Trajectory of Dawn in the World of American Comics

Chapter 542 8. In this way, the Big Three choose to continue to live happily together 【Tweet plus 3/

Chapter 542 8. In this way, the Big Three choose to continue to live happily together [Fengtuijiachang 310]

Of course, there were more than four members of the Lightning family, but Mason didn't continue to send bait messages. After all, he didn't come to the Lord's World to start a war, and now he locked these guys in the time stasis cabin to increase his bargaining chips.

Although he said to the Queen of Justice that he was not afraid of Master Gray Bat in this world, in fact Mason was still full of vigilance for the upcoming interview.

It is precisely because he understands Batman's style and his abilities that the captain will never take it lightly.

It is not enough to have the master's lover and child in his hands, because if he is Batman at this time, he can think of at least four ways to solve the predicament in his mind.

But if four speedsters are added, then Mason's self-protection bargaining chip will reach a fairly secure point.

After 30 minutes, Mason, who had made all the preparations, boarded his Mobius chair and went to Gotham in this world. Although the Lord World has been coveted by the conquerors for a long time, the current situation in this world is generally stable.

Although many countries and cities have been reduced to ruins in the long war, order still exists and even law and order may be better than before the war.

The attacks launched by the conquerors failed to break the people of this world, but made them more determined. The resistance of the world was very high due to the excellent leadership of the justice lords and the sense of security they brought.

Most importantly, the lords have taken a rather "smart" approach.

At the beginning of the war, they took strong measures to remove all unstable factors in this world.

Luthor is dead long ago, Sky Eye will be taken over by gray bats, Atlantis and Amazons and humans have reached a strategic alliance, they also asked for help from the lights in the universe and got a response.

Even something like the Black Lantern Ring has been held and actually used.

These measures make the world resilient, and let Mason see another possibility after the potential of the Justice League is fully tapped.

Sitting on the Mobius chair, Mason crossed the Gotham City at night. This city was completely different from the city he remembered. There were not so many crimes and gangsters wandering around. It has become an important production place of military industry and logistics materials in the world, and it is very prosperous and lives and works in peace and contentment.

Mason never thought that one day he would use these words to evaluate Gotham City, but the fact that he had to admit that among the countless future choices that belonged to Gotham, there might really be one that could Let this restless cesspit lead to peace.

"If it weren't for me, the final form of the Gotham world would probably be as it is now. Sure enough, this piece of stars will still go around without anyone."

He sighed.

This was heard by the Queen of Justice who was bound by energy on the mechanical platform extending beside the Mobius chair. The latter showed a disdainful smile and said:

"You don't know how much Bruce has paid to make his city like this, you just think it's the credit of one person or a team, and you can't imagine the efforts of justice lords to change the world.

I'm a part of it, and I must admit that changing our world is harder than fending off conquerors.

Occasionally I even have the idea that the emergence of conflict and the invasion of conquerors have brought about this change, that external pressures have replaced internal contradictions, and everything is going right by accident. "

"I'm not criticizing you, Your Lady Queen."

Mason put his hands on his chin on the mechanical chair, admiring the appearance of Gotham City during the late-night curfew, and said sincerely:

"I really admire the efforts you have made for your hometown. If the cooperation between us can be achieved, then I will definitely persuade our Justice League to come to visit and study with you.

This must have been a very significant lift for some of them.

But all of this is not perfect, why don't you tell me about the brainwashing slogans about the 'Superman God' that flashed on the billboards below?

Does Da Chao of this world know that people regard him as a 'living god'? "

"He knows, he just doesn't care."

The Queen of Justice whispered:

"This is not a bad thing. Appropriate faith and fanatical injection can make society more stable under external pressure. What's more, compared with those old religions that only preach false gods, we do have an omnipotent god in the world now." protect us."

"Of course it's fine now."

Mason changed direction and let the Mobius chair fly towards Wayne Manor. He tapped on the armrest of the chair and said:

"But the war will always end, and even once the external pressure slows down, these extraordinary measures to help you survive the difficult times now will become time bombs.

Do you know where the virtues of the old religion you criticize are? "

The Chief Commander shrugged his shoulders, and said softly to the silent Her Lady Queen:

"At least their gods will not suddenly jump out and lead believers to destroy a certain country or organization or a certain person"

"Clark wouldn't do that!"

The Queen of Justice retorted.

Mason gave her a meaningful look, and then the queen closed her mouth. Even she herself realized that her rebuttal was so feeble at this time.

Although Clark Kent was her husband, her wife did not dare to say that she could see through Clark's heart.

Since Louise's death, Dachao has closed his heart to everyone except his lover Batman, and the two men can occasionally chat.

hiss! If you think about it this way, the relationship between the three of them is indeed strange.

"Don't think too much, Her Majesty Queen, you are about to meet your lover and your husband, in order to prevent them from feeling that we have abused you and cause unnecessary confrontation, I can ask you to show a little smile next time ?"

Mason said something jokingly, causing Her Lady Queen to give him a hard look, and then continued to maintain the expressionless solemn posture of the Amazon Goddess of War.

It wasn't until the two of them reached the hidden entrance of the Batcave under the waterfall, and saw Mason deftly use the program to open the three defense programs of the Batcave, that Diana sighed.

she says:

"I always thought you were lying to me, but now it seems that you are indeed in close contact with another Batman, and I don't even know the existence of these secret programs.

For a while, I spent the night here every day."

"Just because I know a few passwords and hidden program unlocking methods that even you don't know, so you think I know your lover better than you?"

Mason snorted and said:

"No, Your Majesty, please have more confidence in Bruce. That man loves you very much. Although his behavior of installing various locators and monitors on you is abnormal, it is also a way of caring for you.

He's just that awkward.

But it can't be helped, we all know what happened to him, and if it is any comfort to him, I have Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne as my subordinates and friends.

If the cooperation between the two parties is reached, then you can dress up beautifully and go with the master to meet your father-in-law and mother-in-law. I believe Martha will be satisfied with your daughter-in-law.

After all, you just gave birth to her second grandson, and that child must have a better future than little crazy Damian. "

"Your words contain a lot of information, so I have to go through them."

Although the Queen of Justice is stronger and more stubborn than the Dianas in other worlds, she also has outstanding advantages. For example, because of her long life, she is smarter than other Dianas, and she is better at capturing information and be analyzed.

This is probably due to the fact that she and the master came together in this world, and the way of thinking was more or less influenced by Bat Boy.

When the two entered the underground hall along the crooked cave of the Batcave, Queen Justice's thoughts were still not over, but she didn't have much time left.

Because the Batman of this world is already waiting ahead.

His world is called "Grey Bat", and its biggest feature is that the black bat suit is dotted with large areas of gray, and even the cloak is not pure black.

Although there is not much difference in appearance from Batman in other worlds, the touch of gray somewhat adds a touch of inhuman indifference to him besides the gloomy.

Like other Lords of Justice, the Lord of the World has some red accents on his bat logo.

He stood right in front of the bat computer, maintaining the classic shape of the cloak covering his body. The overly wide cloak dragged the ground behind him, making him seem to blend in with the surrounding darkness.

He looked at Mason, and Mason looked at him.

"Hello, Bruce."

The captain took the initiative to say:

"Your child is healthy and safe, and I will return him to you at some point in the future, during which time his safety will be guaranteed by me, just as my safety at this time will be guaranteed by you.

Can you make the hidden Dachao come out?

The situation of a Kryptonian hiding in the dark trying to ambush me makes my scalp tingle just thinking about it, rest assured, I come here with no malice, like I will release Lady Diana as my sincerity. "

While speaking, Mason tapped on the armrest of the Mobius chair.

The energy on the mechanical platform that bound Ms. Diana dissipated immediately, and Mason took out a Vulcan sword, a round shield of the Bladebreaker and a lasso of mantra, and handed them over with both hands.

"This is my apology."

He said to the Queen of Justice flexing her wrists:

"Although it is an imitation version, it is definitely easier to use than the original version in your hands. I am very confident in my craftsmanship. If you need it, I can also customize a set of Olympus armor in the style of Lord Justice."

"She doesn't need it!"

A deep voice sounded from high above.

Amidst the movement of the white cloak shaking in the darkness, Da Chao wearing a black and white battle suit slowly fell from the air.

His body and face are no different from Da Chao in the Gotham world, the only difference is that his temples are grizzled, and his face is full of seriousness and indifference like a marble sculpture, like some kind of law. avatar.

From this Superman, Mason felt no emotional presence, as if he had dedicated himself to some higher immortality.

"Diana, come here!"

Da Chao hovered on the left side of the gray bat, reaching out to his wife to call.

The Queen of Justice seemed to want to punch Mason, but she didn't do so in the end, and even took the three weapons Mason handed over to wear on her body.

This action slightly changed Gray Bat's eyes, while Da Chao remained expressionless.

The Queen and the others walked over, and finally stretched out their hands under Mason's satisfied gaze and hugged the two men who were close to her at the same time.

He was sure that Diana was whispering something to Master and Chao at this moment, but he didn't care.

Because just the hugging scene of the big three in front of me is worth the return ticket!

Diana is in the center, with her left hand holding Da Chao's shoulder as close as a comrade-in-arms, while her right hand tightly holds the master's hand, showing a very ordinary relationship between the two.

As the Queen's titular husband, Da Chao turned a blind eye to the intimacy between the Queen and Batman, and was obviously used to this scene.


Really exciting.

In every sense.

"I'm here to talk about cooperation."

Mason quietly waited for the three people in front of him to end their reminiscence. When Diana stood on the left hand side of Dachao, he spoke again:

"I and the conquerors are enemies, but the conflict with them is not the first priority. I bring news about the shock. The fourth shock is coming, and it will come in more than twenty days.

I have a plan, and I'm not sure of winning.

But I think we should all give it a try.

In addition, let me introduce myself, my name is Mason Cooper, an A-level member of the Stars Club, the honorary Robin of the Gotham world, and there are two children and relatives in my team.

In every sense, we didn't meet, but we were really close. "

"You can go back, outsider."

Justice Dachao said in the next second:

"We don't need uninvited alliances, let alone allies with ulterior motives. There is no need to discuss this matter until you return my child."

Mason didn't respond.

He just stared at the gray Batman who didn't say a word, and it was obvious that the chief captain was the real mastermind.

"It's not impossible."

After a few seconds of silence, the master of this world said:

"Trust is a luxury for justice lords. If you want to win trust, you have to make a statement. If you want to cooperate deeply, you have to prove your strength.

Diana said you're an elusive man with some skills, so prove it to us!

You know what I mean. "

"Of course, I'd love to."

Mason nodded and said in a serious tone:

"Three days later, I will prove my sincerity and strength to you. Of course, I need a little cooperation from you. The two Omega-level mutants who attacked Paradise Island before are in your hands, right?"

The master nodded, and raised another finger, indicating that they had captured one of them.

Mason threw out a special communicator and was caught by Dachao Zhengyi. He activated the interplanetary teleportation function of the Mobius chair and said to the three people in front of him:

"Wait for my news and act according to my plan. If everything goes well, the war in the overlord world will end in three days, but I hope you can give me a positive answer when the victory comes."

"Wait! Mason."

When Mason was about to teleport, the master said:

"Speedy ones, release them! This is the premise."

"I reject."

Mason shook his head and said:

"There's another thing I'm going to talk to them about, it's closely related to our cooperation but it has to be decided by them themselves, rest assured, I'm not stupid enough to get myself and my world into such a big trouble with you.

Finally, on my next visit, I would like to see you suspend the ongoing secret project beneath the Batcave. "

The captain stared at the Big Three in front of him.

He said:

"It's about time!

The surviving worlds should learn to cooperate with each other instead of launching an unexpected invasion and occupation. I know what you are worried about, but there are ways to send innocent people away. There is no need to adopt this extreme way of world invasion.

I don't want to see you guys become the next Stellaris. "

After finishing speaking, his figure disappeared into the light of the plane transmission, but the atmosphere in the bat cave did not ease at all. The master and Da Chao looked at Diana beside him at the same time.

The Queen of Justice shook her head and said:

"I didn't say that!

You know me, even in death I will not reveal our final plans. Maybe he figured it out himself, Bruce, your defenses are like a piece of paper to him.

I saw him use your password to break into your defenses.

He said he was your Robin from another world, and I'm sure he wasn't lying on that point. "

Gray Bat was silent for a moment, then said to Da Chao:

"Then suspend and give him three days, just treat it as it is for Bruce Kent Jr."

This statement caused the expressionless lord to move his fingers. After a few seconds, he let out a sigh of relief and nodded:

"I trust your judgment. Since you are leading the plan, I will not interfere. I believe that you have been doing what the justice lord must do.

To protect our world by all means necessary, and I trust you more than I trust myself. "

Afterwards, Lord Superman looked at Diana, who was exhausted beside him, and his tone was gentler, saying:

"You look tired, want to go back with me?"

"No, I'm staying here tonight."

The Queen of Justice rubbed her forehead and replied:

"About children. There are some things I need to clarify with Bruce, which are the issues you and I discussed last time about children's ownership, visitation rights and education rights."

"Well, this matter really needs to be discussed."

Da Chao turned his head to look at the gray bat, and he warned:

"Take good care of my wife, she needs to rest, contact me in time if you need something."

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