Trajectory of Dawn in the World of American Comics

Chapter 620 86. From today on, your name is Mason Darkseid Cooper


The roar of the Lord of the Universe's power armor was like the best steel T, standing in front of all the Masons, easily blocking everything that was thrown at them by the gnashing nothingness.

In this spiritual world shaped by the power of nothingness, the clones can not only retain complete consciousness, but also the knowledge and weapons they have fully mastered can be embodied through rules.

This was originally a method used by Nihility Mason to show his strength and defeat Mason's consciousness, but now it is used by these guys in reverse.

The so-called specialization in the art industry, although the main body Mason shares manufacturing knowledge and skills with other clones, it is just like the truth mentioned by the enchanter before.

Mason is an individual, he doesn't have so much energy to specialize in a certain item, which leads to the fact that the subject's control over various skills is actually far less refined than the clones.

Just like the active power armor of the universe, Mason is very clear about its structure and operation method, but he can't fully visualize it, but an engineer who specializes in this can easily do it.

"Guys! This world is awesome, 100% authentic and doesn't require the bloody ingredients!"

Driving the universe's active power armor to charge wildly, the engineer who forced Void Mason to dodge around shouted:

"Hurry up! Show off your wildest fantasies! This is a rare opportunity!"


As soon as the words fell, the six infinite gems gathered and rotated in the air to form a light cannon to store energy, and under the elegant manipulation of the jeweler, they bombarded the nothingness Mason with a posture that penetrated everything.

This super-level attack shattered the void on the spot.

Although he is ten times stronger than Mason, it is clear that the level of energy gathering of the Infinity Gemstones is far beyond this limit. Even though Mason of nothingness gritted his teeth and reunited in the darkness in the next moment, the deterrent effect he brought is obvious It has slipped to the point where it does not require special attention.

"Hahahaha, take it! Take it all! Today's big reward, all kinds of artifacts are free and free of charge."

The blacksmith Mason manifested the artifact-level Vulcan forging furnace that he had not yet completed in the workshop, holding a Vulcan hand forging hammer in each hand, beating wildly in the flames like a volcanic lava eruption .

He threw out all kinds of magical weapons in his mind at a rate of one every ten seconds, and the enchanters and inscription masters on the side also used their imagination and solid knowledge to complete the inscription enchantment for those weapons and armor. .

The trio even had time to design a phoenix-specific armor set for Fawkes, outfitting the miserable subject Mason and his little bird with cool protections.

The collector Mason, who has always had no sense of existence, looked left and right, silently put on a set of god king battle armor that did not affect his activities, and grabbed the two newly forged Sands of Time daggers in his hands After waving it a few times, it felt good, and then it suddenly jumped to the center of the battlefield.

With the cover of the active power armor of the universe, he stepped forward and swung his two knives like the best assassins, and displayed a set of smooth skinning skills. The entire skin on his back was removed without damaging any joints or bones.

The so-called Pao Ding explaining the cow is nothing more than this.

This scene made the subject Mason's eyes widen.

Well, collectors usually have no sense of presence, and because they need to collect materials, this guy is the water body who travels most frequently, basically not in the pocket factory 24 hours a day.

Even when the clones get together, he is the most silent one. Only the alchemists and tailors who usually have business dealings can say a few words to him.

This guy is probably a manifestation of the withdrawn part of Mason's character, but it can startle everyone with his casual moves.


The main body of Mason ran over and grabbed Mason, the collector who was still planning to continue skinning. He whispered:

"Where did you learn these fighting skills?"

"Well, this is the level 9 skinning technique."

The collector lowered his head like a solitary patient and shook off Mason's hand, saying:

"I can't fight just like you, but my improved melee skills have made skinning easier. Well, I know what you want to say, don't be afraid.

They don't even know you made four."


The subject, Mason, hurriedly raised his finger and winked at the collector, telling him not to say this dangerous thing.

"If you keep it a secret for me, there will be benefits for you."

Mason said to his Collector doppelgänger:

"Just say what you want?"


The collector tilted his head and thought for a while, then said in a low voice with some embarrassment:

"I want to try mining and digging gems in addition to collecting herbs and skinning. Tell the blacksmith and jeweler for me. I have wanted to try it for a long time, but I am afraid that they will think I am nosy. "

"Are you planning to monopolize the collection of all raw materials for the Mason Manufacturing Group?"

Mason, the subject, took a breath and said:

"You are quite ambitious!"

"Ah? So we can still have a monopoly?"

The collector was stunned for a moment, then looked at the subject Mason with bright eyes, and said expectantly:

"Can I really do that?"

"Beat that guy first, and then we'll talk slowly."

Mason gave him a wink, and the latter nodded silently, then rushed out holding the Sand of Time dagger like a skinning knife. It could be seen that this guy was really interested in Mason's skin in nothingness.

Well, this lonely guy also looks a bit perverted.

But at this time, the situation on the scene has undergone a fundamental reversal. Nihility, whose individual strength is ten times that of Mason, has been losing ground due to the crazy bombing and frequent tactics of Mason's manufacturing group.

It is an absolute truth that two fists are no match for four hands, not to mention that he has to face more than four hands at this time.

The absolute power cannot be exerted at all here. The Lord of the Universe's power armor that has been completely repaired here is enough to give him a headache.

It is simply an impenetrable wall. Even if you want to sneak around and attack from behind.

The cunning Fox has always been guarding the clones. Whenever Void wants to make a sneak attack, he will spit out Phoenix fire. Mason has already tested it for him in the Lord World. Even the Omega-level water control ability is definitely not from the Phoenix Force. opponent.

Although Fox has only had this kind of power for a short time and is a true rookie, he can still have a good fight with the Void Mason when the clones support him and he only needs to be a support.

Mason wore a bat suit made of X metal and carried Ragnarok, which transformed into a heavy sniper, and kept shooting at the void Mason. All the clones behind him were armed.

Each one is blessed with a divine weapon. Regardless of whether they can fight or not, the aura alone is terrifying enough.

"Hey, I guess this guy is the most rebellious of all the Masons and he needs a good beating to realize reality."

The jeweler grabbed a handful of infinite gems and completed the inlays on each other's armors one by one, while the tailor was tying the completed cloaks of destiny to each other's armors one by one.

The alchemist jeered loudly while distributing the superhuman potion.

Nothingness Mason remained silent.

But he already felt the difficulty, and the shadow of failure shrouded him, making his heart grow colder and colder.

This is the spiritual world he shaped. All the rules are made by him. He can tear this world apart to involve all the Masons in it.

But that makes no sense.

Even if these clones die, they will be reborn under the mobilization of the main body. Once the spiritual world is torn apart, Mason's main consciousness will immediately return to his body.

My plan to occupy his life will collapse in an instant.

This is an unsolvable dilemma.

"Nothingness, nothingness, do you think why I took the potion of millions of stars even though I knew it might cause you to appear?"

The subject Mason stepped forward and took the revolver that was simulated using the law of cause and effect from Engineer Mason. He inserted a bullet into it and rotated the cylinder.

He raised his wrist and aimed at the void in front of him, which was surrounded by other Masons and stared at them, and he said:

"The sentinel is afraid of you because he has never had the experience of fighting against himself before. He saw no hope of victory, so the poisonous insect chose to die.

But I'm different.

Before you appeared, I had already started to fight wits and bravery with my nine clones, and I knew how to deal with the dark side of you that was born of me.

You can't kill me because if I die you die too.

You can only try to defeat me or convince me, but what dazzling theory can a violent person who is immersed in the fantasy of so-called "absolute power" come up with?

When you decide to pursue power, you have already abandoned your brain.

It's not your field at all, and you're trying to wear me down in it? "


The trigger was pulled and the bullet ejected.

Void Mason dodged the bullet, but the next second there was an echo.

There was a bloody hole between his eyebrows, and his entire body instantly collapsed into countless flying dark substances, turning into a blurry human face howling loudly in front of ten Masons.

This incompetent and furious look made the Masons burst into laughter, and even the phoenix bird on Mason's main shoulder raised his head and showed the laugh of a crazy bird.

"You can't crush us, just wait to be beaten over and over again by us, idiot."

The blacksmith Mason who carried the long-handled Vulcan hammer laughed loudly and shouted:

"We have strength in numbers!"

"However, if you want to crush the active power armor of the universe in such a realistic world, you must at least grow to the level of the emperor of the universe!"

Engineer Mason sneered at the nothingness in front of him in the active power armor of the universe:

"There is also the main body, a guy who doesn't like power, dragging you down, how can you become stronger?"

"The main body just needs to be messed up."

The alchemist took out his pipe and took a puff, exhaled the smoke ring happily and said in a long voice:

"We will help him become stronger. The best thing is that we both have completely different understandings of 'power'! If you don't have the core strength of the subject, you can't transform these skills into the most realistic combat effectiveness. .

You might want this game to be fair.

However, when you are immersed in violence, you never realize that what we are playing is not a game at all. "

"give up!"

The main body Mason stuffed another bullet into the bullet nest, and warned the void Mason who turned into dark matter and roared wildly in front of him:

"You were born and you can't kill me, maybe we can talk.

Complete the doomed coexistence in a way acceptable to both parties. Join this group, become the tenth, after you show your worth, we may be able to give you a name. "

"Mason who comes from the dark side, let's call him 'Mason Darkseid Cooper'!"

The jeweler suggested something nearby, and the name was immediately recognized by everyone, including the subject.

"You are enough! You are not allowed to humiliate me like this!"

Nothing Mason could hear any more.

He shaped a big face made of dark matter in the air, and shouted to the Masons below:

"Even if you win this time, we still have a long time to come, and I will eventually find a way to kill you! I will crush you to death one by one.

I swear!

As for you, Mason.

The next time you drink a million stars, when we meet again, then I won't make this mistake again, just wash your neck and die. "

"Hurry up, hurry up, this idiot is in a hurry"

In such a sarcasm voice, Mason who threw down the cruel words was no longer willing to stay in this place of failure. With a loud "boom", the entire spiritual cage was shattered in this instant.

In the reverberation of the broken world, the main body of Mason threw away the dissipating karma pistol in his hand. He turned his head and nodded to a group of clones behind him, and said very sincerely:

"Thanks, guys, for standing up for me."

"Everyone is doing it for their own lives. If something happens to you, everyone will have a hard time."

The alchemist pouted and said:

"The million star potion seems to have to be studied."

The other avatars looked at me, and I looked at you, as if they were holding back some words and looked at Mason eagerly. This scene amused the main body.

"Got it, guys."

The subject snapped his fingers, and at the moment when the consciousness sank into the body, he said:

"I always keep my word and do what I say, everyone just wait for the good news. Now, let me resign first, there are still many things waiting for me, and there is a new world waiting for everyone.

Well, I can't wait. "



After taking a deep breath, Mason opened his eyes, and what he turned his head to see was a ray of morning light shining in from the window, and he was lying on the hospital bed.

Harley and Quinn lay beside him on the left and right, seemingly guarding his little sweetheart, but in fact the two cuties were already asleep.

The sun is shining outside the window, maybe it is a new day.

Mason didn't alarm the two of them. Although the previous treatment had emptied his whole body of energy, he could still skillfully use water reconstruction to make himself appear by the window after regaining consciousness.

He looked out the window and found that he was in a quiet hospital.

"How long have I been asleep?"

Mason rubbed his head and looked back at Selena who pushed the door in. The latter said with a sad face:

"You've been sleeping for ten years, my little brother, we thought you wouldn't wake up, Harley and Quinn have found their lives, they have each given birth to ten children but they still come every day look at you."

"Don't make trouble."

The captain rolled his eyes.

You don't even look at how old you are this year. After ten years of sleep, you will be almost fifty when you wake up. It is impossible for a natural beauty to maintain exactly the same as before.

"Tch, it's boring."

Lady Catwoman curled her lips, put her hands on her hips and said:

"It has only been 25 minutes since the fusion of the planes was completed, and everyone in the whole world is dumbfounded, and everyone is adapting to the new environment, so don't ask me where this is.

The answer is that I don't know either.

The energy residue of the cosmic tuning fork interfered with the communication. I couldn't contact the Green Goblin or Barbara. The only thing I can be sure of is that this is the original location of the Osborne Tower.

God knows why a new city pops up and it's all gone, though."

Selena stepped forward on catwalks, and put her hand on Mason's pale cheeks. She smiled, looked into Mason's eyes, and said softly:

"You saved the world again, this time more than one, can you tell me what you think?"

Mason frowned and thought for a while, then said very seriously:

"Don't take drugs indiscriminately, something will happen."

After finishing speaking, both he and Selena laughed, and the laughter startled Harley and Quinn, and the two cuties raised their heads in surprise and threw themselves on Mason one after the other.

"I knew you were reluctant to let me be a little widow."

Harley from behind cheered and hugged her fiancé tightly, while Quinn in front of her was clinging to Mason's chest. She listened to the familiar heartbeat, and said softly after a moment:

"Ciri just left, and she said she had to go back to Starfort to see that the broken demiplane was accommodated in this new world. She really cares about you, sweetheart, just like us. "


Mason stroked Quinn's hair, looked back at the sunny ground outside the window, and said:

"So next, it's time to find a way to solve her problem."


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