Tower Defense Strategy

Chapter 291: Doomsday planning

Country C has recently built things all over the world. The purpose is to allow mankind to withstand a little longer before the industrial chain is overwhelmed by monsters, and to gather as much force as possible to serve the space program.

The real point is that the execution of countries is too poor.

Since the imperialization of the R alliance, more and more countries and regions around the world have adopted the party struggle system promoted by country A and its allies.

Multiple parties mean that if you want to be in power, you must show that your development strategy is different from that of others. This difference will inevitably push away the concerns of some people. Regardless of their original intentions, they will fall to their respective interest groups that represent a certain bias.

When the party strategy stabilizes, the so-called basic set is produced, and the next step is to grab the middle party.

The centrists have rational pragmatism, there are pranksters who watch the excitement and are not too big, there are people who don't know what they want at all, and there are all kinds of strange minority groups.

Party disputes will inevitably amplify the needs of minority groups. Once some of these needs are amplified, they will intensify basic contradictions.

For example, we still have to rely on the ancestors of party struggle... The ancient group of country C did not stand at the peak of power, it is not counted, it can only be country A.

With the expansion of rights and discourse rights brought about by party disputes, the sexual minorities in country A have seriously interfered with the normal spiritual life of the mainstream people.

Started using estrogen at the age of 36. People with wives and children went to participate in world-class women's sports events, killing the women's world record that had been stagnant for more than a decade. Several years have passed since this incident, but the consequences have not disappeared so far.

Generally speaking, a group that truly treats people equally does not think that sexual minorities are anti-human. There may be some scumbags doing something bad, but most people just treat them as ordinary people who "have nothing to do with me", and occasionally someone will have a fresh talk, not necessarily malicious .

However, if someone wants to turn the sexual minorities into the mainstream value, and inverts the past discussions in the media every day, in an attempt to threaten or even overturn the male-female collocation structure that mankind depends on for reproduction, the tolerance of the mainstream population will decrease instead. This has led to conflicts between groups and an increase in targeted violent crimes against special groups.

Another example is country A, drug addicts.

As with sexual minorities, when party struggles are intensified to the extent that they want to rob a thousand or two thousand people for approval in a certain area, drug addicts will inevitably be involved.

Drug users are different from the general population. No matter which interest group your party represents, as long as they support the relaxation of drug control, they will recognize it. On the contrary, this group of people will turn into criminals at any time to increase the cost of security.

In a nutshell, as long as people who come to power in a region think they are benefiting from a small group of people, the imitation among crony parties will immediately spread the situation. More and more regions in country A have looser drug control, such as the classic white noodles. Convicted from 1 gram, to 50 grams for community labor, the less toxic ones are simply sold as tobacco, and some are even allowed to be grown at home!

In the future, there will be a tendency to legalize all drugs altogether.

It is difficult for people in East Central Continent to believe that before several leaders of country A came to power, they all declared that they would improve the rights of sexual minorities and relax drug control!

...No, there is a strange thing that tells the truth.

Speaking of understanding Buddha in the West, although not pleasing in the entire West, it is the source of happiness for the entire East and Central Continent.

After being happy, if you explore the principles of its rise, you will find that Xitian understands Buddhism in the past 30 years and has been the leader who cares most about the interests of mainstream groups in country A, and he has gained power because of this.

Regardless of his lack of access to government affairs and messing with international credit, the people in country A have actually benefited. The employment rate of workers has increased, and the farmers have a few yuan more money. If it were not for a global epidemic The failure of governance caused him to be abandoned by the pragmatic people. Those who care about their own power more than the national interest really can't rely on the support of the so-called sexual minorities, poison masters, and elites to move back to 10%.

All in all, most parts of the world are caught up in partisan disputes. Whether it is two or a group, there are very few who can coordinate.

Such a governance environment has caused most officials to have no action at all.

Just like Xizhongzhou, country C gave away the full set of electromagnetic orbital launcher standards and some manufacturing technologies for nothing. It just couldn't be created, and it was the result of party struggle. It does not exist alone, but is universal.

Therefore, country C has to take the initiative to let local enterprises promote the infrastructure construction in some important areas, and there may even be some means of relations that are not on the stage.

The characteristic of this batch of infrastructure is to increase energy concentration at various points.

As mentioned earlier, country C is very good at planning the direction for 30 to 50 years, and areas with high energy concentration are the new direction.

If nothing happens later, the monster will eventually destroy the logistics chain and cause the collapse of the industrial system. The last thing humanity can hold is the region with the highest concentration of energy, using the centralized deployment of new weapons to make the final resistance.

New weapons are characterized by high power consumption and high production technology requirements, but the material loss after the army is equipped is extremely low, which is basically negligible compared to traditional weapons.

To take the example of the nuclear bomb on which mankind lives at this moment, it would be too difficult without a global industrial chain.

In fact, many nuclear countries are depleted uranium countries.

Country R, ​​which is the largest in terms of area, ranks sixth, country A has the tenth reserves in the world, and country C ranks eleventh. Unfortunately, because of the mineral deposits, the mining costs of the three companies are very high, about two to three times that of several high-producing countries.

The high cost means that there are problems with the types of minerals and buried strata.

The subsequent processing of uranium minerals requires the consumption of huge amounts of sulfuric acid and other chemical raw materials. The production of a few high-sulfur volcanic islands is relatively low and mainly depends on the supply of petrochemical systems. The operation of petrochemicals is extremely dependent on water sources. With the exception of Ca in Beida Meizhou, the top uranium-producing countries cannot meet the mineral and chemical conditions at the same time.

Just from mining to yellow cake, it is already an international industry, and here is the raw material similar in nature to the associated gold and silver mines, which can enter the next production link.

After the collapse of the global supply chain, the chain reaction will be very bad.

Consider the worst. If most of the production capacity cannot be maintained, then at least something must be preserved.

Based on this, the planning of energy-concentrated areas has been moved up.

In so-called energy-concentrated areas, the primary criterion is that energy must be produced locally, whether it is a hydropower station, an oil refinery near an oil extraction point, a thermal power station, or a large power plant near a giant coal mine.

Excluding nuclear power and wind energy, the trans-regional nature of nuclear power can be seen from uranium mines. Wind energy is deployed in a large area and small in the city. The height outside the city is too high to obscure the ballistic trajectory, and it is not conducive to guarding.

Relying on the self-sustaining energy circle, establish the last resistance circle in each region.

In order to meet the demand for new weapons, basic energy must be far from enough, and nuclear power is a key link in the entire plan.

From now on, country C will coordinate the Central World Island and Heizhou parties, hoping to rely on the existing infrastructure to establish at least two complete chains including uranium resource mining, processing, power generation, and weapon utilization, and it will be lost in other regions. In the end, these resistance zones rely solely on themselves, use air transport to achieve coordination, produce nuclear power fuel and nuclear bombs as the final resistance, and it is best to send a wave of supplies to space from time to time.

When it comes to air transportation, there is naturally a demand for oil resources. This is not difficult, because the importance of oil resources is the last resource that all regions must stick to, and the importance even exceeds that of arable land. Under modern technology, as long as there is electricity and fertilizer, cultivated land is not a necessity.

And before the monster completely destroys other areas on the surface, it can also use pipeline ships and other means to carry out large-scale storage in the final defensive circle together with other Other places can only help plan infrastructure for the time being, C The country’s own family has already begun to have a timetable for cities to announce the ban on fuel vehicles. This is the preparation for cities in the defensive circle, because then fuel will become the most difficult strategic material to transport. Most circles have no oil production capacity and must be banned. All meaningless consumption.

Thanks to the earlier planning, Country C originally planned to completely suspend production of fuel vehicles within a few years.

Of course, there is still a distance between stopping and banning the road, but things must be done urgently. At this time, compulsory regulations must be used to allow the public to find ways to transfer fuel vehicles to other areas to replace vehicles.

Think about it carefully. It’s the moment when the final defense circle with high energy concentration is about to take effect. A defense circle may be hundreds of square kilometers or even less, and the distance to any point is only a dozen kilometers. Private cars are necessary. Greatly reduced, bus rental is sufficient to meet the needs of most people.

Even if you have money and insist on driving a private car, when you fight with the monster outside, the load on the grid will rush up, and the fighting intensity will be slightly higher, and the whole area will probably be rationed. Private electric cars are the first to lie down.

It's just that such bad expectations should not be made public, and can only be pushed slowly in the direction of urban development.

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