

"No, naive, Uncle Ming praised me a few times, why don't you let me hear it again? Fatty, this is the first time in my life that someone has praised me for being kind and noble."

The fat man's unwilling voice came from afar.

"Hu Ming, it's wrong to bully honest people!"

The blind man twitched his lips, put on his backpack and followed.

"Mad, do you blame me?"

"Who knew Fatty Ya couldn't understand such obvious words? It's just a change of syllables."

Hu Ming was also helpless. He couldn't understand such an obvious joke. What could he do?

No, everyone who followed Wu Xie and Fatty towards the canyon cast strange looks at Hu Ming.

In an instant, all the people were gone.

Hu Ming opened the car door and lay leisurely on the rear seat.

Now is a rare time to rest. After stepping into this oasis in front of you, it is not that easy to rest.

I have to sleep with one eye closed, for fear that something will happen in my sleep.

Oasis is a miracle of life, but it is not a paradise for humans.

There are many poisonous insects and snakes inside that are not friendly to humans at all.

For cockscomb snakes, humans are just a breeding ground for snake eggs.

Hu Ming had been asleep for about three hours while remaining vigilant, when someone knocked on the car window from outside.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Chen Wenjin wearing a raincoat.

"Tsk, I was trekking hard in this horrible weather, but it's better for you to stay in the car and have a good sleep."

After getting in the car, Chen Wenjin looked at Hu Ming, who was still sleepy in the corners of his eyes, and couldn't help complaining with envy.

"Come on, didn't you have a good rest in the camp when we set off?"

"No, this is yours. If there is no problem, you can go directly."

With a soft chuckle, Hu Ming handed Chen Wenjin a small package.

"What a ruthless man. After all, we have been old friends for ten years. Why do you just chase people away without even exchanging pleasantries?"

"By the way, what are these?"

Chen Wenjin rolled her eyes, opened her bag, and asked curiously.

"Serum, serum from cockscomb snake venom, it's very rare, so use it sparingly."

"Also, this is a detailed map of the Kingdom of the Western Queen, which should be helpful to you. It is worth mentioning that I didn't even give it to your old lover."

Helpless, Hu Ming explained again,

This is the disadvantage of dividing the troops into multiple routes, especially when they are still invisible along the way and do not want others to know about it.


"Then you haven't set off yet? What are you waiting for?"

Chen Wenjin put it away solemnly. In the Kingdom of the Western Queen, this was a good thing to use to save one's life.

Firstly, she didn't have Jiangnan's skills, and secondly, she had never entered this place ten years ago, so she had no idea what was going on inside.

The things Hu Ming gave her were really helpful.

"I? I'm waiting for a signal. A signal that means the guest has arrived."

Hu Ming said calmly:

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