Top Student

Chapter 525 Apollo's Secret

"Apollo project information... I finally saw you."

Unlike rumors, these materials were not completely lost, at least some of them were preserved.

It can be seen that the Sam Space Agency only sent some data that is closely related to the space launch system, and did not send all the information of the Apollo project in one brain.

Even so, this is enough for Xu You to release more hidden information through information brain supplement skills.

After Xu You spent some time to understand these materials, all the details of the information have been printed in Xu You's brain.

After completing these tasks, Xu You said silently in his mind: "Turn on the state of information brain supplementation!"

Immediately, in Xu You's brain, the deciphering of unknown information and the splicing of information fragments began again.

Since the state of information brain supplementation consumes a lot of vitality and brain, Xu You must ensure that he completes this task with a huge workload as much as possible within a limited time.

Otherwise, there is no work to be done, so I have to wait until tomorrow when the vitality value is refreshed, and then continue to complete it.

And this intermittent working method has a certain impact on work efficiency.

Every time you enter the state, it takes a lot of time.

Just like this, Xu You carried out his work on his own, completely ignoring the feelings of the people around him.

And everyone was accustomed to Xu You's state, and they kept silent beside them, for fear of disturbing Xu You, and quietly waited for Xu You to finish their work.

After about three hours, Xu You finally withdrew from the state of brain supplementing information.

"Come out, all come out!"

After three hours of intense mental work, Xu You finally figured out all the details of the entire Apollo project.

After completing these tasks, Xu You only felt that his whole brain and body were in a very exhausted state.

Due to the limitation of vitality, these three hours just exhausted Xu You's vitality for a day.

At this time, Xu You felt that the system's restriction on the vitality value should have taken into account the limit of his own brainpower.

For example, the new skill of information brain supplementation is not suitable for long-term use because it consumes a lot of brain power.

But at this time, Xu You didn't dare to let his brain relax completely all at once, and remained tense, in case there was anything forgotten about the information just released.

After all, the amount of information is too large, and a lot of information is very important.

Seeing that Xu You finally returned to a relatively normal state, several people around him felt concerned and asked Xu You.

"Professor Xu, how are you feeling?"

"Given a lot of important information. Get me some sports drinks first, I need a little energy."

Soon, the staff brought some water and food that had been prepared for Xu You. Xu You quickly ate a few mouthfuls, and his physical strength finally recovered.

Since all the information of the Apollo project has just been restored, Xu You has not had time to use this information to research and design better aerospace equipment.

However, Xu You has now obtained answers to many things that he did not understand before.

"Sure enough, there are many dangers and secrets on the back of the moon. No wonder Sam is so afraid of us sending people to the back of the moon. They absolutely don't want us to get such rich resources."

Sam has also discovered and done related research on the special metal minerals that exist on the moon.

It turned out that in this metal mineral, there is an allotrope of iron that does not exist on the earth, and its performance is much stronger than that of ordinary steel.

Regarding this special iron, Sam has not yet researched its cause, but because of the difficulty of mining, it cannot be used in a short time.

This mineral exists widely on the back of the moon, and most of it exists deep underground on the back of the moon.

In addition, on the back of the moon, the content of helium-3 is also very rich, which can be used as an energy source, enough for human beings to use for tens of thousands of years.

With these resources, the strategic significance of the moon will be self-evident.

At the same time, of course, the far side of the moon does have all sorts of risks.

First of all, there are a lot of craters on the back of the moon, far more than those on the front of the moon, and the concentration is also very high.

Among them, the largest crater was formed by the impact of a huge asteroid with a diameter of about 170 kilometers.

Such a huge asteroid impact, even on the earth, there is no trace to follow.

As for why the moon is so vulnerable to meteorites and asteroids, the Sam Space Agency has not yet given a complete explanation.

Second, on the far side of the moon, the Sam space agency found some inexplicable traces.

These marks are not natural, and by no means were Sam's astronauts themselves.

According to their speculation, these traces may be left by higher organisms.

Finally, there is the problem of high radiation on the back of the moon.

The radiation level of various radiation particles on the back of the moon is about a hundred times that of the front side of the moon.

This will be a huge test for astronauts to perform missions for a long time.

"If it's just these difficulties, they are all problems that we can solve now."

However, Xu You knew that the exploration of the moon by the Sam Space Agency was not that deep.

Perhaps, there are more unexpected secret situations in areas that people have not yet explored.

"It seems that I will definitely not be able to go home tonight."

Knowing so much information, Xu You suddenly had too much work to deal with.

Not caring about resting for too long, Xu You immediately contacted the people in the courtyard and held a meeting with everyone to discuss the situation.

Since there was too much information obtained, Xu You expressed the important information as concisely as possible.

After listening to Xu You's narration, everyone was shocked and didn't know what to say for a while.

At this time, one person said:

"Since there are so many resources on the moon, it is even more impossible for Sam to return to the moon easily. Otherwise, there will inevitably be some disputes over the competition for lunar resources."

For the exploitation of lunar resources, there are no standards in the world, and it is basically a first-come, first-served principle.

Because as far as the current technology is concerned, even if it can reach the moon, it is difficult to bring a large amount of resources on the moon back to the earth.

All we can do is collect some samples and bring them back for research.

Xu You knew what he wanted to express, and said calmly:

"In fact, even if we don't help the Sam space agency solve the problem, they will design a better rocket sooner or later. On the contrary, by doing this, we can guide them in the wrong direction."

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