Tower Defense Strategy

Chapter 299: Space accident

The assembly platform of the Doomsday Space Station went up to the sky, and a major accident occurred on the tenth day of the construction phase.

The incident occurred at night (country A time), two astronauts went to sleep, one astronaut was responsible for the task of assembling platform intelligence (the word used in country A, equivalent to command in the cabin), and one was working outside.

Although the Doomsday Space Station has just started construction, its technical standards are actually far behind the future space stations.

Since the existing International Space Station has been assembled, Country A has officially stopped the construction of the next-generation space station. The reason is... There is no doubt that it does not make money.

The International Space Station has a volume of more than 400 tons, and the total investment was over 100 billion A-dollars more than 20 years ago. It will take hundreds of millions of dollars for supplies and personnel to go back and forth every year. All links are falsely reported, and the average annual operating cost exceeds one billion.

But what does it bring?

Advances in basic research and medical theories have updated a generation of space toilets.

Few companies with a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars that have emerged in recent decades can be related to the space station, and the few can be related to software and medical equipment.

Limited by the almost exhaustive development speed of materials science, human basic research is much more advanced than applied science, and these things cannot be transformed into commercial benefits in a limited time.

Without the stimulation of the R alliance, as the world's only overlord, country A has neither the desire to use the space station to display its power in the air, nor the commercial motivation, of course, it does not want to develop the next generation of space stations.

Therefore, most of the external equipment on the Doomsday Space Station assembly platform comes from the technical reserves more than 20 years ago, and some of the surface equipment was replaced with a shell. A very small number of the chaebols who promoted the Doomsday Space Station project last year to this year. Invest in various universities for research and development at the beginning of the year.

There is no overall linkage mechanism. To study special equipment for space on the ground is not to say that you can just produce the entire design drawing. Time is too tight, and many new investment equipment have not had time to enter the production stage.

In this respect, country C has the advantage of being a latecomer. Her old space station was built only a few years ago. Due to sanctions, it was impossible to buy ready-made space equipment. The project only started one or two years before the space station was launched.

A casual comparison shows that in the R&D phase of the International Space Station, mobile phones are still using analog signals developed 50 years ago (which are easily interfered by other electromagnetic waves). More than a decade ago, unmanned electric vehicles had the concept of a battery life of more than 400 kilometers. After the car, can the functions and reliability of the equipment produced in the two eras be the same?

The gap in space station equipment has led to the torture of the team in country A in terms of out-of-vehicle operations, and it still relies mainly on soft cables as safety devices.

The soft cable is not meant to be unusable. The astronauts of country C also have the problem. The problem is the lack of other auxiliary equipment, especially the mechanical arm is still fixed, and the length and number of joints are not enough. Extravehicular operations basically rely on hand grasping and drifting. The efficiency can be imagined.

In such a working environment, on the night of the incident, due to an operational error by the intelligence mission personnel, the core module of the Doomsday space station being assembled was separated from the robotic arm, but it was not discovered in time.

Until the next column that is about to be buttled with the side of the core cabin, it will fly directly to the top.

Hurry up and call people to get up and drive the North Star No. 3 ship to chase.

North Star No. 1 and No. 2 have no robotic arms, only controllable pylons, but the mission of country A is different. No. 3 has no electric control center, and the modular load becomes a robotic arm plus an additional solar panel transport cabin.

Although the Northern Star is a four-seater constellation, the need for the moon surface landing was considered at the beginning of the design. The thrust is not small, and there is no problem in retrieving the core cabin.

The problem is that the operating system of the North Star is a dual system of C language and R language, and there is no E language that the people of A country can use. Astronauts must operate according to the instructions and the instructions of the ground personnel.

After a layer of language, a small problem became a major problem, and an accident occurred during the docking. The North Star slammed the structural column that had been connected to the core cabin with its face.

The Northern Star is not big, but the load is twelve tons after the change. This directly knocks off the mechanical connection of the cabin section (docking hatch), and the core cabin is divided into two parts and flew out!

The ground quickly evaluated the mission and decided to chase the core cabin body. The connecting column section is mainly used to connect the centrifugal ring, which is relatively not so valuable.

When the Northern Star pulled the core module back to the assembly platform, the connecting column was already ten kilometers away.

Regardless of whether the distance is long, when both are at the same orbital height, it is very annoying to catch up. It needs the Northern Star to descend first, and then raise the orbit after two adjustments, and use the RCS system to fine-tune the speed to catch up.

If the people of country C look at it, they certainly don't think it's a big deal.

Here again reflects the difference between the two space station systems.

Country C’s space station plus the Moon Palace system is to leave fire for human civilization. Money is not the main consideration. Therefore, each space station will have various fuel reserves to cope with various emergencies.

But the goal of the Doomsday Space Station is to run away from a small group of wealthy people. It is a bit too blatant to directly support the tax. The aerospace company in charge of the project has to make money, so every penny has to be squeezed out.

When the Northern Star went up to the sky, it was also in accordance with the minimum launch standard. After docking, the remaining fuel was only 7%, and only 3% was left after the one was captured. Then, it will pump the fuel for the assembly platform.

The assembly platform is composed of three heavy-duty load sections. Because it is a commercial company, it is based on the principle of digging one kilogram to earn a few hundred more. The total amount of fuel remaining after docking, converted to the North Star, is only 12%. .

There was enough fuel, but something went wrong.

The fuel remaining on the assembly platform is not environmentally friendly fuel!

Environmental protection has always been a weapon, a weapon to prevent backward countries from squeezing the resources of developed countries. Regardless of the loud calls, country A itself never felt that it should abide by the environmental protection agreement.

As far as personal diet is concerned, country A is the country with the most serious food abandonment/waste, not counting the rotten in the ground, but on the shelves, one-third will also rot in the sales, family and other links.

For personal waste of goods, we only need to look at the per capita carbon emissions. Country A is again ranked first in the world. If we add in the additional carbon emissions produced by many regions of the world when producing materials for it, the figure is even more outrageous.

Aerospace is the same. Everyone knows that the oxyhydrogen engine is the most environmentally friendly, and as an orbital engine, the oxyhydrogen engine also has the best specific impulse of chemical power.

However, the technical requirements of the oxyhydrogen engine are high, from minus two hundred degrees to a flame of thousands of degrees, which includes countless technical bottlenecks such as storage materials, valve management, ignition, and combustion chamber high temperature resistance. Moreover, the storage and transportation of oxyhydrogen fuel on the ground requires professional equipment, vehicles, and personnel, and the cost remains high.

The cheapest solution, of course, is to use kerosene!

Rationally speaking, it is indeed a good new idea to replace the early toxic liquid fuels with kerosene and oxidizer. From the perspective of cost, the direction of its development cannot be wrong. If carbon emissions are not considered, all aspects including production, transportation, rocket storage, flow, and combustion chamber distribution have their own advantages.

However, the system of country C, considering the sustainability of space, will inevitably follow the hydrogen-oxygen engine line-otherwise, where to get kerosene on the moon? The North Star of country R is also fully connected to the space station system of country C.

If the two systems are not aligned, and there is nothing wrong with each other, it will be very embarrassing at this time.

The ground department of Country A was silent for a few hours, not knowing what way to find it. Country R came forward and offered 30 million A coins to apply for emergency fuel supply to the North Star III.

The aerospace system of country C received the news and looked at its own situation. Okay, the money is for nothing, but no cash, but supplies.

Since the R Congress proposed an emergency fuel supply, there is of course a corresponding plan here.

Actually I haven't used it yet.

This is a set called "Orbital Tracking Fuel Supply System". There are two automatic schemes and a set of spacecraft cargo schemes.

One is an early design of liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen replenishment devices specifically designed for spacecraft to cope with emergencies. It is equivalent to an automatic orbital docking system that only transports liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen, but it will not be docked in the end, and the replenishment target needs to be based on its own. The model of the spacecraft, using pipelines for transportation. Roll back to the atmosphere after delivery.

The new model is a reusable model. It is driven by a plasma engine to extract fuel from the fuel storage area when it is needed, go to the target for replenishment, and then fly back.

The plasma engine model is not willing to use it, for fear of being hijacked by a small space shuttle in country A.

Just consume the inventory of early models.

This gadget is very light, weighing less than 600 kilograms in total. When the target is in low orbit, it can leave 300 kilograms of fuel when it reaches the target because it consumes a lot of fuel, and the supply will shrink greatly if the orbit span is large. , So it is necessary to get a new set of electric pushers.

The orbit of the future space station is only two hundred kilometers higher than the doomsday space station. The two are in the same direction. It will take a long time before there is a window. Forty hours have passed by the time the replenishment is completed.

At this time, the floating column was already 400 kilometers away!

Fortunately, in pursuit activities, as long as the orbital height does not change much, the distance will not have a big impact on fuel consumption, but it will take longer.

When they recovered the connecting column, ten days had passed since the incident occurred.

Seeing this, it's still a little questionable whether the so-called Doomsday Orbital Station can be completed next year.

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