Trajectory of Dawn in the World of American Comics

Chapter 392 7. Is this purple sweet potato essence here to help? Do you think I will believe it? - A

Chapter 392 7. Is this purple sweet potato essence here to help? Do you think I will believe it? -Add more [720] for Rain Mirror Brothers

"It's great. Not only did we plan to find reinforcements, but we didn't find reinforcements. Instead, we had a mess to clean up."

After the contact with the Tianjian space station ended, Mason said in a sticky tone:

"So are the superheroes in your world doing things so casually? Even Nick Fury, who is known as a think tank, is so unreliable. It's really eye-opening."

Facing Mason's ridicule, the faces of the others were not very good-looking.

But he is an outsider, he is well-informed, and he does have the confidence to ridicule the situation in front of him.

Yet things have to be done.

The Sky Sword has already captured the signal of the Skrull captives, and also reported the news that the Skrull fleet is heading to the solar system. If the prisoners cannot be rescued in time, things will enter a rather delicate situation.

"At present, only Wakanda has the technology to quickly travel to the Tianjian on Earth, and only that place is barely safe."

Agent Hill supported his sick body and said to the frowning crowd:

"The Black Panther must be contacted, we'd better go there right away."

"Good news, everyone."

At this juncture, the figure of Zhang Parker appeared in the elevator, and he said in a gloomy tone as if he was dead:

"Aegis Mothership No. 003 has left the port. Judging from its trajectory, its target is my Parker Building. It will arrive 20 minutes later. It seems that the act of rescuing Hill has brought trouble to me, a conscientious entrepreneur.

Maybe I should hand you all over to maintain my current 'good relationship' with the Skrulls? "

"It's too late to retreat."

Captain Carter pulled out the kinetic energy pistol presented by Mason from her waist. She took a deep breath and said to everyone:

"Get ready to fight! They want to kill us. They know that no one can stop them from engulfing the earth until we are dead, but we will not give up so easily."

"sit down!"

Mason raised his voice and scolded:

"You really are more reckless than the real Steve Rogers!

Don't you even look at how many people are here to fight to the end? Nothing will happen to me and my little cuties, but not necessarily to you.

Calm down, I still have a way. "

He winked at Harry, and Harry, who had a sympathy with Mr. K, immediately took out the old magic suitcase and opened it in front of everyone.

Mason took out a cigarette and lit it, walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked out at the gloomy night, he exhaled the smoke ring and said:

"Go in! I'll take you to Wakanda. I need an accurate map."

"They will arrive here in eighteen minutes. The Aegis Mothership must have blocked the New York airspace, and any aircraft will be detected."

Agent Natasha frowned and said:

"How do you plan to break through?"

"It's very simple, I'll go on my legs."

Mason touched the speed ring in his left hand, and while blowing out smoke rings, he rubbed his chin and said:

"From New York to East Africa in 60 seconds, well, it's a bit of a limit, but it shouldn't be a big problem. Mr. Zhang, why don't you hurry up and invite Aunt Mei down? Although the apartment in the box is not comparable to your mansion, it is better than yours." Houses are better when you are down.

I hope Aunt Mei will not complain about the poor environment.

In addition, the instrument that recorded the energy reaction and was searching for traces of Zha Kang had to be brought.

Time is ticking, folks!

Don't stand still, take action, okay? "

He waved his hands and urged everyone to move quickly, and the others looked blank. After all, it doesn't sound very reliable to go from New York to Wakanda in one minute.

But since Mason has shown all sorts of miraculous abilities since he appeared until now, in the current situation of leaving or dying, there is room for everyone to choose

Tsk, it's really not too rich.

So under Harry's urging like shepherding sheep, a group of people immediately moved.

Zhang Parker went to wake up the sleeping Aunt May and sent a message to his sweethearts to tell them not to resist. Captain Carter took people to the 43rd floor of the Parker Building to dismantle the running search instrument.

With the help of Parker Industries' satellites, that instrument continuously scans the entire world to compare energy characteristics, in order to help Mason find clues to the mysterious boss who took away Zha Kang.

However, in the current situation, the whereabouts of Zhakang can already be placed in the second most important position. Anyway, there are still eleven days before he is sacrificed to the evil god.

He can still endure it, but it's not necessarily the case on the earth that is facing the threat of many major events.

Five minutes before the Aegis Mothership arrived at the Parker Building, Mason could already see the outline of the aircraft carrier in the sky at the end of the night with his naked eyes.

The lighting on its deck makes it look like a floating city in the dark.

The mothership activated some kind of energy protection, making it impossible for Mason to perceive the specific situation even if it was driving in the heavy rain.

"I still have to practice."

The captain rubbed his forehead, he was still not satisfied with the development of his mutant ability, although it was only a week before his awakening ability.

Most mutants have difficulty even understanding their own abilities in such a short period of time.

"Mr. K, we are going in."

Harry stood on the table next to the suitcase with the Untraceable Extending Charm opened. She drove her dog into it, shouted to Mason again, and walked down as if she was underwater, shaking her hands.

This scene made others look at each other in blank dismay.

Although there is also magical magic in this world, and everyone here has more or less been exposed to magical power, but right now this is still a bit out of line.

"I'm sure I didn't wake up."

Aunt Mei, who had already packed up, saw that lovely girl Harley disappear into a dilapidated box, and immediately said to Zhang Parker who was supporting her:

"Or because I'm getting old and hallucinating, aren't they your classmates? Parker, why?"

"Don't ask too much, Aunt Mei, just treat them as magicians I invited to perform for you."

Mr. Zhang, this will be very urgent.

His spider senses were warning him of the imminent danger as if he had gone crazy, which made Mr. Zhang very irritable.

But he was very patient with Aunt May, and helped her into the suitcase. Others jumped in one after another, and only Captain Carter stayed outside.

She brushed her dashing hair and said:

"You've got to have someone to help you get across the border to Wakanda, and you're going to get fired up by their defensive firepower if you walk in."

"I don't advise you to do this, I don't think you can withstand my next wild run."

Mason said something without looking up, and he didn't continue to persuade Captain Carter when he saw that he didn't intend to follow suit.

Looking down carefully at the world map with the planned route in front of him, he needs to cross the whole of Canada and enter Alaska, then go to Asia through the Bering Strait, and then go all the way across Asia, take the Middle East, cross the Hazara Desert and enter the Great Rift Valley of East Africa, And finally to the Wakanda border.

In fact, there is a faster way to cross the Atlantic Ocean.

With the blessing of super speed, Mason can run without a trace on the sea, but he is not really a speed man after all, and now he is a water man who is very "water soluble", and walking in the sea may cause other troubles.

You know, there are other forces in the sea of ​​this world.

"I guess you'll throw up after a while, but if you also want to try new possibilities in your life, I have no reason to refuse a handsome Valkyrie to go with you."

Mason glanced at Captain Carter, threw Magneto's helmet to her and motioned her to put it on.

This thing can keep people calm. By the way, he took out a bottle of claw magic potion that eliminates the imbalance effect, diluted it and gave it to the captain.

At this time, in the high sky of the rain curtain, several dazzling lights have been shot down from the Aegis mothership, and harsh warning sounds are echoing. Quin-jet fighters are flying around the Parker Building, and only one order is needed to order them can destroy the building.

Captain Carter put on Lao Wan's helmet and held the suitcase in his hand. She let Mason reach out and hold her strong waist. When he was about to start running, the captain suddenly whispered:

"You are not afraid of them."


Mason glanced at her, and Carter whispered:

"I've been in many wars, I've fought many times, and I've seen a lot of people who are trying to keep calm in the face of crisis but are flustered inside.

You are not one of them.

You are so confident, Mason Cooper, that it seems like all this is just hors d'oeuvres for you.

I guess you can help us get through this without going to Wakanda? "

Mason smiled, and pressed the hat on his head so that it formed a bat mask covering the upper half of his face.

He said to Captain Carter:

"Probably seven ways, but I'm not here to kill a Skrull or two, so I have to suppress my aggressiveness in order to give them all the real hard work if necessary.

Take a deep breath, Carter, it's going to hurt a little, but bear with it, it won't be long. "


In the next moment, he activated the Speed ​​Tail Ring, and clusters of yellow electric arcs spread all over Mason's body in an instant, causing cool currents to flow from the edges of his eye sockets.

Captain Carter only felt the hand tightening around his waist, and he was sent into a "tunnel" like riding the craziest roller coaster in the world.

The surrounding scene instantly elongated in her eyes.

That was the illusion caused by her reaction force not being able to keep up with the speed near the speed of light.

The strong female captain thought she could withstand it, but she gave up trying after three seconds, closed her eyes so that she would not look at the flashing lights around her, and tried her best to hold her breath so that she would not faint.

She had never felt that the passage of time was so difficult, her heart was beating faster, and her heart was so uncomfortable that it almost burst.

When she silently counted to 42 in her heart, all the crazy acceleration disappeared at this moment, and she also felt the flow of air and the sense of stability of stepping on the ground again, as if she had returned to the normal world.

But as soon as she relaxed, a sense of discomfort rose from her stomach, causing her to cover her mouth and rush out. After three or two steps, she fell to her knees and retched.

A scented tissue was handed from behind, and the embarrassed Captain Carter took it and said thank you with difficulty.

She wiped her mouth, raised her head dizzily, and saw a primitive African village, and the black uncles in patterned robes were rushing out of the house, shouting the local dialect and gathering towards them.

"They don't look that friendly."

The yellow arc on Mason's body dissipated quickly and said something casually in a low voice.

He could feel that the 42 seconds of running near the speed of light made his legs numb. Fortunately, the "elementalization of water molecules" has been completed now, otherwise, this running strength would definitely make him break two-thirds of the bones in his body.

It's a pity that there is no speed force in this world, so he still has to use only a small half of the speed force brick left to charge the tail ring.

The good news is that, in terms of recharge rate, Mason can use it at least three more times before leaving this world.

Three chances enough to reverse the ending, this is his confidence.

Seriously, if he didn't choose to run just now, 42 seconds is enough time for him to kill everyone on the Aegis Mothership twice.

But as he said, he wasn't here for the quick fix.

The Skrull fleet has not yet reached the earth, and the real liquidation has not yet come to the beginning, let alone his side is not ready yet.

"I'm Peggy Carter! I want to meet the Black Panther!"

Captain Carter took some time to recover. Although they were all injected with super soldier serum, it was clear that the strengthening effect of the drug on her body was a little deeper than that of other captains.

She stood up and faced the black uncles who were approaching, and while raising her hands, she shouted in local dialect:

"I have important information with me, the world is at stake!"

The black uncles in front of you look at me, I look at you, they did not let go, but sent someone to notify the clan elders, Mason has been observing the seemingly primitive but advanced vibrating gold fabrics on their bodies.

These guys use vibrating gold to make threads to weave special materials that give them very strong defensive properties on both physical and energy levels.

This made Mason feel that he should learn this tailoring technique here.

Especially if I have enough vibrating gold on hand, perhaps the ability to punch and tailor in the future will depend on the "traditional Wakanda handicraft work" in front of me.

After waiting patiently for ten minutes, a royal spaceship with a primitive African style but perfectly integrated with modern technology flew out from the valley behind.

It hovers very lightly and then falls, quiet as a ghost.

Opening the deck ladder a few meters above the ground, T'Challa, who was wearing a panther suit and a king's cloak, strolled out from the shadow of the cabin.

Mason raised his eyebrows. He noticed a guy behind the Panther wearing the same suit as him but with a golden-gray color scheme. He seemed to be the right-hand man of the Panther King.

So, in this world line, didn't the Black Panther family have a human tragedy of fratricide?

But before Mason took a serious look, the next big man in the Black Panther King's guard made him pull out the Johnny's gun from his waist in an instant.

The ooze monster Kevin also jumped to the ground, divided into seven and turned into the whole Zhenglian, protecting Mason by his side. Phoenix Fox, who sensed the vigilance and shock of the owner, appeared from the fire and screamed to spew out Phoenix fire.

There was no one else, mainly because the guy in front of him striding out behind the panther, holding a golden magnum in his hand was too scary.

The body is two meters five tall, the muscles are as big as a giant, and there is a big bald head that does not grow a blade of grass. The chin is covered with weird folds and has purple skin. No matter how the face looks like a big purple potato guy, it is really impossible to let it go. Mason calmed down.


He looked at Captain Carter with a calm face, and reminded in a low voice:

"Take the shield! What are you waiting for? The mad titan has taken control of Black Panther and Wakanda, it's a deadly trap! Good news he hasn't got the Infinity Gauntlet yet, so we can... huh?

What is your expression? "


Captain Carter looked bewildered. She glanced at the purple sweet potato essence in the Black Panther Guard, and then at the vigilant Mason and the two powerful "pets" beside him.

She immediately realized what Mason had misunderstood, and reminded her in a low voice:

"That's not the enemy! Mason.

"Interstellar Rover" Thanos is a good partner of the Black Panther King. During the period when T'Challa gained the reputation of "Star Lord" and formed the Guardians of the Galaxy when he roamed the southern galaxy, Thanos has always been the most powerful member of his team. A solid companion.

In addition, Thanos' daughter, Ms. Nebula, is about to marry Black Panther, so in theory, Lord Thanos will soon become the royal family of Wakanda.

It is impolite of you to meet the royal family like this!

Put down the gun now. "


Just a few words from Captain Carter made Mason feel like he experienced Barbara's usual brain heating up. The amount of fucking information is too much, and his CPU is about to be shut down.

"Director of the Universal Family Planning Commission" Thanos is going to become the father-in-law of the Black Panther, and the prodigal Black Panther in front of him is the captain of the Guardians of the Galaxy?

Alright alright.

The unevenness of the world and the mystery of the parallel universe gave Mason a fierce slap in the face again at this moment, and laughed loudly at him. In the world pioneer business, the K team is far behind.

What does it mean that everything is possible?

For now this is it.

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