Tower Defense Strategy

Chapter 297: Radiation trouble

The wall work of the second building of the Moon Palace is progressing smoothly, and there is a decision related to the future of the Moon Palace.

Water classification.

The moon's surface is not comparable to the mother star, it is full of cosmic rays, and radiation is very common. Take water as an example. The heavy and super-heavy water that develops the ice layer is much larger than the earth ball ocean environment.

The separation difficulty of heavy water and super heavy water is very low. In a standard environment, heavy water has a density of 1.1 grams per milliliter and a boiling point of 101.4 degrees Celsius; super heavy water has a density of 1.33 and a boiling point of 104 degrees. A simple temperature-controlled distillation can be repeated several times to achieve a more complete separation.

There are now a bunch of solutions ahead.

More radical is to mix heavy water directly with ordinary water and drink it!

Heavy water D2O has no radioactivity, and its chemical power is somewhat different from H2O. Ingestion of a large amount of water into the human body will not induce disease in a short period of time.

Overweight water can’t be drunk as water. Tritium is more radioactive and has a half-life of only more than twelve years. This means that the purified tritium halves its mass every twelve years and produces other substances of corresponding quality (mainly deuterium). In the human body, overweight water is generally used as a medical tracer, and its effect on people is similar to that of X-rays.

Moon manifests itself in the absence of a nuclear fusion device and no need for tritium. There are only ten or twenty personnel, and the consumption of overweight water for medical experiments is almost negligible.

Most of the overweight water still needs to be stored for subsequent use or reuse after natural decay.

The conservative side is relatively extreme and believes that the utilization strategy of Building No. 1 should be maintained, separated as much as possible, and heavy water and overweight water should be preserved.

However, the difficulty faced by the Moon Palace is that because the gravity is too low, the infrastructure speed cannot be raised. Storage in the lunar surface environment must also consider the fluidity of the pipeline caused by the temperature problem. Manpower and material resources.

After a comprehensive discussion, it was finally decided to adopt the solution with the least engineering pressure.

The main purpose of reducing the distillation standard is to separate the overweight water.

A small amount of heavy water will enter the reference water system, and the remaining heavy water and overweight water will be used for geological prospecting...just pump the water into the ground to see what will come out.

This scheme uses very few water container resources for the mixture of heavy water and overweight water, and it can be expanded according to its own needs when the work of the moon palace is not so intensive in the future.

On the moon table, everyone is not only facing the problem of the composition of the water, the moon soil also has radiation!

Since the launch of the Lunar Palace agricultural project, the radiation problem of the lunar soil has always been a heart disease of the people on the surface.

The lunar soil in the two existing glass greenhouses of the Moon Palace is smashed from the part near the ice layer and three meters below the foundation of the second building.

When cosmic rays affect matter, because atomic nuclei occupies a small proportion of atomic volume, it can basically be regarded as unobstructed. Coupled with the influence of quantum tunneling effect, both surface and underground matter will show radioactivity.

However, as the stacking of atoms and molecules increases, the underground impact will still be much smaller.

The greenhouse is still in the experimental stage of soil cultivation and planting, and the radiation problem has become a key research project for local support agencies.

There are also several ideas for the same.

One is to compare Buddhism's limited intake of radiation-containing foods.

This point of view and the laissez-faire heavy water are not based on the same theory... or philosophical foundation is more appropriate.

All our body functions and structures today are the final results obtained through continuous mutation and superiority screening in the long process of adapting to the environment.

If mankind wants to set foot in the universe, the most in the universe is radiation, which can be said to be an enemy that needs to face all the time just like heat.

Astronaut's genes actively adapt to the space environment may be an inevitable result, and there is no need to artificially block it.

Not many people responded to this kind of thinking, and it was especially resisted by various systems in country C, because it deliberately failed to mention a fatal danger.

What is the other side of evolution?

Mass deaths.

Species use their superiority to evolve, compete for survival resources, or directly kill old species, and replace the old species in rounds to achieve the overall evolution of the entire ethnic group.

Put it on the moon table, even if there are means to monitor and control radiation sources, to ensure that the frequency of gene mutations increases, and modern medical methods are used to suppress additional deaths caused by undesirable mutations. Then, what methods do people who gain advantage mutations use to express their genetic advantages in the entire space population?

With the existing widespread ethics, laws, morals, and the evolution of artificial selectivity, it is difficult to discuss in depth.

Therefore, the current direction of efforts is still to eliminate radiation as the goal.

In this direction, the microbes and plants have tried, and the latter has invested more resources.

The source of radiation in the glass greenhouse is because some substances become radioactive under the influence of cosmic rays, such as helium 5, carbon 14, etc. Microbes cannot change the atoms themselves. They can only carry out molecules by destroying and rebuilding molecular bonds. Reorganization of layers. The replacement of microorganisms cannot allow the radioactivity to be enriched.

Plants are easier to enrich.

The nitrogen-fixing rhizobia associated with soybeans makes soybeans a nitrogen-fixing crop. There are many similar situations. Some plants can achieve the enrichment of one or several substances through their own or symbiotic bacteria, either in the soil or in the rhizome. On the leaves, compared to purifying the entire soil at one time, it is obviously easier to process only crops and soil pits.

But no matter which kind, it will take time to grind in the end, and the colleagues on the earth ball are likely to be killed by the monster without any results.

It is impossible for the glass greenhouse to remain idle all the time, and must be used as a source of food for space people.

The problem is very complicated and there are many contradictions.

In short, the result of compromise in all aspects is that the astronauts still have to use the calculation of the safe radiation dose as the standard to properly eat the crops produced in the greenhouse. In fact, this is also conducive to speeding up the elimination of radiation.

Although the people talk about the discoloration of radiation, in fact, people are exposed to radiation quite a lot.

X-ray is of course typical, and its radiation is not that big.

On international flights crossing the polar routes, the amount of radiation suffered by the internal personnel is equivalent to two X-rays, and there are no large-scale deaths of those who often travel between the two sides of the earth ball. The most is to sacrifice their hair. Of course, if you really do year-round disease tracking, their cancer incidence is definitely higher than that of ordinary people, but it will not be much higher, and the impact coefficient is not as good as the difference in cancer incidence caused by dietary habits.

Therefore, when the radiation energy is tracked in the whole chain, limited intake will not endanger life safety.

From the perspective of the Moon Palace astronauts, they also know that if they do not accept this plan, let alone the current 20 people in the Moon Palace, with the goal of sustainability, relying solely on the delivery of surface resources, even the previous ten cannot be maintained.

However, more people from the fortress enter the Moon Palace, and problems such as cancer and gene collapse caused by radiation will inevitably become the first priority.

The research on microbes and plants cannot be expected in the short term, and we still have to rely on industrial means to solve the problem.

There is no organic matter in the lunar soil, but the mixture of desertification caused by countless years of thermal expansion and contraction, and occasional attacks from foreign meteorites make its composition very complicated.

This makes the industry completely despread, and the process will be very cumbersome. It even requires a more complex system than the existing metallurgy and glass smelting. The lower gravity also makes some separation operations more difficult. If you count the research on the surface The strength is lost, and it is even better to send several batches of black soil directly from the soil ball.

In the face of reality, we had to compromise on the difficulties, and in the end we could only separate and purify the two radiation sources that are more harmful to the human body.

After the completion of the second building of the Moon Palace, the astronauts will study materials and prepare to install this set of equipment that will arrive at the Moon Palace.

It is expected that by March of next year, the device can remove 70% of the radiation from the lunar soil in the glass greenhouse. Before that, astronauts only consumed food supplied on the ground and the non-radioactive food that had been hoarded before.

At that time, Moon Palace personnel will eat food produced in the greenhouse throughout the year, and the annual radiation exposure will be about 800 millisieverts.

Compared with the normal people of Tuqiu who can only be exposed to 2.4mSv per year, the amount of 800 is astronomical. If there is accumulation of radioactive elements in the body (not metabolized), it will only take two or three years to cause obvious diseases. Within five years There will be a fatal crisis.

But the actual situation is not so dangerous, because the radiation that is not easily metabolized will be treated by the device first.

Secondly, after Building No. 2 is opened, Building No. 1 will still be used for indoor planting. Moreover, the Moon Palace still has a lot of food supplies from the surface, no matter what the circumstance, the astronaut's recipe will not be completely covered by radiation food.

As time increases, soil radiation will be gradually improved, and there will never be a chance to reach a direct fatal level. A small amount of radiation diseases will be combated with anti-radiation drugs.

There is only one thing to note. If a baby is born in the uterus in the past few years, you must strictly abide by the radiation management protocol and avoid the baby from contacting or even approaching radiated food.

Babies have faster cell division and metabolism. In this process, they are affected by radiation. They are more likely to develop tissue cancers due to missing gene chains and malignant mutations than adults.

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