“Next… Go down???”

“No, second uncle, you didn’t see the joke, did you?

Wu Xie was immediately dumbfounded.

Under the white jade arch bridge, there is a black fog that cannot be seen through everywhere at a glance.

Even if the searchlight focuses the light together, you can’t see the bottom, and it’s not a good place to look at it.

“That’s it, Jiang Ye, this is a dead pit, full of sulfur-containing toxic gas, and this underground eighty percent is more toxic. ”

“Our gas masks are already very reluctant on this, let alone below!”

It is full of sulfur-containing toxic gases accumulated by volcanic activity.

In this closed environment, the lower the terrain, the more concentrated the poisonous gas will be.

Today, they wear gas masks and have a faint tingling sensation in their throats, which is proof that the gas masks are not enough to completely filter the poisonous gas.

For this, Panzi has a lot of say, he has encountered this kind of mine when he was fighting in a certain south before.

If they get to the bottom, even if there are gas masks, they will all have to be poisoned.

“First, this is the arch bridge, what’s underneath? Below is the moat! I can hear from the air movement, it’s not much up and down, it’s safe. ”

“Second, believe me, the terrain here is special, the condition below is special, there is no sulfur poisonous gas, you can take off the gas mask!”

Jiang Nan arranged the climbing rope with his hands and feet, and pulled it hard to test the sturdiness.

“In short, the way has been shown to you, and it is up to you whether you can get down or not. ”

Saying that, without waiting for the three to react, Jiang Nan had already swung the rope down.

“This Nima… How does he know that there is no poison gas below, does he have intuition?”

The fat man was completely stupid, and pointed down and said.

“Intuition… I seem to have heard people say that Jiang Ye’s intuition has always been very accurate, and he has never missed it…”

Hearing this, Panzi said thoughtfully.

“Okay, let’s believe Jiangnan’s intuition once! Naive, you go first, I will break off with Panzi!”

The fat man’s face twitched, he bit his teeth fiercely, and guarded the rear with a rifle, and said to Wu Xie at the same time.

These face-faced birds are really smart, and after an hour of Jiangnan’s figure, they began to be restless and eager to try.


Wu Xie also knew that now was not the time to be humble, so he nodded and pulled the rope and swung down.

Immediately, the fat man and the panzi also swung down one by one.

It took half a cigarette before a few people swung down the rope.

It is worth mentioning that in mid-air, there are some bronze chains with thick arms, and I don’t know what they are used for.

The ground was pitch black, and the ground was full of dry stones and mud.

This moat is dry.

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Below, Jiang Nan has thrown away the gas mask, and the next formation can not use this thing.

The smell of sulfur around is strong, but surprisingly, there is no discomfort.

Seeing this, the three of them took off their gas masks with confidence.

To be reasonable, it’s quite inconvenient to carry this thing around.

With a slight movement, the glass eye mask on the mask was densely covered with a layer of mist, and the view was greatly obstructed.

Although the air smells bad, but the throat doesn’t have that sense of excitement, hey, it’s really strange!”

“Jiangnan, your intuition is really amazing, you can feel it?”

Putting away the mask, the fat man sighed in surprise.

“Intuition? Sort of!”

Jiang Nan raised his eyebrows and didn’t say anything more.

Otherwise, tell them that he has read the original book and knows the situation below, just kidding.

“But… Second uncle, the moat here has dried up, it’s different from what the third uncle said, shouldn’t it be that we are in the wrong place?”

“The moat that Third Uncle refers to won’t be the moat of the Third Hall, the Heavenly Temple, right?”

Grabbing a handful of dry mud and sand, Wu Xie asked puzzled.

“… You also studied architecture, let me ask you, which imperial tomb’s moat was dug in sections in ancient times?”

“The structural diagram obtained by your third uncle was left by Wang Zanghai hundreds of years ago, but after so many years, this moat should have dried up a long time ago, right?”

“Even if there is a link to an underground river here, it is living water, but under the vicissitudes of the sea, under geological activities, it is difficult to ensure that the underground river will not be diverted. ”

Jiang Nan shook his head and explained.

At a glance, this moat is about sixty meters wide and extremely far-reaching.

The bottom of the river is full of black stones of uneven height.

A fault appeared in the riverbed ahead, a ditch about one meter deep and more than twenty meters wide.

Countless black life-tall ancient figurines and horse warriors, as well as a few bronze carriage remains, are interspersed in a continuous array of ditches.

Black stone is probably the raw material for carving figurines and horses.

“No, look here, all the statues have serious traces of water erosion, which is enough to show that there was water here a long time ago. ”

“But for various reasons, eventually the moat dried up, and that’s the proof.” ”

Jiang Nan stepped forward and pointed to these sculptures.

The surface of these figurines has long been severely corroded, their faces are blurred, and even their facial features cannot be clearly distinguished.

The bronze carriages are even more serious, and these wrecks are traces that have survived the erosion of the current.

“Indeed… These funeral figurines symbolize the welcoming or imperial procession. ”

“Logically speaking, shouldn’t these things be placed in the underground Xuan Palace or the burial pit?”

Wu Xie stepped forward to see that it was so, but a new question came.

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