I saw the cat corpse let out a scream!

Then the hind foot was forced, and the front paw was extended, and it was already rushing towards Chu Wen, who was closest to it!

Chu Wen’s heart tightened violently, and the crippled white tiger bloodline surged throughout his body at this moment, and his body reacted immediately.

The speed of the cat corpse in front of him looked very fast, but in Chu Wen’s eyes, it seemed to slow down several times, which was the white tiger bloodline itself that brought him a trace of dynamic vision.

Although there is only a trace of it, it is enough to see the cat corpse action!

Chu Wen immediately responded, his feet jerked, and his body leaned back.

In the next second, the cat corpse ground claw strike came as promised, but it pounced.

Chu Wen people were already two meters away from the golden silk nan wooden coffin!


Yin Nanfeng, who was still worried about Chu Wen just now, couldn’t help but sigh for her fiancé in his heart at this moment.

It’s not easy to dodge a cat corpse with excellent speed and strength at such a close distance!

This requires excellent eyesight, speed and reflexes!

And all this, Chu Wen has and put into practice!

Yin Nanfeng’s gaze towards Chu Wen was full of adoration!

She felt extremely honored that such a powerful man could be her fiancé!


The cat’s claw touched the solid stone slab with a very subtle soft sound.

The cat corpse fell to the ground and confronted everyone.

At this moment, when it opened its scarlet eyes, it revealed a trace of doubt, as if it was puzzled by the fact that the human in front of it could dodge its own attack.

Chu Wen didn’t give it a chance and quickly stepped back to stand with the rest of the people.

Chu Wen and his group of five people, at this time, all four people held black donkey hooves in one hand and pistols in the other to face the cat corpse.

The stuffy oil bottle also put his right hand on the black gold ancient knife behind his back, always ready.

The cat corpse also seemed to look at Chu Wen and others, the cat’s body sank, and then jumped on the top of the tomb with a two-meter-high golden silk nan wooden coffin!

Everyone realized that this tomb was built in accordance with the ancient building method, and the top of the tomb was full of thick beams, which seemed to be specially designed to make it easier for the cat corpse to move!

Looking at the cat corpse at this moment, constantly changing its orientation quickly with the help of beams above the head and even missing the figure, everyone wants to scold the mother in their hearts!

Wang Zanghai, this old guy, is so uneasy and kind!

Bad old man is very bad!

Seeing that the cat corpse was so advantageous, everyone quickly leaned back together and formed a circle to keep an eye on its movements.

On the beam of the tomb, the wolf’s eye light is constantly strafing, sometimes capturing a dark cat shadow, sometimes missing.

The cat corpse is rapidly changing directions, trying to find the flaws in everyone.

Time passed second by second, but the cat corpse did not make further movements.

The fat man was a little worried at first, for fear that this thing would swoop violently and hold a sharp cat’s claw towards him.

But at this moment, seeing the cat corpse may be because of their large number of people, and they dare not start.

The fat man suddenly floated a little:

Hey! Aren’t you capable of this puppy? You have the ability to come down! A few are waiting for you!

Wu Tianzhen smiled a little bitterly: “Fatty, be careful that it understands, it will pick you up later!” ”

Fatty: ……

The next second, the fat man changed his words:

“Oh… What, cat master, I said that just now for this little comrade Wu Tianzhen next to me, just this white look is easy to bully, you can bully him later!”

Wu Tianzhen: …….

“Alright, fatty! Don’t crow your mouth! ”

Yin Nanfeng stomped on the fat man’s toes, and the latter exclaimed softly in pain.

He was about to raise his foot and rub, but at this moment, at the edge of his vision, he saw a petite black shadow rushing towards him from above the tomb!


The cat corpse is really down!

The fat man mentioned it in his heart, and then shouted violently: “Brothers, copy the guys!” ”

The fat man picked up the black donkey’s hooves in his hand and threw it forward, raised the pistol again, “snapped”, and fired a few shots indiscriminately in the direction where the cat corpse rushed over obliquely!

Didn’t hit!

Chu Wen saw clearly.

Not only did it not hit, but this cat corpse was getting closer and closer to the fat man! Only 10 centimeters away!

But at this moment, he was a position away from the fat man, and it was too late to make a move at this time!

The fat man also noticed his current situation, and scolded his mother in his heart!

Watching this cat’s corpse paw get closer and closer to the door!

Decades in tombs of all sizes, did they die like this?

All kinds of thoughts flickered by, and he who refused to give up suddenly launched a fierce attack in his heart!

Special grandma’s, fat master, even if I die, I have to teach this cat cub a lesson!

Thinking about it, the fat man actually turned his face, he actually wanted to use his big mouth to bite the oncoming cat corpse!

Grandma’s, fat master, I still taste that cat corpse for the first time! I don’t know what it will taste like!

The fat man smiled freely, and his fat eyes suddenly burst into a warm gaze!

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