Trajectory of Dawn in the World of American Comics

Chapter 553 19. When you are beaten up and cry, you have to post with your girlfriends to feel bette

"Crack, crack"

The sound of the whip beating flesh and blood echoed in Madeleine's ears, making it difficult for her, who had just finished treatment, to calm down and summarize the losses of the battle and the first sequence of conquerors just now.

She turned around, and as expected, she found that her "good girlfriend" was abusing herself again.

The Jagged Queen, who had just rescued her, was behind her. She took off her shoulder armor and chest protection, and with her upper body naked, she picked up a ferocious whip made of alien spines with bone spurs and whipped her back hard as punishment.

The blood was already pouring from the back, but he still didn't stop.

Madeleine knew that this was a barbaric custom of the Sangvis that had been preserved since the birth of civilization, and it was not the first time she saw it, so she put down the plot of helping others and respected the choice of her best friend.

When the Iron Queen went to rescue her with almost no heavy defense, she was almost captured by the justice lords, which was rightly regarded as a shame.

The reason for this result was, on the one hand, that Madeleine's call for help was too urgent for the queen to wear the armor, and on the other hand, even without armor protection, this woman was still the deadliest life in this dark age.

She is confident in her own strength.

However, a reckless hunt without preparation is still a taboo for the fighters. Her Majesty the Queen has triggered the taboo of the hunters, and must bear the lesson of mistakes.

The whipping at this time was to punish her own stupidity and arrogance.

The iron-blooded queen made a very iron-blooded decision that she must be whipped thirty times, allowing herself to bear the pain to remind her of today's failure.

Similar scars spread all over her body, representing that the growth of this empress was not all smooth sailing.

She had experienced a tragic failure, but she was able to live with this injury until now, which shows that all the shame of the past has been repaid by her one by one.

Under Madeleine's bared-toothed gaze, the queen beat her back until it was bloody and bloody before stopping, and then the weird quadrangular mouth opened and closed, letting out a hissing cry of pain.

Just looking at the blood dripping from the bone spurs on the whip, one can see how exciting this process is.

But the Predator didn't care, pulled out a small knife decorated with bug skulls from her wristband, and cut the tough skin on her abdomen and arms, allowing the blood to flow out to promote wound healing.

These are all wounds from the fight with the lord's ultra-short soldiers just now.

That Kryptonian is more powerful than the Queen, such an enemy must be treated with caution, and she should have prepared all the necessary equipment before hunting.

Such as kryptonite spears and red sun lamps.

She has all these equipment, and it is not the first time she has hunted Kryptonians.

"Don't move, I'll heal your wounds."

Seeing that the Queen was ready to put on a battle armor without doing anything, the Red Queen, who couldn't stand it anymore, stepped forward and held her down, intending to use the fire of the phoenix to heal her girlfriend's wounds, but was stopped by the Queen.

She stubbornly wants to leave these scars as a soldier's medal.

Obviously, in her eyes, this is the symbol of beauty and power.

"Well, you don't need energy to heal, but at least you have to do some first aid and apply some medicine?"

Madeleine took out the wound medicine used by the iron blood from the Queen's armor cabinet, and persuaded her while applying it:

"The next thing to do is to carry out the mission. If your injury cannot heal, you will become weak. One failure may lead to another failure.

I don't want to see you hide and kill yourself again.

Your custom is really terrible. After I got to know you, I have seen more than one excellent Predator become weak and defeated because of self-punishment. "

"Gulu Gulu Gulu? Guru Gulu! (Where is strength without pain? This is the cornerstone of our family's prosperity in this dangerous age!)"

The Empress Damascus sat there and retorted confidently, leaving Madeleine speechless.

This difference in civilization really cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences.

But in terms of the aesthetics of the Predator race, her best friend is indeed a very beautiful and noble life.

Her protruding eye bones represent her superb hunting eyesight, she can distinguish prey several kilometers away with the naked eye without relying on combat equipment, and accurately find their weaknesses to take advantage of, while her large white skull is It means that this iron-blooded lady has an extremely developed brain and can provide her with cold-blooded, cruel and effective killing suggestions.

Her slender body is very vigorous, her tight muscles can burst out with deadly strength, and the feminine features on her chest are also very round, which is probably the only part of her that can reflect the feminine beauty.

But it's a real monster!

A precise killing machine, a monster that can create a devastating attack at any time, a master and the strongest of the killing civilization.

He is the supreme lord of the predators, the absolute top-notch in the way of hunting.

Madeleine witnessed more than once that she broke into a dangerous world alone, and completed the assassination of civilization and the destruction of the world in a very short period of time.

Among the many lives in the Conqueror Sequence, the Predator is not considered an excellent ethnic group with a deep foundation, but under the leadership of this queen, these hunters who roamed the universe have formed their own battle group.

That in itself is a testament to strength and will.

This person in front of me is a life who is more qualified to have the title of "Queen" than Madeleine!

"Gurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" (There are less than 20 days left before the start of the operation, are you ready yet?)"

In the process of being smeared with wound medicine, the Iron Queen let out a hissing cry of pain. In order to divert attention, she asked something related to the Conqueror's next big move.

Madeleine stopped, and then said:

"It's almost done. The Omega generals who were assigned to various places have returned to the headquarters one after another. This battle is a surprise attack. You don't need to bring too many soldiers, you only need to attack with elites.

It is your task to stop the enemy, and I believe that you and your soldiers will accomplish it perfectly. "

"Gollum! (Of course, we're all expecting a glorious hunt.)"

The queen shook her fist confidently, but then she lowered her voice and said:

"Gulu? (But you know who our real enemy is, what are you going to do with those 'fakes' hiding among you?)"

"I said, this battle is a surprise attack, only the elite."

The Red Queen smiled, and whispered in her best friend's ear:

"I have to thank Maharaja Doom for sending me so many powerful 'little guys', I know exactly what these fakes want to do.

However, what we are going to attack this time is a superpower. How could such a cruel war not suffer damage? "

"Hoo hoo hoo"

This meaningful answer made the Jagged Queen laugh ferociously. She already understood what her cunning and vicious best friend was planning to do.

It made her appreciate Madeleine's wisdom even more.

A few minutes later, the Iron Queen, who had stopped the bleeding, moved her body to the loot cabinet, and she reached out to pick up a special skull on the display shelf.

That belonged to another Kryptonian.

It was once one of her favorite prey, but now this thing must be replaced, let's use the head of Lord Superman as its replacement!

The queen made up her mind.

Under Madeleine's gaze, she inlaid the Kryptonian skull in her hand on her hot-melt sword as a handle, which meant that she decided to use this knife to end the life of Lord Superman.

This is the queen's hunting oath, and the red queen is the witness of her oath.

Seeing that her powerful best friend ignited a raging fighting spirit again, Madeleine smiled silently, raised her hand to distort reality, and helped the Queen perfectly combine the melting sword in her hand with the Kryptonian skull.

"Grunt! (Perfect!)"

Satisfied, the queen raised the modified brutal saber in front of her eyes, waved it decently, and after confirming that the balance and feel were perfect, she turned her head to stare at Madeleine and said:


"Oh, if you were a man"

Madeleine accepted her girlfriend's kindness. She reached out and touched the chin of the Jagged Queen, who was much taller than her, and said softly:

"Our friendship can go one step further. To be honest, don't you look forward to it? Cute little iron blood."

"Googling! (Seriously, I don't like females.)"

The Iron Queen pushed away Madeleine's finger on her chin, shook her head solemnly and said:

"Gulu Gulu Gulu (The brave warriors who pursued me lined up from one end of the galaxy to the other, hunting countless worlds to please me at my command.

I'm not like you, no one dares to be beaten up by my brother again, poor little guy. )”


While Madeleine and her monster bestie are making love to each other, the world of lords has entered the process of cleaning the battlefield.

Mason put the disintegrated power armor of the universe into a special safe deposit box and sent it back to the suitcase factory to wait for the next modification. When he turned around, he saw that Harley was holding a spear with a strange skull on the spot and fighting with him. Like a little monkey, he flicked it back and forth in his hand.

That thing was the weapon used by the rescuers that Madeleine had found to attack Mason. Its appearance caught the captain's attention, so he reached out to ask for it and put it in his hand to check.

The information label pops up in the next moment:

Iron Queen's Hunting Halberd

Quality: Legendary Engineering/Blacksmithing/Jewelcrafting Items Perfect Crafting

Traits: Sharpness, Puncture, Automatic Search, Particle Beam Bombardment, Never Defeated [Special Inscription Entry]

Producer: Conqueror Eighth Order Commander Iron-Blood Queen

Item description: This little thing is quite unique, especially the doomsday skull on it. Its production method can be called a classic case of phrenology. It not only perfectly retains the beauty of the skull itself, but also uses a special method to transform Part of the power is given to the weapon itself, giving it the characteristic of getting stronger when it is stronger. I evaluate it as a perfect hunting weapon.

Its hunt failed this time, dishonoring the weapon.


Jewelry Crafting Skills · Iron-Blooded Civilization · Loot Handling branch opened, Inscription Skills · Iron-Blooded Civilization · Power Runes branch opened.


Mason easily learned how to use this thing with his own engineering skills. With a light touch on its delicate mechanism, the silver spear with a height of one person stretched into a metal rod with the length of an arm in his hand, which happened to be located on the strange The grip of the skull.

He returned this thing to Harley, used it as a cute side weapon, and exhorted:

"Be careful when you use it, I doubt its owner will come to retrieve it someday in the future."

"Hmph, it's mine in my hand!"

Harry flicked his ponytails and grinned and said:

"This is a gift from my little sweetheart. I will protect it with my life. Anyone who dares to come will stab to death!"

"It's a pity that the dangerous Red Queen was not left behind."

The Queen of Justice beside Mason leaned on the observation ax in her hand, watching the speedy Wally bring back the captured mutant prisoners of the first sequence of conquerors, and then glanced at the one who was stuffed into the stagnant time capsule by Quinn. Magneto Adjutant.

She said regretfully:

"You have clearly created the best opportunity for us, but we failed to grasp it. If we can keep her here, this protracted war may truly end."

"Don't be so pessimistic, ma'am, the war is over."

Mason checked the reports sent back by members of the K team, and answered after summarizing:

"The conqueror bases on the vampire world have been destroyed, my team members are hunting down the last field commander Vulcan, the threat to the Lord World has been eliminated.

I will provide you with a technology that can seal the planes, so that the conquerors can no longer pinpoint your world.

Ladies and gentlemen, the war is over, it is time for us to talk about more important things, as I said before, the fourth shock is coming"

The Queen of Justice nodded, and she looked at Mason no longer with vigilance or disgust, but full of sympathy between soldiers.

The Amazons have always worshiped the strong, and Mason, who can defeat the commander-in-chief of the conqueror by himself, undoubtedly belongs to the strong. Although he did not defeat a strong enemy with his own skills and strength, equipment and knowledge are part of his strength .

"Go back to the lord's hall to discuss in detail!"

The Queen proudly patted Mason on the shoulder and invited:

"As a friend and comrade-in-arms, of course, you still have to send my child back! There's nothing to talk about. Besides, I'm very handy with this axe. Can I give it away?"


Mason rubbed his eyebrows and said:

"That is a relic of one of my companions. To me, it is not just a simple weapon, but don't worry, Your Lady Queen, I will customize a weapon that is more suitable for you.

As a token of the beginning of friendship, I'll make it for free.

By the way, what about Dachao and Gray Bat? "

He looked back, Lord Chao and Gray Bat were not here, only the other Lords were busy here, Queen Justice curled her lips and said:

"The two of them are 'heart-to-heart' with their son in another world. Leave them alone. The conversations between men are always serious and long."

"I don't think so."

Mason shrugged, took out two eavesdropping earphones from his pocket, plugged one in himself, and handed the other to Queen Justice. Ms. Diana in this world wanted to reprimand this kind of boring eavesdropping behavior. It is not a soldier's act to be so sneaky!

However, Mason convinced her with one sentence:

"That is the child of your husband and lover in another world. The relationship between them will directly determine your son's future situation. As a mother, shouldn't you start collecting information now?"

"whispering sound"

The Queen of Justice curled her lips, took the earplugs from Mason and put them in her ears. As Mason adjusted the frequency, the bugs on Xiao Qiao and Damian were activated in the next moment.

The conversation between the two pairs of father and son was also passed into the ears of two "despicable" eavesdroppers at this time.

On an abandoned tall building not far from the battlefield, Lord Chao, who had battle marks and burns on his body, stared at Xiao Qiao seriously.

Xiao Qiao also hung in the air with her hips crossed and looked at her "father from another world". The farm boy curled his lips and said:

"So, you failed to protect your mother? You got together with Diana again? Why are you so good in this world?"

"It's a long story."

The lord Chao sighed and planned to tell Xiao Qiao his story.

Obviously, the child born from the combination of another self and another Lois Lane also has a very, very special meaning to Lord Superman.

Underneath the pair of flying men and his son, the conversation between Gray Bat and Damian was much "easy". While wiping the blood on the blade of the sword, the little lunatic gave Gray Bat a thumbs up and said:

"I admire you, Batman, not only because you are good enough, but also because you in this world finally defeated Superman at every level!

You simply snatched Superman's wife and used various means to force her to give birth to you, awesome! This is the image of Batman I want to see. Grandpa Thomas and Grandma Martha will be proud of you.

How about I arrange a family meeting?

You miss them too, don't you? "

"Thomas and Martha?"

Gray Bat froze for a moment, then he lowered his head. After a long silence, he shook his head and said to Damian:

"No, I'm not ready yet, I and my world still have a lot of things to deal with, this time is not suitable for things that will disrupt my rhythm.

However, there is one other thing that needs your help, get your father over here, I want to meet Batman from another world, and I have a lot of questions about Mason that I need to have a deep talk with him. "

"By the way, teach him how to properly intervene in other people's lives."

Damian sheathed his sword and said:

"I really want to see the story of Batman robbing love and Superman dying of grief in my time. Considering that you have succeeded once, it shouldn't be too difficult to do it again, right?"

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