After a simple refurbishment, the convoy is ready to temporarily set up camp here and get ready to explore the ruins in front of them.

Boss Ma, who thought that everything was under control, sat on a beach chair, facing the ruins with a civilization staff, his eyes fiery.

His young model girlfriend chose to ignore the chattering complaints around him, just staring at the relic in front of him that might hide his hope.

While the group was busy, Jiang Nan was sitting alone on the city wall, his eyes looking at the eaves in the ruins.

“What to see?”

Li Cu, who didn’t know what a photography assistant should do, came to Jiang Nan’s side and asked casually.

“I said I was looking at ghosts, do you believe me?”

Jiang Nan did not look back, his gaze still focused on the shadow above the eaves.

From this angle, nothing but the shadows cast by the building are visible.

“Ghost, don’t scare me, what era is it now, still ghost?

“Besides, it’s still daylight, where did the ghost come from?”

Li Cu subconsciously shrunk his neck, and in a trance seemed to feel a yin wind slowly blowing from the ruins, and subconsciously took a step back and stubbed his neck.

“Some things you haven’t seen doesn’t mean you haven’t, be careful, this relic is not simple, it’s full of dangers, don’t really accidentally stay here.” ”

Jiang Nan smiled, winked at the shadow position, rolled over and jumped off the wall.

“By the way, Li Cu, find a good angle, use your hand SLR to be afraid of one, that’s where I just looked… Go back and you’ll find something interesting. ”

Before leaving, Jiang Nan waved his hand at Li Cu and reminded.

“What, God is mysterious, is it possible that there is really such a thing as a ghost?”

“Obviously he is also an archaeology professor, how to talk like those jumping gods, gods and gods nagging…”

Li Cu looked at Jiang Nan’s distant back and muttered dissatisfied.

Having said that, Li Cu’s body was quite honest, and he obediently took a few photos from different angles in the direction Jiang Nan was looking.

“It’s business as usual, what’s there?”

After roughly looking over, Li Cu still did not find any abnormalities, helpless, under the call of Wu Xie, he could only follow the job of sitting assistant in the past, and take photos aimlessly everywhere.

When the group was busy performing their duties, Jiangnan wandered around, commenting on some wall tablets with ancient texts from time to time, and was amazed.

When the preparations were about to end, Li Cu suddenly turned the camera to the direction Jiang Nan was looking at again.


Under the eaves, a black humanoid silhouette shadow suddenly appeared silently!

Li Cu’s heart was abrupt, his hand shook, and the SLR did not fall.

I said I was watching the ghost!

Jiang Nan’s previous words faintly sounded in Li Cu’s ears, and under the light of the big sun, Li Cu’s forehead was instantly covered with cold sweat.

It’s just that… Without waiting for Li Cu to subconsciously scream out, the humanoid shadow under the eaves seemed to laugh, and in the next moment, the shadow disappeared without a trace!!

Li Cu was a little unbeliever, and he observed it from all corners back and forth, but still found nothing.

“Hallucinations? Impossible, right? There really is no such thing as a ghost, right?”

In just a few minutes, Li Cu’s intimate clothes were already soaked in cold sweat.

The scorching sun in the desert could not bring him the slightest warmth, but only a heart-warming coldness.

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“Boss, second master, come and see!

Just when Li Cu was at a loss, Wang Meng, who was digging a pit and setting up a tent, suddenly shouted loudly.

“I was just about to set up a tent here when I found these things, and they looked like they had been burned by fire!”

When everyone gathered around, Wang Meng frowned and pointed to a pile of camera equipment dug out of the bunker.

Jiang Nan and Wu Xie looked at each other, and a look flashed in their eyes.

The SLR inside the bunker was almost smashed, and various parts were piled up messily, as Wang Meng said, the shell of many instruments was full of burnt marks.

I opened a few SLRs casually, and found that the SD card inside was also damaged to varying degrees.

“You guys say, these cameras… Did you shoot something you shouldn’t?”

Li Cu tightly held Danfan in his hand, his mind was full of ghosts just now, and subconsciously said his guess.

How does this dead child look frightened?”

Wu Xie looked at Li Cu, who looked frightened, in amazement, a little puzzled.

Before he could get in, these ruined buildings around him scared him?

“Maybe it’s daylight!”

Jiang Nan continued to dig deep into the deep pit with a sapper shovel, and with a smooth finger, he casually replied.

“…… Unlucky child. ”

Wu Xie looked in the direction Jiang Nan pointed, he probably understood something, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he shook his head and sighed.

“Hey, I seem to have found a familiar instrument…”

“The SD card is still in good condition, I really don’t know if that guy is lucky or has a lot of heart?”

“Wang Meng, leave it to you, see if you can find some useful photos inside.” ”

Jiang Nan had dug out a rather familiar instrument from the bunker, whistled, and took out the SD card from it and threw it to Wang Meng.

Jiang Nan did not participate in the discussion of several people, glanced at Wu Xie, who looked a little regretful, and lit a cigarette to the side.

The owner of this camera, Gangnam, knows… Lan Ting, a famous young female writer in Baodao.

About three years ago, she joined a tour group to Gutongjing with a good friend because of her writing materials.

It is worth mentioning that Lan Ting’s good friend nagged that he committed suicide not long after returning from Gu Tongjing, and Lan Ting…

Some time ago, Lan Ting joined a team again to go to Gutongjing, and then… He committed suicide not long after returning.

Jiang Nan met Lan Ting through Wu Xie, and three years ago, at another tea party, Wu Xie, who assumed the name Sekine, met Lan Ting.

At that time, it happened that the people of Jiangnan were also in Hangcheng, and for various reasons, Wu Xie was introduced to Jiangnan by Lan Ting, who was troubled by his friend’s abnormal state and suicide for unknown reasons.

Unfortunately, Jiang Nan went to the United States soon after, and for various reasons, the two did not go beyond the relationship of friendship.

It’s just that…

“And get a chance to meet again!”

The corners of Jiang Nan’s mouth turned up slightly, and he flicked off the half-smoked cigarette.

PS: 582 chapters… Blinded yesterday, forgot this chapter, embarrassed,。。。 I’ll see if I can adjust it

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