Chapter 22 Team Assemble, Let’s Go! [New Book Seeking Collection of Flowers Evaluation Tickets] | Tomb Robbery: Mummy at the beginning, sign in for a hundred years and climb out of the Lu Palace | Tomb Robbery: Mummy at the beginning, sign in for a hundred years and climb out of the Lu palace

This so-called trophy jade pendant of Wang Kaixuan has been seen many times by Lao Hu.

He has been wearing it around his neck.

This was actually a gift from Wang Kaixuan’s father’s comrade-in-arms to Fatty back then, but it was indeed the spoils of war when the bandits were suppressed.

But it would be outrageous for Wang Kaixuan, a shameless thing, to say that this thing was obtained by his own gangsters.

He hadn’t been born yet.

But it doesn’t matter, anyone with a brain knows he’s lying.

And Xue Li Yang and Professor Chen have been completely attracted by this jade pendant.

Wang Kaixuan thought it was his heroic deeds that convinced the two of them, and suddenly felt proud.

He also looked at Lao Hu with a smug look in his eyes.

Lao Hu can guess what he wants to say.

It’s nothing more than: see, I’m still smart!

What’s more: I am shocked, this foreign girl has to obediently give money and other nonsense.

But Lao Hu could see that the two were surprised that they were not deceived by Wang Kaixuan at all.

The real key is this jade pendant!

“Mr. Wang, I am willing to pay ten thousand dollars, no, twenty thousand dollars, to buy this jade pendant in your hand.”

Xue Li Yang and Professor Chen confirmed their eyes and said immediately.

Twenty thousand dollars?

Buy jade pendant?

Wang Kaixuan was stunned on the spot, and then he immediately looked at Lao Hu.

After all, Lao Hu is the one who makes up his mind.

Lao Hu winked, meaning don’t sell.

“Don’t sell it, the money is too little.”

Wang Kaixuan said simply and neatly.

“One hundred thousand dollars.”

Shirley Yang did not change her face, and directly increased the price to $100,000.

Wang Kaixuan is tall and tall, but when he hears this figure, he can’t help but feel weak in his knees and almost kneel down!

One hundred thousand dollars!

Speaking out so lightly, did this foreign girl’s money fall from the sky?

Wang Kaixuan wanted to sell this jade pendant on the spot, but at this time, Lao Hu stood in front of him.

“Miss Yang, it’s not about money.”

“My brother was born and died to participate in the bandit suppression, and the spoils he got are of great significance to him.”

What Lao Hu is best at is talking nonsense in a serious manner.

Just now, he felt that Wang Kaixuan’s lie was ashamed, but now he uses it directly, which is also a wonderful person.

Ye Han watched from the side and couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

“And don’t use money to sully his noble soul. This time, he came not for money, but to help the country’s archaeological work!”

“What’s more, do you think this is just a jade pendant?”

“Do you know how many soldiers died when the bandits were suppressed?”

“This jade pendant is said to be a trophy, but it is also a souvenir, a witness, and it has the blood of our motherland soldiers!”

The old man said with a frown.

Xue Li Yang was speechless at this meeting, and she even began to wonder, is she disrespecting others too much?

Fortunately, Lao Hu stopped in time. If he didn’t stop, Wang Kaixuan would probably beat him.

One hundred thousand dollars!

Don’t need the money you get, this is meat delivered to your mouth!

Isn’t it just a piece of jade pendant, how can it be as important as the old nonsense, if you give a few thousand yuan, he will sell itNot to mention $100,000 now!

“I’m sorry, Mr. Hu, Mr. Wang.”

“It’s my fault, I didn’t expect this jade pendant to be so important to Mr. Wang.”

“But this jade pendant may be helpful for our trip, because the text on it is the ghost cave script, which is the text used by our target Jingjue ancient city.”

Shirley Yang apologized first, and then explained it.

After such a commotion, Wang Kaixuan also successfully joined the archaeological team.

Since this is the case, then the candidates for this trip are basically all.

Ye Han, plus the Iron Triangle, Lao Hu and Wang Kaixuan, these are all foreign aids invited by the archaeological team, and there are already six people.

Then there’s Xue Li Yang, plus Professor Chen, Hao Yinguo, and three of Professor Chen’s students from the archaeological team, that’s six people.

A total of twelve people!

It is indeed a small team.

Others don’t know, but Ye Han knows that these archaeological team members are cannon fodder to die.

Before seeing the ancient city of Jingjue, Hao Yinguo was bitten to death by a snake.

Although Ye Han didn’t like this nerd either, he didn’t do anything wrong, and he couldn’t watch him go to death.

What’s more, having more people is just a burden.

According to Ye Han’s idea, he still has to push it all the way, so he doesn’t plan to take some tricks except key characters.

So Ye Han thought of a way.

That night, Shirley Yang invited guests to eat together in a restaurant.

Ye Han moved his hands and feet casually, but Hao Yinguo and the three students fell ill after returning.

The next day, the four of them all felt headaches and headaches, body aches, and it was difficult to walk.

This makes Professor Chen very anxious. These are his assistants and students. Why are they sick?

It seems that they can’t go with them to participate in this archaeological work together.

You must know that if you want to carry out archaeological work, only Professor Chen can’t do it alone. Some precious cultural relics, materials, etc. need to be handled manually.

This is also the reason to bring assistants and students.

But for Xue Li Yang, what she really wanted was to find her father’s body, purely under the guise of the archaeological team.

So how many people in the archaeological team can go doesn’t affect her much.

The archaeological activities that have already been put on the agenda cannot be delayed!

So, in the eyes of Hao Yinguo and the three students with incomparable resentment and regret, their group of eight left the capital and set foot on the train to the west!

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