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Chapter 672: The Elevator Leading to an Unknown Location

But soon, the elevator smoothly descended from the sixth floor to the first floor, and the elevator door opened automatically.

Xu You carefully stepped one leg into the elevator door, and after hesitating for a moment, the other leg did not step into the elevator, but reached the elevator door to prevent the elevator door from being closed directly.

Even if he wants to risk taking the elevator, Xu You must first evaluate the safety of the elevator.

There is a lot of space in the elevator, which can accommodate more than 20 people. It is considered a very large elevator.

"It should just be that there is not enough lubricating oil, and there is basically no problem with safety."

After some evaluation, Xu You confirmed the safety of this elevator.

Due to the lack of lubricating oil, the elevator needs to withstand greater friction during operation, and there may even be some jamming.

Of course, even if it is completely stuck, Xu You is confident that he will open the elevator door as soon as possible, or get out of the gap, or escape to the nearest floor through the elevator rope.

Another new situation is that Xu You noticed that among the floor buttons inside the elevator, there is only one other floor besides the upper one to six floors.

This floor, independent of the six other floors, can be considered the "basement floor below ground".

"Is there only one other floor below?" Xu You asked doubtfully.

At this moment, Xu You could no longer care about the potential danger that might exist, and made up his mind to step on the elevator with both feet.

Immediately afterwards, Xu You pressed the elevator button representing the next floor.

When the elevator door closed, Xu You's heart beat faster.

This is an elevator that doesn't know where it will lead. Even Xu You, who is as calm as Xu You, is full of fear for this unknown future.

This short period of one floor, Xu You felt as if a long time had passed.


At this time, Xu You suddenly realized that things were not that simple.

Xu You has a very clear concept of time, and Xu You knows very well in his heart that if it is just the time to cross a floor, such a time is indeed too long.

According to the normal speed, the elevator should have gone down at least tens of meters.

Besides running downward, Xu You vaguely felt that the elevator seemed to be rotating slowly at the same time.

Xu You can't be sure about this feeling, because from the perspective of the direction of gravity, Xu You can be sure that the elevator doesn't have any inclination.

Xu You didn't understand for a while, the reason for such a contradiction in his own feelings.


After a long run, the elevator finally stopped.

At this moment, Xu You's heart was beating non-stop, worried and looking forward to the scene after the elevator door opened.

When the elevator door opened a gap, Xu You immediately felt a burst of light pouring into the elevator.

This kind of light makes Xu You feel familiar and natural, not like artificial light sources such as lights.

As the elevator doors opened, the light became even more intense.

This made Xu You's eyes unable to bear the strong light for a while, so he had to walk out of the elevator with his eyes squinted.

" there such an open space?" Xu You asked in surprise.

Since his eyes were still unable to adapt to the strong light, Xu You didn't dare to look up too much, so he could only narrow his eyes and look forward cautiously.

Even so, Xu You can feel that the world here is indeed very open, without the closed feeling of an underground shelter at all.

This feeling is like stepping on the land of a new planet.

"This light... seems to be as strong as the sun."

Xu You felt that maybe the elevator went down a long distance just now, so that there was enough space here.

After a few minutes, Xu You gradually got used to this feeling, and no longer felt that the light was so dazzling.

At this time, Xu You finally dared to look up to see the detailed scene here.


But when Xu You looked up, he found that the scene here was far beyond his imagination.

This new "floor" cannot be described as very broad, but has almost unlimited space!

This even made Xu You feel that there was no ceiling above his head, but an endless sky.

And the object that produces light is not a lamp or something, but a huge sphere like the sun!

" is this possible?"

For a moment, Xu You felt that what he saw before his eyes might be some kind of hallucination.

Although it took a long time for the elevator to go down just now, it is not enough to travel such a long distance in one go, directly reaching the deep underground of the moon.

However, all these feelings are so real that Xu You can't feel any false elements at all.

Xu You's willpower is very strong, and he will not be easily deceived by hallucinations. Xu You himself is very confident about this.

"Wait a moment……"

Xu You suddenly thought of something again, and turned his head to look in the direction he came out from.

After seeing the elevator exit behind him, Xu You suddenly solved his confusion.

"Sure enough... all of this is indeed not an illusion!"

Xu You clearly saw that there was actually nothing above this elevator.

Yes, nothing.

It stands to reason that since I just got off the top, there should be a long passage above the elevator.

Connecting with the suspected spinning feeling he felt just now, Xu You finally fully understood.

"It turns out that the elevator turned 180 degrees just before I knew it. The direction above my head is actually the direction of the core of the moon."

Xu You guessed that at the bottom of the elevator, there must be a device similar to the artificial gravity system, which allowed Xu You to rotate at an angle without knowing it.

In this way, it is no longer difficult to explain the vast and almost endless space above the head.

From a position not too deep underground on the moon, looking at the center of the moon is naturally a very long distance.

And this thing in the sky, similar to the sun, should be an artificial "star", which is constantly shining through a method similar to controllable nuclear fusion, and provides all energy for the operation of the moon's interior.

"Great, really great design!"

After understanding the underlying logic here, Xu You couldn't help shouting.

Even Xu You has never imagined such a design method before, which can accommodate a large number of people while giving them a wide space for activities.

The huge "artificial sun" in the center of the moon has both the functions of lighting and energy, so that everything can continue to run.

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