Have a certificate in hand? (X)

Only proof in hand! (√)


Listening to the undisguised sarcasm in Qin Yun’s mouth, just when Professor Hao couldn’t help but want to refute, an old and thin palm finally fell on his shoulder.

“Well, patriotic.

The excavation of the ancient tomb continues, and as one of the leaders of this operation, it is better for you to go down and stare at the point.

Leaving such a tough job to your own students is not something I gave you. ”

“Teacher… You…… I…”

Hao Aiguo knew very well in his heart that Professor Chen was trying to prop himself up, and then discuss some things that were inconvenient for him to listen to with these tomb robbers in front of him.

After all, it is his own mentor, and Hao Aiguo can still guess a little about Professor Chen’s thoughts.

Although from the perspective of scholars, Hao Aiguo really does not want to make such concessions, but now, for the sake of the overall situation, it seems that he can only do so.

Looking at his teacher’s face and muttering several times, Hao Aiguo was finally persuaded by Professor Chen to return to the camp.


“Haha, it was my student who made a bad remark just now, and I ask for your forgiveness, old man, I will compensate him here.”

There is a way to catch thieves, catch stolen goods, catch traitors and catch double!

Although Qin Yun’s purpose for coming here was impure and their behavior was indeed suspicious.


Without seeing anything, Hao Aiguo said something like that.

Not to mention that it is placed on some old pedants, even if this matter is troubled by law enforcement agencies, the archaeological team will not be able to take care of it.

Therefore, even though Professor Chen was an elder, Qin Yun accepted his apology very calmly.

As for what Professor Chen’s words represent.

Qin Yun: “Professor Chen, don’t hide from you, if I can, I don’t like to bend the most.”

Now they are all their own people, we might as well open the skylight and say bright words, what you want to say directly! ”

In the end, after seeing that Qin Yun’s side did not give himself a chance to set up a close set at all, Professor Chen could only bite the bullet and speak.

“Although I haven’t heard much, judging from this little brother’s previous judgment, the ancestor should be Shi Cheng Captain Jin.

How, old man, do I have an error in my inference? ”

Fatty Wang: “How do you…”


Listening to Professor Chen’s words, Qin Yun first glared at the fat man and signaled Huba to take care of the other party and not let him talk nonsense.

Only then did Qin Yun open his mouth to answer.

“I still say that, what Professor Chen wants to say, just say it directly, if it is still these problems without nutrition, then we will not accompany you.”

We have limited time to go back to our hometown to visit our relatives, so it would be a shame to miss out on this great river! ”

Returning home to visit relatives?

I really believe you are a ghost!

I wonder who will bring so many sapper shovels back to their hometown!

However, seeing that Qin Yun did not accept the recruitment, the situation was stronger than people, and Professor Chen’s side was indeed a little unbearable.

“If that’s the case, then I won’t hide it from you.

With the occurrence of an earthquake, Niuxin Mountain was cracked.

In fact, at the beginning, in order to descend into the tomb as soon as possible, our archaeological team directly sent people from the cracks.

But unfortunately, three teams went down in succession, not only did they find nothing, but even people disappeared in ancient tombs.

After trying hard for several days, nothing was gained.

I decided that although the earthquake shook the mountain, if you want to enter the tomb of Empress Dowager Xiao in front of you, you must enter through the entrance of the tomb with Qi Menzhi.

Almost seven days have passed since the disappearance of those three teams.

Although we also have places where they have fallen, food and water, what is the specific situation in the tomb and whether they can successfully receive it?

These are things we can’t grasp.

Moreover, rescue such a thing should be done sooner rather than later.

I know that in Mr. Qin’s heart, we people may all be a group of old pedants who have taken advantage of their reputation, but life itself is innocent.

Of the three squads that went down, the oldest was less than thirty years old, and the youngest was even only nineteen years old.

It doesn’t matter if the archaeological progress is not good, if it is not a month, it will be a year, and if it is not possible in one year, it will be three years, and with our current national strength, it is only a matter of time at best to excavate this tomb.

However, if these young lives are buried here, the price will inevitably be a little too great!

Therefore, if Mr. Qin has a way here, please help us.

Old age must be appreciated! ”

Hu Bayi: “Qin Ye…”

In the end, Lao Hu is a soldier who has just come down from the battlefield, whether it is his inner sense of justice or his loyalty, it is not to be picked.

Therefore, when he heard Professor Chen’s request, he thought about discussing it with Qin Yun.

Although it is said that Hu Bayi’s “Sixteen-Character Yin and Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique” has only learned one and a half hangs, in the face of this situation, if he can help, his side will definitely not be ambiguous.

As for Qin Yun’s words.

First he stretched out his hand to stop Hu Bayi’s movements, and then Qin Yun leaned over again and said a few words in Professor Chen’s ear.

Seeing that Professor Chen first hesitated, and then nodded, Qin Yun said to Huba behind him.

“Lao Hu, since it is a matter of human life, then naturally there can be no ambiguity on our side, don’t keep your hands, we will help as much as we can!”


After seeing Qin Yun speak, Hu Bayi, who had long been ready, was not ambiguous.

After taking out his ancestral compass from the package behind him, Huba began to check the direction against the oxin mountain in front of him.

Captain Mojin was inherited from the hands of his wife Cao in the late Han Dynasty, walking on the dragon veins of mountains and rivers, and was very good at distinguishing the art of gold and caves, and feng shui can be regarded as the way of public opinion.

Although it is said that due to historical reasons, under the intentional restrictions of Zhang Sanlian, Hu Bayi did not learn the Qi Men spell.

But on the odd door of the rational words.

As the undisputed protagonist of the ghost blowing world, with the help of his protagonist luck, Hu Bayi has a different achievement.

No, after facing the compass and stepping on the direction a few times, Huba spoke.

“The Nine Dragon Hood Jade Lotus pattern is actually a place where warm jade hides gold!

Since ancient times, there have been clouds, autumn water is divine jade as bones, women’s skin is better than snow, and bones are like jade.

Like a weak willow supporting the wind, the five elements of water are also in line with each other.

In the Five Elements Bagua, fire represents death and destruction, but it happens to be restrained by this water.

These nine waterfalls on Niuxin Mountain are like a river of stars rushing, pressing the fire of the five elements, and when the fire is pressed, the gold and jade under the jade lotus covered by the nine dragons suddenly rise, and the Liao Kingdom can prosper for a hundred years!

Therefore, according to the way of the five elements of biochemical restraint, I judged that the tomb door of this tomb should be under the waterfall in the southeast.

Cut off the river, you can open the door! ”

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