Tower Defense Strategy

Chapter 305: A difficult future

"The Evolution of the Universe", in the octopus world, is an old book written eight hundred years ago.

It cannot be considered an antique, because even to this day, the ecosystem of the octopus world has not deviated from the framework of this book.

"The Evolution of the Universe" has two parts.

The upper part is an introduction to various planetary ecology based on the theory of evolution.

In the theory of evolution, there are still many people who do not believe in Tuqiu until now, and even after the monster crisis, there are even more people who do not believe it.

There is no need to talk about the amount of knowledge. The most definite evidence of the theory of evolution does not need to look at human history at all, but can be understood by looking directly at the directional breeding of crops, pets, and livestock.

The process of livestock is too long, and the difference in crops is generally incomprehensible. Let’s take a look at how many categories of cats and dogs have been oriented to breed in more than 100 years. It can be said that it is subjectively operated by human beings, but human beings are not part of nature. Human will replace natural pressure in the cultivation of pets.

The realization of directional breeding can prove from the side that human beings cannot grow the same as tens of thousands of years ago, and the process of change is evolution.

But the term evolution itself may not be accurate enough. Biologicals are not moving forward step by step. They are just constantly adapting to the changes in the surrounding environment. Some creatures become more complicated in the process, and they will go backwards.

The "evolution" used in "The Evolution of the Universe" actually has a certain subjective element, just like human beings consider themselves the spirit of all things, the authors of the book also believe that space life is the end of evolution.

When it comes to life, the concepts of the two worlds are also different.

Tuqiu people also know the concept of "life feeds on negative entropy", but they are very unpopular, so cold that no one talks about "entropy" in daily life.

Entropy, the process of matter from order to disorder.

Zoomed into the universe, the entropy is equivalent to heat death.

The concept is easy to understand. The sun emits light and heat all the time, and the constant release of energy plus the time factor will inevitably lead to the extinction of stars. When all stars reach the end of their lives, celestial bodies such as neutron stars will gradually lose their energy and become eternal absolute zero matter. The process of finally returning to total darkness is heat death.

The concept that life feeds on negative entropy means that life must accelerate the increase in entropy of the surrounding environment in order to maintain its own stability.

Photosynthesis and eating are both specific manifestations of negative entropy. In this process, part of the energy is used to maintain the stability of the living body, and the rest is used for evolution, and the excess is returned to the environment in the form of waste heat.

It can be deduced from this that the existence and reproduction of life will inevitably lead to accelerated heat death.

Of course, the time unit used in the heat death process is tens of billions of years, and it is not humans' turn to worry about it.

If you understand the relationship between life, entropy and heat death, you can understand the inner drama of "The Evolution of the Universe".

Here entropy becomes the standard of life level, the higher the life level, the greater the negative entropy required. Why is space life more advanced? Because the range of activities that space life can reach and the energy required for space activities are bound to be easier to promote the heat death process.

In addition, the use of entropy as a concept of life is not just a matter of carbon-based organisms.

Going back to the book, the upper part of "Grand View" is based on this set of standards, and has carried out ecological positioning for various planet types.

Planets that can allow life larger than standard humans to live directly without a cover are all first-class planets, and some of them are deadly environments for earth orb humans and most earth orb creatures.

The planetary environment is conducive to limiting the number of life, but there are still natural evolutionary life (including primitive bacteria), which are secondary planets.

Life cannot evolve naturally, and life can only exist through artificial facility environments, which is the third level.

Others include gas stars and lava stars, all of which belong to the fourth level.

The upper part introduces the relatively complete ecosystems on the three types of planets in detail, and makes some unclear definitions.

The lower part is unacceptable for Tuqiu people.

This part is all branches of human evolution.

At the beginning of the lower part, there is a concept: the mission of human existence is to create life that adapts to the environment of the universe.

Here we use creation instead of "evolving into", and the content inside is extremely scary.

After the introduction, the entire lower part lists more than 80 evolutionary directions for mankind, many of which cannot be discussed at all under the current soil globe ethics framework.

Take the creation category as an example. There is a branch called "Monitor".

The monitor is a kind of universal man-made human beings. They are very different from the primitive humans (the initial humans who have not established a base outside the atmosphere). They are a combination of biological and electronic systems.

This branch can change the way of blood circulation and the mode of resident muscle contraction with only subjective consciousness. As a result, as long as they have an oxygen mask at 0.1 times the standard pressure, there will be no eardrum rupture, eyeball explosion and other original talents." "Failure", using tight-fitting space suits with a certain strength, they can even bring a small helmet directly into space operations. (The third-level plateau pressure is close to 0.8 standard pressure, and the highest peak is still greater than 0.5)

The mechanism of internal transformation gives supervisors an advantage over general creative classes. They have not lost the evolutionary ability to adapt to the environment. Through the reproductive iteration under the current environmental pressure, and then transform the offspring into supervisors, they can obtain classes that are very adaptable to the local environment. Human species.

The re-engineering of the offspring of the monitor is completely different from the operation understood by the Tuqiu human beings. The process is divided into two steps. The first step is to use the culture equipment to perform targeted and dominant expression of some genes, and then two implants in the cervical spine. A plug-in with the attribute of "data line" is completed. After the completion of the neck, there will be two metal pieces containing a large number of contacts, which can be directly connected to the electronic data stream in wired and wireless forms.

Compared with the monitor, the so-called mechanical ascension or cyberpunk-style prosthetic transformation is not influential at all. In the second half of "Grand View", there is no single qualification, and it is only used as a reference to compare with various human branches.

The human branches listed in the lower part of "Grand View" have a total of twelve common skin colors of humanoids and earth globe humans, and four creative types. The rest are branches of natural evolution. Compared with them, the functionality of primitive humans can only be regarded as younger brothers.

What is more unacceptable to the Tuqiu people is the branch that is widely existing and evolving in the direction of inhumans.

A representative example is the "Ultra Brain" branch.

This is a very low fertility group, and even has no natural production capacity at all. Reproduction depends on surgery to remove embryos in advance and carry out in vitro cultivation.

The feature of this branch is that the brain has no developmental limitations and the concept of a skull. As long as they keep learning and thinking, their brains will become larger and larger, and they will completely lose their ability to act autonomously in the process, and finally have to become a lump in the nutrient solution. The pure brain that continues to grow in.

At the stage of detaching from the body, their brain's extensional synapses and related devices are combined to be considered as complete bodies.

In the virtual world, one brain is an entire ethnic group. Conscious bodies with completely different personalities and memories have different cell areas in one brain, and they have truly realized incarnations.

Ultrain is not the most bizarre branch of evolution in "Grand View". They are representative because they represent the highest level of ontological memory and intelligence among all branches of human beings. Among them, there are even species that can't freeze to death at minus 100 degrees Celsius, and those that have weakened their intellectual aspirations and evolve in the direction of hunters.

Compared with these species, the mechanical soaring fantasy that is common in various literature and game works of Tuqiu can not be called evolution. It is walking on two feet and working with two hands. Even if wings are added to certain fantasy works, apart from being able to stagger the wings, the essence is no different from the original human.

Since the primitive man learned to preserve the fire, the largest biological extinction history in planetary history has been created for tens of thousands of years. After industrialization, even the ability to change the landscape has been created.

But after flying out of the home planet, the body of the primitive man is really not enough to see.

Take a few space stations and lunar bases under construction as examples. If humans can really live under 0.1 times the atmospheric pressure, it will not only be a matter of maintaining the gaseous environment, but even the safety of the space station can be ignored, because Under such pressure, even if there is a little leakage, the amount of gas loss is extremely limited.

Just a change in air pressure can reduce the workload of space station construction by a level, and the amount of materials such as gas, water, and building materials will also drop.

"Grand View" raises a question that people have to face-are astronauts still human after iterating through reproduction?

The size of the earth globe creatures is most affected by gravity and oxygen content, followed by environmental changes such as humidity and vegetation changes. With this knowledge, it can be directly predicted that the low gravity of the moon and Kunpeng space station will be completely resolved once the low gravity environment is completely resolved. The problem of osteoporosis (calcium loss) will inevitably reproduce larger humans. As to whether the human form can be maintained in the end, it can only be determined by the group's own choice after losing contact with the surface.

The quarrels of the conference and the decisions of the small conferences can also be established in space evolution.

The smaller the group, the weaker the binding force of morality and ethics. It has nothing to do with the level of morality. After all, when it comes to choosing the direction of evolution, it is ultimately for the future of its own group. The smaller the group, the fewer contradictions, and the easier it is to promote the issue.

Conversely, if the scale is too large, for example, even if some new humans appear on the surface before the monster crisis, they will be rejected or even eliminated by the mainstream. To achieve the iteration of all humanity, the possibility is infinitely close to zero.

As long as the logical thinking ability passes the test, it is easy to find that promoting permanent residence outside the territory is actually creating new humans by hand.

Thinking back, sending a lot of civilization seeds, genetic samples, and data at any cost may become the only connection between the new humans. Once the identity of the civilization disappears, I am afraid that it will be a dead end of the clash of civilizations.

"The Evolution of the Universe" has caused a lot of worries at a certain level, but humans on the earth ball have no choice. Apart from going to space, no one is sure that they will be able to keep the main body of civilization and the industrial chain on the surface next.

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