“Very likely!”

Elder Zi squinted his eyes and said calmly.

Soon, the innocence in the picture has come to the exit of the cave, and the little light gradually disperses, far different from the condensation that is still in the cave.

“It seems that he is about to go out.”

Gu Lao stared.

“That’s right, the real tomb is next.”

Elder Zi also nodded.

However, the next second.

As Innocence climbed out of the cave in one step, everything in the outside world directly made everyone dumbfounded.

“This… How is this possible! ”

“How come!”

“No, that’s not realistic! What about them? ”

One by one, even Gu Lao and the two, they were shocked, and they looked around carefully.

A passage with frescoes on both sides.

This… Isn’t this the passage that naïve they walked before?

They talked about this hole at the time.

Now, it is actually used by the naïve himself to escape for his life?

Gu Lao frowned and pondered, “No, no, this hole was dug out of it, then it must be that the group of mercenary gangs also came out of it, but there is only one road, they can’t disappear in place, right?” ”

“That’s right, naïve when they came down, they didn’t meet anyone along the way, so it can only be said that this group of people went to other places, not the outside world.”

“In this way, I am afraid that there is a hidden secret door here, and there is where the real tomb is.”

Elder Zi also analyzed.

However, just as the two said this, Li Yun’s eyes lit up on the side, “Second Elder, according to this analysis, doesn’t that mean that the seven-star suspected coffin is fake, no, it is the seven-star suspicious coffin, and the coffins inside are all fake?” ”

“Eight, nine, not ten.”

Gu Lao said deeply.


Innocence was obviously not stupid, and after a brief shock, he began to calmly think about a way out.

Right now, the third uncle and they all disappeared, leaving him here alone, and most importantly, he had to go out before dark.

As a result, whether food and water are sufficient or not, the time has been reduced to less than twelve hours.

“I’m too hard.”

He spat bitter water into Hi Shao and Chen Chengcheng in the headset.

The two were also hurriedly comforted.

“Naive, don’t worry, you’re thinking of a way.”

“Yes, yes, there must be another way here.”

As the words of the two fell, Innocence also calmed down.

He looked left and right, and the wisps of detail in his mind softened together. After a while, he took out the map of the mercenary gang.

“Since they can disappear, there must be another way, maybe there will be a discovery on the map.”

While thinking.

while expanding the map.

Various things are written on the ghost-like scratch paper, and through the lines, naivety gradually understands the meaning of the things above.

Here is the passage, here is the seven-star coffin, here is….

Suddenly, a dotted line appeared.

If, if all the previous solid lines represent a path, then the square of the link after the dashed line….

“It’s a secret door!”

Suddenly, Innocence sat up in shock.

His eyes became brighter and brighter, and he was a little less confused.

“In that case, then I will definitely be able to find the location of the secret door according to this map.”

See here.

Gu Lao and Zi Lao couldn’t help nodding secretly.

“This is really insightful, and it seems that there is no doubt about the next path.”

“Yes, yes, a virtual tomb has been arranged like this, but I don’t know how grand the real tomb should be.”


Naivety began to grope on the wall.

This piece is not.

Neither is that piece.

Finally, press on an ordinary stone in the center, click!

Without waiting for the naïve to react.

The stone slab under his feet was directly tilted downward, and the whole person he fell directly.

“Ah! Aaaah! ”

“Naive, naïve!”

Hi Shao and Chen Chengcheng hurriedly shouted, but it was of no use.

Three seconds later.


Chen Chengcheng slammed the headphones on the table.

Staring at Hi Shao angrily.

“Broken machine, useless.”

Yes, they have lost contact with Innocence again, and this time it is not because of the magnetic field, but simply because the signal is interrupted because it is too deep underground.

At the moment, underground.

The sound of falling sounded, and innocence felt as if it was broken, piercing pain.

Fortunately, it is not too high, and the slope has a cushion.

In the end, I struggled to get up.

When he turned the flashlight around again, he found that it was a closed stone chamber, and his location was on a stone staircase.

The space is so small that there is hardly anything to hide.

Rubbing his head, he walked underneath.

Just turned the stairs, the next moment.


A cold air does not come from the mouth.

On the ground lay a foreign man wearing a black combat uniform, but with his eyes tightly closed and not moving at all.


Naivety recognized it immediately.

He approached step by step, and finally pressed his hand to his neck, and sure enough, there was no pulse, and the person was dead.

After hesitating for a moment, he took out a wallet from this guy’s waist, and what came into view was a round plate engraved with mysterious inscriptions and numbers.

However, he didn’t wait for more looks.

The abnormality occurs again.

Late la-la!

There was a sound of friction against the wall, and Innocence hurriedly stood up and hid behind the stairs.

And that’s the moment.

“Third Master?”

“Third Master?”

The familiar shout made Innocence breathe a sigh of relief.

He hurriedly walked out.

“Panzi, it’s me!”


Panzi just looked at him a few times.

Bang bang!

The muzzle of the gun in his hand burst out of flames.

When everything was done, he hurriedly greeted Innocence, “Quick, little third master, come up quickly!” ”


Innocence also heard strange sounds at this moment, and he looked around and found that there were corpses and turtles burrowed out one by one.

What a big one!

Subconsciously, he ran wildly.

Finally, before the group of corpses came out, he ran to the round pit on the wall of class.

“It seems that this is the escape passage left by those craftsmen, shall we hurry up?”

Innocence hurriedly said.

Pan Zi shook his head, “No, I’ve been in and out several times, it’s all maze, you can’t get out.” ”


“That third uncle…”

Just when Naive was about to ask about the traces of the third uncle.


Another loud voice sounded.

At the same time, on the stone staircase in front of them, a fat man with a green face suddenly appeared.

“Are you?” Pan Zi immediately raised his snatch.

“How are you?” It was naïve, he exclaimed.

That’s right, the person who came was Fatty Wang.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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