Trajectory of Dawn in the World of American Comics

Chapter 635 2 It’s time to turn on my krypton gold dog eye, and upgrade the sharingan module by the

Chapter 635 2. It's time to open my krypton gold dog eyes, and upgrade a Sharingan module by the way

The recruitment of the death world commando was extremely smooth. The screening work that was originally expected to take an afternoon ended three hours earlier due to the arrival of a large group.

Mason, who was suddenly free, found that he had nothing to do, so he took out his notebook and flipped through a few pages under the surprised gazes of the crowd, and found a new job for himself for the next three hours.

"When I overheard your players complaining about you as a hopeless workaholic, I thought they were just complaining, but now it seems that their description can be said to be quite conservative.

I also heard that you don't sleep at all? "

The crowd followed Mason out of the office, and he whispered extremely curiously:

"Also, what's the matter with your mind fluctuations? What about the weird parallel consciousness last time? Why is it gone this time? Have you killed all your split personalities in your mind?

I want to tell you that this method will not work!

I've tried this before in Minecraft to heal my split personality, but it turns out I can't kill them as fast as they appear.

This will only make your condition worse,

You have to trust me in this regard, I will never lie to my patient who I have finally found! "

"Well, so this is the real reason why I feel that we hit each other so well?"

Mason rolled his eyes, and said to the crowd who were like followers around him:

"Don't worry, I'm not that hard on my own people, they didn't die, I just separated them and gave them an independent life. Now those guys are running around all over the world, I hope they don't cause trouble. "


Daqun shook their heads firmly and said:

"Although it seems that your personality and habits are completely different from yours, in fact your conscious bodies are all modeled on you, so their way of acting will also follow a part of your thinking pattern.

They may be quite active and annoying in front of you, but believe me, after you let them out, they will activate the "wilderness" mode and turn into a replica of you.

This is definitely a trick!

I also tried it before.

But the result of that time was not very good, because not all of my personality was split by myself, and part of it was absorbed from other people.

you know

Those guys are unruly and always do a lot of weird things, like right now there's a guy yelling in my head, let me strangle you. "

"Never mind it, and like every psychologist warns you, never play with the bad friends in your head."

Mason didn't care about that at all.

He led a large group of people talking and laughing to share interesting stories among the patients. He first went to Huazi to see the progress of the recruitment work, and then brought them back to the biological experiment in Osborne Tower through a large group of miraculous plane shuttles. room.

With this guy around, the Mobius chair is almost out of work.

More than three hundred combinations of Omega-level powers make Daqun almost an omnipotent god, as long as you can think of things, Daqun can easily do it.

The only thing that restricts him is the constraint of being a living being.

According to him, he can activate two kinds of mutant abilities at the same time, and he can activate three kinds when he is extremely angry. The personality and ability of the Ga-level mutant healer have been added, so that the battery life of the large group has been strengthened at an epic level.

As the No. 1 thug in Utopia, he can basically walk sideways in this parallel world system unless he meets an opponent like Dum who possesses the power of a goblin who is almost incomprehensible.

An absolute breakout player, but unfortunately, the three leaders of the Ultimate K team are not very willing to introduce a mentally abnormal companion. Another reason is that Perfect Ultron and Watu are afraid that He Qiqi will not be able to resist eating the large group.

This is a rather strange sample of strength, maybe someone in Hei wants to try the stewed dish on a whim, and the group will be finished.

"Next I want you to help figure out Doom's secret."

In the biology laboratory, Mason released a special individual who has been in the time-stall cabin since it was captured. He pointed to the "little fairy" Hope who was frozen in time and said to the group:

"This guy is one of the super weapons that Doom secretly developed based on the weapon X project, and Doom put her in the first sequence of conquerors, pointing at the Red Queen.

She has not been studied since I captured her.

Because I lack a way to restrain her rogue ability to steal, but when you come, the situation is different. "

"No problem! Just tell me what to do."

Daqun patted his chest with a casual expression of "I'm invincible". Mason took out a set of gene extraction tools and explained to Daqun:

"I suspect that these super mutants are genetically optimized. I have to extract some living samples. This process will cause pain, so."


Daqun nodded, moved their fingers, and signaled Mason to release the little fairy Hope.

A few seconds later, as the time stasis cabin opened, the ragged Hope who was sealed in it immediately opened his eyes.

The angry-eyed little fairy roared and stole Mason's ability and waved out the Omega Freeze, intending to kill the damn uncle Mason and everything around him.

But as soon as this big move released a starting gesture, the frozen energy of all things copied and amplified by her turned into soap bubbles flying all over the sky in her palm, making Mason blink his eyes and slowly pick up the infiltrating syringe Prepare to draw samples.

Hope was shocked by this reality modification.

She looked back, and when she saw Daqun leaning against the wall with friendly faces and waving hello to her, the shock in Little Fairy's eyes immediately turned into panic.

Apparently, she knew Daqun and knew exactly what the guy was capable of.

"Are you going to lie down obediently? Or should I help you?"

Daqun joked:

"I'm in a good mood now, so if I want to help, I'll break a third of the bones at most. Of course, if you can accept mind manipulation, I don't mind helping you modify your bad personality.

Maybe being a good crying girl would fit your image? "

"Lie down!"

Mason pointed, and the little fairy Hope, who froze on the spot and didn't dare to make any movements, bit her lip, but under the gaze of the large group of "nuclear hydrogen", she could only obediently lie back in the time capsule that stopped functioning.

She watched aggrievedly as Mason pierced the slender needle into her neck vein, and soon strangely colored blood was collected into the biological containment tank.

In addition, Mason also collected her hair and some skin cells.

During the whole process, the little fairy who caused some troubles for Mason last time was very cooperative, fully proving the truth that one thing is one thing.

But Daqun has already discovered something is wrong.

The light in his eyes looked up and down like X-rays, and he frowned and said to Mason:

"This little girl is not as strong as you said at all, and I saw that there is almost no difference between her X gene and the genes of the clone and the original body. I checked her memory and found the process of the birth of the so-called super mutant No different from ordinary clones, how could she gain the ability to surpass the Primarch?

Hey, why are you so rude?

I ask a question, you are not going to say something? "

Daqun looked at Hope who was obediently lying there, and the little fairy kept shaking her head in the face of his question. She said very aggrieved:

"I don't know, Lord Doom just said that we are stronger than other clones, that we represent the future direction of mutants, but he didn't explain the principle to us.

After we are born, we are infused with knowledge and common sense and will be sent to our respective mission target areas. I really don’t know anything, so stop searching in my mind!

Take it easy!

pain. "

"Do you know it hurts now? Where did the arrogance of challenging the Red Queen go when you said so brazenly that you crushed me to death?"

Mason has already completed the genetic analysis with the help of the Mobius chair, and has discovered the source of the problem keenly through his attainments in the field of Isu biology.

While using alchemy to purify certain unstable special substances in Hope's blood, he said:

"Let her go, Daqun, she probably doesn't know the secrets about this, but I guess the truth lies in these interesting little details

As for you, Hope.

You now have two options.

The first is to follow Daqun to learn how to restrain your thinking to be a normal person, and the second is to send you back to your creator, God Dum. "

"I'll take the first one."

The little fairy screamed:

"My mission failed, and you seem to be about to discover our secret. In this case, I will be destroyed if I am sent back. Lord Doom never shows mercy in this regard.

I can work for you, stink. Well, Lord Mason, I can work for you. "

"You said it yourself, no one forced you."

Mason shook the alchemy solution in his hand, glanced at her again, and then said to the very happy and unscrupulous crowd:

"Another member of the Death World Commando, you should be fine looking at her, right?"

"Absolutely not."

The crowd shrugged and said:

"There are more than 300 guys in my mind who are idle all day long and have nothing to do. Randomly assigning one of them to watch her can be regarded as free entertainment. If there are such undisciplined guys, please leave them to me.

One person is training, and a group of people is also chasing.

I don't mind doing more in this new world.

But now I am more curious about what you have in your hand. This crystal seems to be delicious. "

He stared at the small crystals in Mason's eyes that gradually condensed and formed in the alchemy solution. These were special substances purified from Hope's blood.

Mason can guarantee that this kind of thing will not appear in the blood of other mutants or any normal person.

He used tweezers to twist one of the elongated crystals, which was as thick as a hair, and placed it in front of his eyes. Under the light of the laboratory, this translucent substance showed a special blue light.

Mason sniffed it close to his nostrils, and the special smell made the captain feel refreshed as if he had taken a mouthful of chewing tobacco.

Large groups respond more directly.

This guy is so powerful that he is not afraid of anything. He just put another small crystal in his hand, washed it clean with energy, and then threw it into his mouth. He closed his eyes and slowly felt the changes after the crystal melted in his mouth.

A few seconds later, under Mason's gaze, the gradually serious group raised their left hands.

The first finger wraps fire, the second finger lingers with thunder, the third finger blurs, and the fourth finger blows like sand into a miniature bust of himself.

"My abilities have been enhanced!"

Daqun said:

"Temporarily breaking through the limit allows me to manipulate the four abilities, but the number of crystals is too small to make a fundamental change. I can't use force, and the effect is fading quickly."

"Well, I probably know what this thing is."

Mason nodded, and stretched out his hand to clamp the hair-thick crystal between his two fingers. After a while, an information label popped up in front of his eyes:

Improved No. 5 Compound Particles

Quality: Legendary Alchemy Creation·Perfect Craft

Effect: After the research of God Lord Dum and the blueprint of the X weapon project, the No. 5 compound, which originally had serious side effects, has become an enhanced item that can effectively enhance the effect of the X gene.

After ordinary people inject this item, there is a certain chance of awakening the X gene fragment, and there is a high probability of sudden death due to inability to adapt to the genetic transformation.

After the mutant injects this item, the X-gene ability will be temporarily improved. After multiple injections, there is a probability to complete the second mutation and obtain the second X-gene ability.

After the mutant clone is injected with this item, the X gene ability of the clone will be greatly improved permanently.


The special design of Lord Doom makes this item highly addictive to mutants and mutant clones. Any injection method other than harmless injection at the embryonic stage will cause this negative effect.


Mutant clones will have an irreversible impact on their brains while using this item to permanently improve their X-gene abilities, causing serious distortions in their personality.

Producer: Lord Doom

Item description: He didn't make the good better, but made the bad worse. From this point of view, Doom is really a bad alchemist. But maybe you can change the way this wonder drug is being used for the wrong purposes?

After all, knowledge is neither good nor evil.


Compound No. 5 Formula·Original Edition has been included, you need Alchemy Lv8 to try to make it.

Mason stared at the information labels and item descriptions in front of him. As he moved his fingers, the blue crystals were crushed into powder and dispersed in the air.

He looked back at Hope lying in the stasis cabin, who stared at Mason with wide eyes in horror, she screamed:

"I don't know that thing exists! I really don't know, don't use my blood to extract it, you used 400 ml of blood to get that little crystal, you can't make enough if you drain me The drugs you use!

I really knew it was wrong.

Give me a chance to turn over a new leaf, please. "

"I don't intend to hurt you, I just know the truth, you are really a poor little wretch, in every sense."

Mason shook his head, and while injecting Sleeping Potion into Hope, he told the truth about Compound No. 5 to the crowd, who remained silent for a long time after listening.

After nearly a minute, he said:

"I don't know if we mutants killed Doom's family? Or stole everything from his house? Why does this bastard always have trouble with us?

Obviously there are still so many forces under this group of stars, but this bastard just looked for us, a fat sheep, and plucked him fiercely. "

"Because we have power, we are born strong and people like Doom want to control and harness this power, which is why people often say that power invites challenges."

Mason looked at the time on his watch and said to Daqun:

"Also don't bother trying to understand the villains' thinking, maybe it's just because he thinks mutants still have 'potential' to tap?

It doesn't matter what he thinks, now that the reason has been found, it must be resolved before that guy uses compound five to turn the entire Conqueror First Sequence into a group of uncontrolled thugs.

Tomorrow morning, no!

Let's go tonight! "

The captain said to Daqun:

"Go to the Weapon X project base closest to us, complete the Cradle Project before tomorrow's dawn, unlock the obedience program of the first sequence of clones, and give them real freedom.

Open the door for my poor brothers and sisters to crawl back to the world before they are drawn into the hell of power. "

"Those guys keep the base of the Weapon X project under wraps."

Daqun shook their heads and said:

"Utopia has been searching privately but has not found any more hidden coordinates. It is not easy to find these places, but I can break into the headquarters of the first sequence of conquerors to check, there must be information there!"

"There's no need to risk something like this."

Mason shook his head and said:

"My players are already dealing with it and will have good news coming back soon."

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