Trajectory of Dawn in the World of American Comics

Chapter 558 24. When you design a clone, you should know that it is only a matter of time before he

"You want those supervillains? Why?"

Mason quickly drew up a statement, and went to find the justice lord to discuss it, intending to use it as an additional clause of the world union, which naturally caused "allies to be amazed".

Bai Wally stared at the explanatory document handed over by Mason, and exclaimed:

"You're going to take them all away for 'special operations consumables', the 'special operations' kind I'm thinking of? No, it won't work!

Villains have human rights too. "

"It's no wonder you and Barry can become friends, you two are exactly the same in terms of kindness."

Mason sighed and explained to Lord Flash:

"Not to mention that your prefrontal lobotomy to ensure 'harmless' behavior does not conform to the definition of human rights, but this kind of action itself is very suspected of wasting resources.

Supervillains have their own abilities, and they are also all kinds of power units that a world can produce, whether good or evil.

Just like superheroes should fulfill their responsibilities to the world, villains should also be given corresponding jobs to ensure the proper use of resources.

We are experienced in this field.

And rather than letting them enjoy the good life of idiots in a madhouse freely, putting them in a suitable position to do unpaid labor may better reflect the concept of "salvation", right?

You guys can get rid of some baggage that wastes resources, and we can get a batch of superpower consumables.

It's good for everyone. "

The captain seemed to be convincing White Wally, but in fact he kept staring at the Queen of Justice and Lord Superman when he said these words.

He thinks these pragmatist justice lords are unlikely to reject his proposal.

"Two questions!"

Lord Superman held up two fingers and said:

"First, they have all been harmlessly processed. If you want to use them, you must treat them first. Second, how can you ensure that these guys will not become our troubles again in the future?"

"I can answer both of your questions with one answer."

Mason took out a bottle of potion and put it on the table, saying:

"This healing substance made using alchemy techniques can repair the thinking organs of those unlucky ones who have been removed. Secondly, I will add some additional materials to this healing substance to ensure their long-term control.

Finally, I will assign very good commanders to run them. "

"Drug manipulation is really a classic 'solution'. From my experience, there is a high probability that something will go wrong, but seeing that you are full of confidence, I have to ask one more question.

Who are you going to put in command of these vicious beasts? "

The Queen of Justice asked, and Mason played the optical projection of the old man and said:

"A Batman with a gun and killing people, he led the League of Assassins and did a great job."

"Then I'm fine."

This answer reassured the Queen.

She looked at Lord Superman, who maintained serious thinking for a moment and then said to Mason:

"The harmless treatment of all villains was the result of the vote of all justice lords, and now it needs an explanation and a vote to send them away.

I will give you my answer at the joint ceremony tomorrow morning.

But one of them cannot be released, Zhou Ke'er, he must be strictly controlled, and I don't think you have the ability to control him. "

"I didn't want him in the first place, and the guy who has his heart on Batman is just going to cause trouble wherever he goes."

Mason spread his hands and said:

"What's more, our team already has a Zhou Ke'er. It's enough to have one of these things, and it will definitely be bad if there are more. I'm going to deal with the conqueror's captives now. Are you two interested in going together?

Considering we have three Omega-class clones among our captives, I'm somewhat uneasy without you by my side. "

"I'll go with you, just to relax."

The Queen of Justice got up and brushed her long hair, saying:

"Participating in those discussions gave me a headache. Why can't I just complete the alliance ceremony like a soldier and get back to business quickly?"

"Before making a decision, it is better to clarify everything than to find out that there is a problem and waste time to solve it after making an alliance in a daze. A serious attitude is responsible to both parties.

Of course, I also agree with your point of view. I think that under the current situation, entanglement in details is completely causing trouble for both parties.

But who let us have some perfectionists in both camps? "

Mason said something in a joking tone, then took out the re-enacted inspection ax just completed by the Mason Forging Group from his luggage, and handed the killing weapon to the Justice Queen with both hands as a gift, with a silver handle and a gray ax body, The blade with a saw blade and the Uru-gold pattern on it as a decorative embellishment made the latter's eyes shine.

She stepped forward to hold the ax handle of this brutal weapon, waved it twice in her hand, then stretched out her hand to check the inscription on the ax body, and finally said with satisfaction:

"I thought you were bragging when you said the copy was better than the original, but it turns out you do have a pair of skillful hands. This skill reminds me of Hephaestus, I should call him uncle, but you are better than That guy is much handsomer."

"What a coincidence, I do have a nickname 'Hephaestus' in another civilization."

The captain readily accepted the compliment, and while he and the Queen of Justice walked under the Scarlet Castle, he introduced:

"We tried our best to simulate the power of the inspection axe, but because of insufficient materials, it can't pluck the strings to interfere with tracking and monitoring like the original version, but I replaced it with a chaotic effect.

During the battle, the ax will intermittently make a sound that disturbs the enemy's mind, and it can also be actively toggled to make you untrackable for a short period of time.

Sound editing functions are also reserved.

So if necessary, you can find a musician to program your favorite music for this weapon, so that you can make a cool appearance in your own BGM and then fight as much as you want.

Thinking about that scene, with a powerful music playing, the invincible and heroic Queen stepped onto the battlefield, this scene is really happy. "

"Weird function."

The Queen of Justice glanced at Mason in surprise, put the replica inspection ax on her back and complained:

"Why do you always pay so much attention to these details? This is a weapon, as long as it can cut people, it is qualified."

"If my pursuit of weapons is only to the extent that it can cut people, then I am not worthy to call myself a 'master craftsman', Your Lady Queen.

Just as you have an obsession to win, we artisans have an obsession of our own. "

Mason rolled his eyes. Although his relationship with Wonder Woman in his own world was always not good, his relationship with the "auntie" version of the queen in front of him was rapidly getting closer.

This made him have to think carefully about Zha Kang's previous judgment. Maybe he does have some "characteristics" that can attract old aunts.

Well, the ladies who are considerate and generous are the best.

The two walked down the Scarlet Castle to the underground prison area. After passing through the surface gate guarded by elite vampires, they saw a group of Alpha Hunting Sentinels patrolling below.

Detained here are several important captives, including Iceman who was captured by Lord Justice before, Storm Girl and Magneto who were captured by Mason, and Mystique who was just sent here.

The rest of the clone captives are housed at the arctic base, which is still being repaired and guarded by the Kite Man himself.

The rookie captain of the K-Men, Spirit Die, is waiting outside the cage to welcome the arrival of the chief captain, just like a newcomer to the company waiting to report to the big boss.

There was a little tension.

When she saw Mason approaching, she immediately tensed her body, bowed to pay Mason in a respectful gesture, and reported loudly:

"The recruiting work of the K-Men is proceeding in an orderly manner, Commander! We have completed the obedience unlocking of five recruit commandos. According to the current speed, the recruits in the entire Arctic base can return within three days at most to freedom."

"But will they join your team?"

Mason pushed the mirror frame and asked:

"Giving freedom is only the first step. Not every recruit has the same courage as you to resist the conquerors. How do you plan to convince them?"

"We don't persuade! In the early stage, we just gathered people to make the basic system and went to other worlds to assist in the construction."

Lingdie obviously made enough preparations. She has her own team building plan. Faced with Mason's inquiry, she replied:

"I consulted and summarized the opinions of Ms. Barbara and Mr. Jason. I will not regard the fight against the Conqueror as the primary goal of the K-Men for the time being, but focus on assisting the current main task of the K Legion.

That is, dealing with the effects of shocks.

This is a cause that is closely related to everyone.

If we can survive the disaster and be born again, then the framework of the K-Men will be erected in victory, and if we unfortunately die, then it is useless to think about the future.

The purpose of the establishment of the Conqueror Sequence is also to claim to resist shocks. If we can do what they can't do, then we don't have to bother to promote the concept of confrontation.

Those who have eyes know who to support in the face of facts, and we will not force our compatriots to serve us.

But I believe that compatriots who are like a blank sheet of paper will make the right choice between helping the evil and saving them! "

"Great idea."

Mason nodded in satisfaction and said:

"Just execute according to your ideas. There are indeed a lot of work waiting for you to complete in other worlds. After fifteen days, I hope to see you there."

"I will not let you down!"

The rookie Lingdie let out an angry cry, then turned around and headed to another area to visit the compatriots who were injured in the previous battle.

"The light in her eyes reminded me of the people who worshiped Clark. They regarded Clark as a god who came to the world, full of a kind of fanaticism."

The Queen of Justice said softly:

"It's the same with your K-Men. You endowed these blank young men with strength, mobility and ideals. Tell me, Mason, are you planning to become the god of cloning people?"

"I don't have that idea, and it probably won't be my turn."

Mason truthfully stated:

"I just want to find something for my idle brothers and sisters to do, to let them realize that their abilities can be used for more than destruction.

Construction is also a career full of fulfillment.

These new recruits are easy to persuade, they are regarded as consumables in the conqueror system and are not valued, but those high-level prisoners are not so easy to change course.

In fact, I have always been curious about why the first sequence of conquerors can maintain unity for a long time. It stands to reason that this system based on the obedience program is full of internal contradictions and collapses at the touch of a button.

But as far as I have seen the truth so far, the loyalty of the high-level clones to my 'sister' is staggering.

There must be something in this system that I haven't discovered.

You have been fighting them for years, maybe you can give me an answer? "

"You're asking the wrong person."

The Queen of Justice shook her head and said:

"In previous confrontational stalemates, few prisoners survived the battles that broke out between our two sides. This kind of thing is difficult to end after seeing blood for the first time.

I can clearly tell you the weaknesses of cloners, but to analyze their thinking you need to find Bruce.

In a war I am not distracted by what the enemy thinks until I win. And about your sister, the insanely strong Commander Red Queen, we don't know any more about her than you do.

She was never present in the strife of our world. "

"Then let's go ask them."

Mason took out a golden apple and held it in his hand, and walked into the cell in front of him with the Queen of Justice.

The area here is small, and several time stagnation capsules are placed in it. Under the operation of the captain, the first prisoner was released soon.

The Omega-level storm girl Ororo felt that her mind had been frozen for a long time, and at a certain moment she suddenly "awoke". Amidst the weird and passionate music, the sharp ax blade touched her neck.

Ororo was taken aback by the expressionless Queen of Justice.

In the wars of the past few years, the notoriety of the justice lord who personally executed four conqueror generals is well known to everyone in the first sequence.

Her ferocity even exceeds that of Superman, the most powerful lord in the enemy camp, which is why when there is a chance to assassinate her, the conqueror will not hesitate to send two generals to take risks.

"Don't be nervous, Ororo, this is just a conversation, Ms. Diana is just here to calm you down."

The appearance of Mason's voice did not calm the female general of the storm.

Especially when she realizes she's strapped into a mechanical chair and sees Mason holding a tube of strange liquid to give her an injection.

The main reason is that this scene is very similar to the scene of "Slim Dancer Wei Junjie" extorting a confession.

"I won't hide it anymore. About 'Hope', you were by her side when I fought her before, and you must have heard about her 'true identity' revealed by herself."

Mason injected a mixture of Veritaserum and Weakness Potion into the veins of the bound Omega Storm, and after waiting a few seconds for the effects to take effect, he said:

"Don't you want to express your thoughts on this? As the most violent organization under the Council of Hope, you are not trusted, and your superiors are still secretly developing new weapons to replace you."

"I have nothing to say."

The short-haired Omega Storm gritted her teeth to resist the terrible desire to tell the truth that rose in her mind.

She was attacked by a burst of star-swallowing energy before, and the cosmic god-level power interfered with her mutant ability. Although she was not hit directly and she was not injured, she was later attacked by Mason's two vicious cuties during the chaotic period. She was beaten up and thrown into the stagnant time capsule, which made her in a very bad state.

But from the light in her eyes when she looked at the hideous body belonging to Hope in the biological cabin placed next to her from time to time, it could be seen that this guy was also very shocked and disgusted by the little fairy Hope's hidden identity.

But in the face of Mason's questioning, she was very stubborn.

Gritting his teeth with a bloody face, he did not want to say more, but warned in a hoarse tone:

"Just because she's an asshole doesn't mean you're a good person. You betrayed your origin, your duty, your mission, and you will be punished, Mason Cooper!

Between us and Utopia, it looks like you chose them, that's great, a ignorant little dog, I hope they really think of you as one of their own. "


Mason blinked and said:

"I can smell the story from your resentful speech. There seems to be some kind of grievance between you and them? We still have a little time before waiting for the justice lords to arrive."

"I'm too lazy to waste my time talking."

Storm shook her head and freed Mason's fingers.

She bowed her head, closed her eyes and said:

"Go find the hidden truth yourself, I will only tell you that we clones who have no origins also hoped to have a home, but that 'home' never gave us the slightest bit of warmth and shelter.

They may have accepted you, or they may be using you as we are.

Just from a personal point of view, I hope it is the former, my brother, so that you don't have to suffer the despair, pain and helplessness we had at that time. "

"So, you tried to unite with Utopia?"

Mason keenly captured this point, and he asked:

"According to what you mean, Utopia took advantage of you?"


Storm closed her eyes and waited to die, she said hoarsely:

"Are the adjectives used to describe 'stabbed in the back', 'sent to a desperate situation' and 'do nothing to save' in your world so gentle?"

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