The stuffy oil bottle slowly stepped forward, stretched out his two strangely long fingers, and touched the giant stone door…

Two-finger caving!

There are many necessary skills of the Zhang family, and there are not many refiners.

And the stuffy oil bottle, as the patriarch of the Zhang family, this stunt has been practiced by him to the point of pure green!

I saw the stuffy oil bottle slowly touching the relief surface of the stone door with his two strangely long fingers, and the movement of the mechanism behind the giant stone door was perceived by him one by one.

From left to right, when the two strangely long fingers of the stuffy oil bottle left the relief of the stone door, a clear expression suddenly appeared on his face:

“This is the water potential mechanism, you must find the formation eye hidden in the relief to open the stone door, and the formation eye is inside the relief.”

After speaking, the stuffy oil bottle walked to the side, and actually closed his eyes and recuperated.

Everyone was also extremely familiar with the stuffy oil bottle, and they were not annoyed, but gathered in front of the stone gate to try to find the array eyes that the stuffy oil bottle said.

The pattern of Wang Zanghai’s tomb implies five elements of gossip, Qi Men Dun Jia, perhaps he hid the array eyes of the organ in the relief, which is a test, and only those who untie it are qualified to continue walking.

Just like the previous lotus arrow array, it looked dangerous, but in fact it was not fatal at all.

If the lotus arrow array tests the courage of the tomb entrant, then what Shimen should test here is the wisdom of the tomb entrant.

What exactly is Wang Zanghai going to do?

Chu Wen suppressed the heavy doubts in his heart and set his eyes on the stone door covered with reliefs.

The fat man looked at Wu Tianzhen who suddenly turned his head to the side:

“I said naïve little comrade, fat man, I seem to remember that you studied architecture in college, right? You should be familiar with the doorways in this? ”

The fat man didn’t ask Chu Wen, he felt that this road basically relied on Chu Wen, tomb robbery is a teamwork, always troublesome people Chu Wen is not good.

Again, college students are still very rare this year, basically there are some goods in the stomach, unlike college students walking all over the place in the future.

Wu Tianzhen hesitated, and as a good friend, he obviously guessed some fat people’s thoughts.

Just now, the stuffy oil bottle also made a force, and it was his turn to strike.

Then he nodded, “Then I’ll try.” ”

Wu Tianzhen said and picked up the wolf-eye flashlight and looked at it carefully.

While helping to light Wu Tianzhen, Chu Wen was also pondering the doorway of this stone gate.

Although he did not understand the ancient tricks, the system had given him the basic knowledge of tomb robbery, which covered a lot of content, and some of the basic knowledge should be comprehensive.

To be honest, in this squad now, in terms of the solid comprehensiveness of the foundation of tomb robbery, except for the old monster stuffy oil bottle, it belongs to Chu Wen the most.

It’s okay to be idle, Chu Wen is also trying to find out where the formation eye is and verify his knowledge of tomb robbery.

The ancients basically set up organs according to the five-element gossip, and then mixed with some knowledge of Qi Men Dun Jia.

It is also important to understand the designer, and it is not a secret to think and explore according to some of the designer’s preferences.

Chu Wen combined the basic knowledge of tomb robbery with the life of this person in Wang Zanghai in his mind, and slowly saw something true.

Wang Zanghai this guy likes water, the underwater tomb is built in the sea, and the power of the mechanism in the tomb is also a spring that is used…

If you guessed correctly, the word water should be the key!

Chu Wen looked for something on the stone door relief while looking for something related to water…

When he inadvertently saw a familiar image, his gaze suddenly froze!

This is a snake-browed copperfish!

An iconic representation of the Wangzang Sea!

And fish have always lived in water….

That’s right! It’s a snake-eyed copperfish!

Chu Wen’s eyes lit up, and he was about to speak.

Wu Tianzhen shouted at this time: “I found the formation eye!!” ”

Hearing Wu Tianzhen’s shouting of joy, the others quickly looked over.

Even the stuffy oil bottle that closed his eyes on the side opened his eyes.

Wu Tianzhen looked very excited: “I know where the array eye is!” Do you see a pattern in these stone door reliefs? ”

Yin Nanfeng thought for a while: “They all belong to animals or creatures?”


Wu Tianzhen nodded: “Let’s see what these animals have in common, or which of these animals is different?!” ”

Wu Tianzhen asked everyone again.

The fat man was anxious when he heard it, he never liked things that were twisted around, and immediately urged without anger:

“I said Wu Tianzhen, are you infected by the bald man before, can you speak cheerfully!”

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