Trajectory of Dawn in the World of American Comics

Chapter 205 3. Powerful! Mason's true identity turned out to be...--【10/15】

Chapter 205 3. Powerful! Mason's true identity turned out to be...——【1015】

(Add more updates for the "Humenyan" brothers)

What Will Turner was going to talk to Mason about was not complicated.

The captain, who had been transformed into a monster under the influence of the curse, didn't even waste time exchanging greetings. He stared at Mason in the captain's room dotted with all kinds of strange and strange items like a madman's ward, and said:

"Old Teague's arrival explained to me some things about the Star Society and outsiders, and he also told me the story about the last old K, he said that his former collaborator came to this world to ensure that the Sea Goddess would not recovery.

A series of accidents and mistakes you made here have led to the current situation.

As you can see, he and I have already guessed that the Scavengers will come to this world to plunder the last treasure, so I am preparing to siege them!

The end may be inevitable, but I would rather my last day be spent in battle than praying to the gods for deliverance.

I need your help, Mason. "

"no problem."

Mason was also unambiguous.

He looked hesitantly at the chair beside him covered with weird slime, hesitated for a few seconds and still didn't sit down, looked up at Will, and said:

"I'm not afraid to fight the Cleaners, and I'm willing to help my friends fight back in a crisis, but I still want to say, Will, you can actually survive.

Same with Elizabeth and Jack.

You can even keep your ship and go to our world with us if you just give me some time, don't you want to see your son grow up?

There's no need to stay here to be buried with your world, right? "

"We can't break away, Mason."

Will Turner shook his head. This action caused a few small gray-white crabs to be thrown out from the weird tentacles on his cheeks. He picked them up and threw them into his mouth with a crackling sound.

And in the splash of juice, he said:

"The Flying Dutchman is not only cursed by Colypso, we are to walk in the world of the living and the hell of the dead, and as long as the hell lasts, our curse will trap us forever.

We are more connected to this world than anyone else in this world.

Anyone can run, but we can't.

I appreciate your kindness, but our fate has already been sealed.

This will be the last voyage of the Dutchman.

We will return to the Hell to bring the souls of the dead who do not wish to rest, and release them in the twilight of the apocalypse, so that no one will live to take the last breath of this world.

My crew and I are ready for this.

I hope you are ready too. "

"All right."

Mason saw that the other party's words had reached this level, and he couldn't say anything more, so he changed the subject and asked:

"Can you tell me what the pirates in this world have done in the half a month since we left? Is their development in the North American continent going well? Where did they hide Colypso?"

"It's in Virginia."

Captain Will said in a vague and cold voice:

"The medicine you gave allowed them to unite to the greatest extent. The survivors of the entire sea gathered under their command as if they had seen hope. It only took them ten days to expand the area of ​​a colony as their base.

Fueled by vengeance, towns are reclaimed every day, and the survivors' ghoul-burning fires can be seen burning day and night from below the surface of the sea.

They seemed to embrace hope.

Barbossa found the Trident of Poseidon ten days ago, and they summoned Colypso seven days ago.

I don't know the specific situation very well, but the message from the sea water told me that they used the divine power of the Sea God Trident to coerce Colypso to reach an agreement with them.

The first shrine to the sea goddess is said to have been erected in Virginia's harbor.

You will find that place easily.

At the speed of the Black Pearl, you can get there in a day and a night at most. But Mason, the Dutchman's power comes from Colypso and the curse of the sea, and we can't help you attack her. "

"It doesn't matter, just lock your target."

Mason waved his hand and said:

"We'll take care of the rest. But old J, well, I mean didn't old Teague tell you what he's up to?"

"The old man didn't say anything."

Will Turner let out a tingling laugh and said:

"I don't even bother to ask.

Maybe he has a way of leaving, but I don't need to. Mason, about Elizabeth and Henry. Save the rest of the time for me and my family.

Tell me about their lives with you, without missing a single detail, and let me carry fond memories with me before I die.

Just a little bit is enough. "

"That's more than a little bit. Before we arrived, Elizabeth specially recorded this passage for me to bring to you. Your son also has a lot to say to his father.

Don't worry about them.

Even if the K team fails in the end, I can assure you that your wife and children can live in that city without any worries until the last day of their lives. "

Mason took out a special video recorder from his arms, placed it on the table in front of Will and turned it on.

The face of Elizabeth Swan, dressed in business attire and with her hair cut short for a crisp look, appeared on screen and immediately caught Will's eye.

When this half-human, half-weird guy saw his wife, the warmth on his ferocious face was really moving.

When Will Turner's attention was attracted by his wife's video, Mason quietly exited the Dutchman's captain's cabin. He didn't want to be a light bulb in this tender moment.

Mainly because he himself is still busy.

It will take a day or two to go to the pirate city, and it would be too wasteful not to use it to make something.


While the K team was heading towards the Port of Virginia in the Caribbean world, outside the Gotham world, to be precise, in a space orbit far away from the planet, a space station shaped like a chic tower was quietly flying around the earth.

This is the "watchtower".

Justice League headquarters.

It is a super-perfect base created through the financial resources of Bruce Wayne and the Kryptonian technology sponsored by Dachao. Of course, it is not the only base of the Justice League.

They also have a place called "Hall of Justice" somewhere on the earth, and it is said that they also have a hiding place on the moon.

The master wore a cloak, and walked into the conference hall below the watchtower with the indifferent and calm attitude that Batman should have. Under the effect of artificial gravity, this place far away from the earth still made him walk on the ground.

After several authentications, the front door opened to both sides, revealing a conference table full of people.

There were three vacant seats at the circular conference table with the Justice League logo on it, and Superman in red and blue uniform had already extended his hand to Batman, gesturing him to sit beside him.

The meeting is about to begin.

Today's meeting has been attended by important members of the Justice League, as well as a few "friends" who don't come here often.

The master sat down in his seat, and immediately saw Zatanna sitting in the auditorium outside the round table and the powerful spellcaster next to her who was wearing a golden full-face mask and revealed a sense of power. By.

Dr. Fate

The visitor is not good.

So Bruce Wayne thought under the expressionless disguise.

"Well, let's get started."

As the watchtower guard on duty, Green Arrow stood up, wearing a green cloak, bow and quiver, and a green domino mask, and said as the meeting host:

"Let me first summarize and report to everyone what we have discovered in the past few days."

"Don't waste time, Arrow."

Sitting on Superman's right hand, Wonder Woman wearing an iconic armor waved her hand, drank coffee and said in a slightly tired way:

"Everyone is here during this time, everyone knows what happened, let's get straight to the point."

"All right."

Green Arrow curled his lips, coughed, and said:

"The Flash traveled across six parallel worlds in the past seven days with the aid of a cosmic treadmill, and the news he brought back was as bad as we expected.

The observers set up in the six parallel worlds detected the same space-time distortion signal almost at the same time, which means that the "doomsday disaster" that Dr. Fate warned us before will not only happen in our world.

The Flash encountered a 'block' while traveling through parallel worlds.

According to the information he sent back last time, it seems that other speedsters have noticed him.

Initially suspected that it should be some kind of hostile force, so he was chasing the other party in reverse in the superdimensional flow. The last message he sent back said that he might not be in time for this crisis, but he would be back as soon as possible. "

"That sounds like bad news."

Da Chao said in a serious tone:

"Maybe we should go and help The Flash, that kid is a bit rough."

"Who can enter the hyperspace flow as easily as him?"

Wonder Woman rolled her eyes and said:

"Let's talk about something useful, Superman, have you monitored the world and found something different?"


Superman shook his head and said:

"The whole world is peaceful, even calmer than before. Seven consecutive days of monitoring have not found any news worth paying attention to. The Assassin's Alliance that went back to Nandalbat has also gone underground.

I went with Batman and their ancient bases are all abandoned. "

"The World Data Network doesn't show any ominous signs either."

The half-human, half-mechanical superhero Cyborg, who sat across from Superman, glanced at Batman and reported:

"Except for a mysterious data signal trying to invade the Justice League network a few days ago, it is very mysterious and its writing structure is something I have never seen before. The ordinary data defense line is pierced and broken like paper in front of it.

I noticed it before it entered the watchtower security network, but couldn't catch it.

The only thing I'm sure of is that the signal came from Gotham! .”

"Batman, don't you want to say something?"

The blond-haired Neptune patted his trident in dissatisfaction, and said in a loud voice:

"That's your place."

The master glanced at this guy and said indifferently:

"Compared to a data signal, I am more concerned about the things left by the aliens you found from the bottom of the sea. Have you confirmed that they are all cleaned up?

Their biological virus warhead has been identified as an extremely dangerous threat, so dangerous that we can't even destroy it casually. There has been no clue about the research on that virus, and it is very difficult to make a preventive vaccine.

But fortunately, we already have a downgraded version of the vaccine, so we are not starting from scratch. "

"Everything in the sea was cleaned up, and a strange door was found on the bottom of the east coast. Green Lantern took that thing to Oa star and tried to activate it with a replica of Green Lantern's central battery.

And those monitors Xiaolan didn't say a word in the face of Hal's inquiry.

They said it was some kind of bloody inevitability, and demanded that Green Lantern not intervene as a member of the Green Lantern Corps.

Just fucking! "

Neptune stood up, glanced at Dr. Fate and Zatana who were silent, this reckless man who had been battered by the situation folded his arms and said:

"Let's stop being sloppy, okay? Guys, now we all know that Gotham is the problem, but you just don't have the guts to fight Batboy!

So let me tell you!

Batman, you have to tell everyone the important news you have! "

Faced with this question, the master was noncommittal.

He didn't answer Neptune's question, but raised his head and looked around the crowd to look at Zatana. The latter shook his head slightly to indicate that she was not talking nonsense, but Dr. Fate stood up beside Zatana at this time.

He floated to the round table of the Justice League and said in a firm tone:

"The flow of time that I see is cut off within the confines of Gotham, and while I can't understand why it happened, I've traced it back to the source and found you to be an important part of it.

Batman, the information you have is crucial.

Especially at this moment when everything is about to encounter disaster, and you are deliberately covering up and don't want others to know your thoughts.

I know you don't trust other people, but I'm going to implore you.

That may be our only chance to get in touch with the true face of doomsday in advance.

You must tell us.

Why did this disaster come? What kind of posture will it appear in? Most importantly, is there a sinister and malevolent group trying to play the role of an ugly god? "

Now, even Superman, who trusted Batman the most, couldn't help standing up.

All eyes in the hall of justice fell on the master. After a suffocating silence, he knocked on the table and said:

"This is the 'third shock', the same disaster has happened twice, it is aimed at the destruction and doomsday of the entire parallel world system.

Our world was lucky enough to escape the previous two interruptions, but this time we have to face it head on.

The good news is that we have a good chance of getting through it safely.

The bad news is, it's accelerating. "

The master stood up, put his hands on the table and recalled the truths that Selena told himself last night.

He said briefly:

"The first shock happened seventeen years ago, the second shock three years ago, and the interval between each is shortening. If we get through this one, it is likely that we will be back in a year or even a few months. Usher in a more dangerous situation.

This is a kind of 'elimination'.

In my opinion, it is more like a shuffle, and those worlds that are not strong enough will fall apart in the process, like a world against a world.

As for its cause, I currently have no way of knowing. "

"Who told you that?"

Doctor Fate asked:

"I promise I won't hurt your 'informant', Batman, I just need to talk to him or her. Maybe we can find more information by using the thread of fate to go back to the source."

"But that's all I'm afraid of."

Bruce Wayne said coldly:

"If you also call them 'informants', you should know that the less people know about their identities, the better. It's not that I don't believe you."

The master looked around.

He paused, and amidst the meaningful gazes around him, he shook his head and said:

"Well, I don't believe you guys, but it's not out of malice."

"You trust them that much?"

Wonder Woman complained:

"Even better than trusting us?"

"Don't be provocative, don't be picky, don't say anything that is not conducive to unity, Wonder Woman!"

Da Chao scolded slightly.

This time he stood on Batman's side, put his hand on the master's shoulder and said to the others:

"It is enough to know this for now, and we should trust our companion, who has proved by his past actions that he deserves our unconditional trust.

If Batman thinks it's something other people shouldn't know right now, then let's just shut up and ask no more.

After all, there are more important things ahead.


"Seven days!"

The master knew what Da Chao wanted to ask.

He let out a long breath and said:

"Within seven days, it will definitely come, and we have to prepare for the worst. I propose to lift the ban on a batch of dangerous items for defense preparations, and the vote will begin now."

After a few minutes, the meeting adjourned.

Zatanna waited until everyone had left before coming to the master, and after a few seconds she stared into Bruce's eyes and whispered:

"Who is that guy? Is he really your illegitimate child, as John complained on the bed? Are you willing to do this for him?

It's amazing how much you can trust someone so much.

Frankly, it makes me feel jealous. "

"No, Xiao Zha, he has no blood relationship with me."

The master sat back on the chair, rubbed his forehead and thought about the things he found, he sighed and said:

"Not only do I trust him, but you'll soon learn that he's really a key player. It's really important not to give information about him in this difficult situation.

As for John who is now trapped. "

"It won't be kept secret for long."

The name of Constantine made Xiao Zha also sigh, regretting that he fell in love with a bad man who always made trouble for him.

She reminded in a low voice:

"Time is a clear line in Dr. Fate's eyes. As long as he wants to, he will find clues about that person sooner or later, not to mention that your companions have already begun to suspect you.

Perhaps Cyborg and Neptune will also investigate in private. "

"I'll stop them."

The master was silent for a few seconds, then said in a deep voice:

"I'm ready, no one can get involved until I find the evil eyeliner hidden deep! As for the two of them... they can't find my informant.

They underestimate my collaborators. "

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