Lack of water, lack of food, under the scorching sun, what is it like to walk in the endless yellow sand?

Before, Li Cu didn’t know, and he wouldn’t think about this stubble at all, after all, it was too far away from an ordinary high school student in his district.

It is so far away that it is almost impossible to happen.

But now, having experienced it all firsthand, Li Cu can describe this unforgettable and special journey in the most detailed terms.

If… In case of any event, if you can survive this time, the experience of this trip will definitely be a good bragging capital.

In front of the dead party, it must be a hot topic that is enough to arouse their admiration.

But… Can you really get out alive?

Li Cu, who fell at the back of the team, felt that his consciousness had begun to blur a little, and the back of the martial evil in front of him had faintly begun to be in a trance.

His right hand set up a sunshade on his eyes, looking desperately at the glorious sun in the sky, and Li Cu’s heart was dead silent.

It’s been three days since I set off from the quickbunker!

Three days of time, no matter how frugal and calculated, there will always be a day when it is exhausted.

Trembling, he pulled out the last water bottle from his bag, opened the lid, and carefully poured the last bit of water into his dry lips.

“… Is it over?”

When the last drop of water was swallowed into his stomach, Li Cu reacted, and the water resources he allocated had been completely exhausted.

Looking up, there is still no edge of yellow sand ahead.

The figure swayed, Li Cu could no longer hold on, closed his eyes, and fell to the sand.

It’s just that…

The expected collision between his body and the sand layer did not come, and Li Cu felt as if he had fallen into a hot embrace.

It’s martial evil.

“Hmm… Has Li Cu reached his limit?”

“The road ahead… I roughly estimated, honestly, it’s still long, we’re only halfway there!”

Jiang Nan, who was walking in front of Wu Evil, keenly noticed the movement behind him, and poured half a bottle of water down, still looking radiant.

“It’s been three days, and it’s beyond my expectation that he’s been able to get here, and yes, this kid is much better than his peers.” ”

Wu Xie turned a blind eye to the crisis in front of him, beckoned the team in front to pause and rest, let Li Cu lie flat on the sand, smiled, and said softly.

“That’s useless, he hasn’t experienced this kind of thing, he hasn’t undergone professional training, and he lacks rational distribution of the only water resources and physical strength…”

“With his current condition, he already has symptoms of dehydration, and in no more than a day, he will die of dehydration. ”

“Hmm… Want it? My last half bottle of water!”

Jiang Nan half-squatted in front of Li Cu, covering part of the sunlight, and saw Li Cu’s dull eyes staring at the half bottle of water in his hand, raised his eyebrows, and said softly.

“Water… I want water… Help me… I don’t want to die yet… I can’t die here either…”

“Su Xuan… Shen Qiong… And also… And the father… They are all waiting for me to go back… I can’t die here!”

His gaze moved back and forth with the water bottle in Jiang Nan’s hand, and Li Cu’s eyes bloomed with a desire for life, intermittent Dao.

“Shen Qiong… Adolescent children, what an enviable child, do you still think about your little girlfriend before you die?”

Hearing the name Shen Qiong, a strange color flashed in Wu Xie’s eyes, pursed his dry and peeled lips, and ridiculed.

“Okay, no kidding, Second Uncle… It’s almost time, isn’t it? Your magic trick?”

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“Li Cu is very important, we can’t watch him die in the desert, right?

As soon as the words changed, Wu Xie smiled and looked at Jiang Nan, who did not have a trace of tiredness.

“… Magicians are not omnipotent…”

Jiang Nan sighed lightly, and in Li Cu’s increasingly desperate eyes, he poured the last half bottle of water into his stomach.

And then…

With his backhand, he took out an unopened bottle of farmer three punches from the backpack behind his back, and threw it up and down.

“Don’t look at me like that, I swear, this is really the last bottle of water, it’s really gone!”

Looking at Wang Meng, Ma Rila, and Wu Xie who came up, Jiang Nan pouted.

“Yes yes yes, the last bottle, more is gone… In short, save this child first. ”

Wu Xie looked at Su Nan, who came over, and nodded repeatedly.

“… When dehydration occurs, it is best to add some salt to the water. ”

“Now, it’s time to witness a miracle!”

Pulling away Li Cu’s instinctively stretched hand, Jiang Nan unscrewed the cap of the bottle and covered it with one hand above the mouth of the bottle, mysteriously.

In the strange expressions of several people, Jiangnan’s thumb, index finger, and middle finger rubbed slightly, and suddenly, a fine white crystal spilled from between the fingers, floating in the water bottle like snowflakes.

“… It was indeed a time to witness a miracle. ”

Wu Xie said with admiration, and as a result, the water bottle that Jiang Nan added in his hand carefully fed it to Li Cu.

“First of all, even if the normal saline is supplemented, it is not a matter of time for Li Cu to recover his state, and in this environment, resting in place is looking for death.” ”


Standing up, Jiang Nan clapped his hands.

“So, I’ll carry him on my back, wait for the night off, and tomorrow he’ll almost recover.” ”

Wu Xie understood what Jiang Nan meant, and the corners of his mouth twitched, and he could only answer like this.

“Saline… My Master Jiang, your means are still as difficult to see and guess as always. ”

“I think…”

Su Nan had been watching on the side for a long time, licking his dry red lips, his beautiful eyes dripping and turning, and tentatively spoke.

“No, you don’t want to! You don’t want to at all!”

Jiang Nan categorically interrupted the second half of Su Nan’s words.

“I haven’t said yet, I mean, water, you must still have stock here, right?”

“Make a price, no matter how much I recognize, when I go back, I will credit the corresponding amount to your account.” ”

Su Nan’s face turned dark, and he forcibly suppressed the unhappiness in his heart.

“I’m a seven-foot man in Jiangnan Hall, standing up to the heavens and the earth, talking one by one, spitting on a nail in one mouth, and never lying and deceiving people!”

“This is really the last bottle of water, really, not a drop else!”

Jiang Nan swore and said, and then…

Jiang Nan didn’t even bother to cover up, threw aside the empty bag that was in the way, and backhanded a bottle of farmer’s three fists out of thin air.

Half a bottle was poured down, and half a bottle was poured overhead.

After doing all this, Jiang Nan looked at Su Nan, whose face was as black as the bottom of a pot, with sincere eyes.

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