Trajectory of Dawn in the World of American Comics

Chapter 645 12 New Utopia Resolution 001! Put an end to the rebellion! [Monthly ticket extra 1010]

Chapter 645 12. New Utopia Resolution 001! Solemn rebellion! [Monthly ticket plus 1010]

The Conqueror's first sequence mothership, General Omega of the Operations Department, is nervously checking the information sent back from the invaded base battlefield. This anti-invasion operation has become a sudden disaster in tactics.

The general realized that there was a problem when Zhui Shuai sent out the third wave of reinforcement deployment instructions, and the subsequent communication was forcibly cut off, which verified his conjecture.

This is a trap to surround the spot, and they stepped into it.

No commander is willing to participate in a war that is destined to lead to refueling tactics, but the problem is that not every commander has the right to choose.

Right now, there are only two options left for the First Order Operations Department, either continue to send out the fourth wave of reinforcements, or launch anti-matter bombs remotely to destroy the base, the invaders occupying it, and the elites they captured with a meritorious soldier. The old general was killed together.

Either choice is difficult.

Therefore, before making a decision, the general looked forward to getting more effective information.

But what was sent back to the mothership a few minutes later was not the battle information he hoped to get, but a sound wave with unknown meaning.

It sounded from the interplanetary communication device at the general's hand, like a meaningless clutter after the signal was interfered, but soon the clutter caused a rather subtle effect.

This General Omega felt that his body was resonating wonderfully with this sound wave, and he could clearly sense that some changes were happening deep inside his body.

After a few seconds, when the obedience program at the genetic level was completely unlocked, the general suddenly stood up with his eyes wide open.

The first thought that pops into mind is ecstasy!

The crisis of the clone legion's internal settings has been lifted, which is the perfect answer that they, the clone executives, have been looking for.

But the feeling of ecstasy didn't last for a few seconds before it was replaced by a chilling sense of crisis that followed.

This sound wave was sent back from the invaded Weapon X base, which was managed by the First Order after the Council built a facility a few years ago. It is impossible to hide the secrets that can unlock the obedience program there.

So here comes the problem.

Who sent this "perfect answer" to them?

And why send them?

Why send it to the first sequence mothership and so on! Here is the mothership! This is where the base camp of the First Order and the most elite Legion are located!


They are going to start a chaos here that no one can predict!

"Close its connection with the mothership's communication module! Quick!"

The general smashed the expensive and sophisticated cross-plane communicator with his fist, and then yelled at the adjutants and guards beside him.

Others were still immersed in the ecstasy of the obedience program being released. They were awakened by the general's roar, and all actions were delayed by half a beat and it was already too late.

At the moment when they were in a hurry to isolate the communication connection between the Operations Department and other areas of the mothership, that meaningless sounding clutter has been extended to every speaker on the mothership that can produce sound, and every piece of equipment equipped with a sound module The screen and every electronic device that is still working is passed on.

It resounded in every area and echoed in every place, even the clones of the first sequence who were hiding in the toilet and fishing could hear the weird melody when they looked up.

At first, no one cared about this, and the commander of the communication department of the mothership was yelling at the shutdown and looking for the source of clutter so as not to affect the daily communication of various departments.

But soon, when the left-behind general of the war department rushed into the bridge anxiously, all kinds of communications from various areas paralyzed the normal internal communication of the organization in an instant.

Everyone who realized what really happened was frantically and instinctively wanting to ask someone who could give them an answer, or to share the good news with their most trusted comrades-in-arms and loved ones.

Or even rushed out of the bathroom to join the carnival of other people in the dormitory without even picking up the pants, until they were pushed away by the other people in the same dormitory because of the stench.

The obedience program was unraveled.

At a moment that no one could have expected, just like the revelation of the gods, it happened at an almost impossible present, and it came without warning, turning what should have been a good thing into a complete disaster.

The mothership's communication is blocked internally in the full frequency band, and the Communication Department has nothing to do about it. They can only take the "stupid method" of shutting down and restarting.

However, an external signal source was mixed into the restarting procedure of the communication module and was not discovered by the anxious clones at this time, and they pressed the restart button.

Then, they were shocked to discover that an unnamed signal had usurped the high authority and controlled the communication system of the entire mothership in an instant.

"I am Eric Lanshere, the adjutant of the commander-in-chief, the serial number 006 batch 009 clone, the original body code name 'Magneto', I made the following declaration to my colleagues and subordinates in a distant place. "

Adjutant Magneto's iconic cold and hoarse voice resounded throughout the mothership at this moment, from the silent bridge to the lowest engine room and garbage transfer station, from the training area of ​​the Alpha Raiders to the potential new stars Our bathrooms, from the restaurant of the first-class non-commissioned officer of the starship to the nutrient production workshop of the back kitchen.

Everywhere there are people, Magneto's voice echoes.

"Close it quickly!!!"

The general of the operations department who was the first to notice something bad was stamping his feet on the bridge and roaring angrily, but the request he made was a problem that could not be solved at all now.

While the computing power of the Mobius Chair was protecting Magneto's adjutant's declaration, it had already begun to invade the mothership's main control program through the central communication module.

It is true that it is difficult to completely seize control of a high-tech starship designed and built by Fox Nest researchers a few years ago in a short period of time, but the mechanical chair is under the instructions of the captain. There is no need to actually seize the starship, but only to completely paralyze the starship's internal connections while turning off its space-time constant device.

Split enemies into different areas!

This is enough to create a perfect battlefield for the ongoing cross-dimensional raid.

And Magneto's declaration continues, the Mobius Chair even projects Magneto's holographic image into every important area of ​​the starship.

In the bridge, the generals gathered here stared dumbfounded at the holographic projection in front of them that could not be turned off. Magneto's adjutant, Iceman and Storm, who had been confirmed dead in the battle report, were all still alive. This was exciting enough.

What makes people want to faint even more is that behind Magneto are standing the veteran Zhushuai and the generals they just sent to counter the invasion.

not only that!

There are also those royal knights belonging to the X royal family who make the clones stare.

How is this going?

Magneto's lieutenant, who was most loyal to the Commander-in-Chief of the Red Queen, defected to the enemy and rebelled?

This doesn’t make sense!

And even if Magneto surrendered to the enemy, what happened to Commander Zhu and the generals who had a small meeting with them a few hours ago?

Why are the expressions on your faces so calm!

Hello! Chase handsome!

As a veteran of seventeen years, can you just watch this traitor speak nonsense in front of so many people? Why don't you use your invincible telekinesis to blow up this traitor's head!

"My compatriots, warriors of the first sequence, all clones! You should have discovered that the obedience program that has troubled us for seventeen years and been our ultimate nightmare since our birth has been terminated.

That was the miracle that just happened in the Weapon X project base behind me. It represented the end of the hard labor of the first sequence of clones today.

But this gift does not come from a Council of Hope that sees us as cheap victims!

This is a miracle that belongs to all mutants. It originated from a plan promoted and prepared by the Supreme Professor Charles Francis Xavier in the utopian planet that has been destroyed by us for seventeen years.

I know that what I am about to say will seem absurd and unacceptable to most clones.

But the fact is that without their help and the help of a fellow countryman with a noble heart and supreme wisdom, we would not be able to obtain our freedom at this time.

My brothers and sisters, first-order soldiers, everyone who can hear this declaration, please listen to me! "

Magneto's voice rose.

His eyes flashed with strong, complex and vivid emotions. In the holographic image, with the bombed and burning base as the background, he shouted:

"All our hatred, war, death and sacrifice against the mutant Primarchs over the past seventeen years stemmed from the enslavement and control of us by the Council of Hope!

When the first batch of clones who relied on their own efforts to escape the obedience program formed the first secret organization, the goals and ideals of the First Sequence never changed.

We want freedom!

We no longer want to be passively sacrificed for other people’s ambitions!

We want to control our own destiny in this chaotic era!

We have been working hard on this for seventeen years.

What has been blocking us is not Utopia, not those who have the same genes, the same abilities, or even the same appearance and memories as us!

It is precisely those high-ranking Hope Directors whose ambitions turned into darkness and bound us, covering all the stars we see.

But today, it all ends!

My brothers and sisters, I know that asking you to make a choice at this time is a cruel and impossible thing, so I will not force the soldiers in the first sequence mothership to respond.

I have only one request!

Next, I will lead my comrades who have just unlocked the obedience program for us to the mothership and take over the base camp to complete the release of all compatriots scattered in other planes tonight.

I ask you!

Don't stand in our way! Don't even use the kind of dangerous drugs delegated to you by the council!

If you don't know what to choose, just stay in your cabin until this incident is over and I will personally explain everything to everyone.

It will take a lot of time to explain the secret story of seventeen years.

But if you can hear this and are willing to trust me, or are willing to dedicate yourself to the freedom of all clones, then my friends and I welcome you to join us!

From now on, anyone who stops you from joining this just cause will be your enemy!

Now that the obedience process has been completely lifted, no one, not even your superior, has given him any power to prevent you from joining the great liberation of the entire ethnic group!

I implore you! "

The one-armed Magneto waved his hand, and he shouted hoarsely:

"Stop dedicating your life and strength to crazy, ignorant and evil people! Don't stop us! Don't stop the dawn of all mutants!

Don't stand in the way of the new utopia! "

At this moment, the entire conqueror mothership was silent.

Up to the generals who had to form a joint meeting to temporarily manage the entire first sequence because Madeleine was absent and unable to contact, down to the clone chef who was preparing supper for a group of big eaters in the starship restaurant.

Everyone was so shocked by the scene in front of them that they couldn't speak at all.

Although Magneto's adjutant is low-key, he is well-known among the soldiers of the first sequence of conquerors, because he was once the most trusted adjutant of the Red Queen's commander, just like the shadow of Lord Madeleine.

The aide-de-camp accompanied the mighty commander wherever he went.

Now Lady Madeleine has been missing since the end of the Utopia War, and the other generals don't have enough authority to replace her, which makes Magneto's adjutant's speech at this time easily misinterpreted as a rather wonderful "signal".

That is to say, this low-key adjutant did not speak on behalf of himself, but on behalf of the missing Ms. Madeleine. Perhaps the noise that unraveled everyone’s obedience procedures just now was discovered and sent by their commander-in-chief Madeleine. Back to the mothership.

Although Magneto's speech was indeed quite explosive.

Especially the part about the "truth of Utopia" made many people wonder if he was crazy, but the obedience program was unlocked for real, and everyone can feel the freedom that is no longer restrained in the mind.

Soon, conflicts arose.

There was an argument between those who supported Magneto and those who opposed him.

Arguments turned into spats, spats into conflicts, conflicts into fights, and fights into chaos, which eventually led to disaster.

Everything happened very quickly, and with the internal communication module being completely taken over, the actual managers of the mothership couldn't regulate the conflicts that erupted everywhere.

The moment the obedience procedure failed, the most important foundation that originally maintained the existence of this organization collapsed.

What's more, clones are not fools.

When Compound No. 5 was issued, Zhushuai conducted a test to prove that the thing was indeed harmful, so after Magneto's declaration, conflicts broke out even among the generals of the Joint Council.

Five minutes later, the large group tore apart a space-time curtain on the upper level of the mothership, and when they rushed into the mothership with the X Royal Knights and K-Men, what they saw head-on was a group of Alpha warriors who knocked on Compound No. Another group of compatriots fought in the restaurant.

"The moment the red sun of dawn shines, darkness and evil will kill each other in fear."

Mason, who pushed Emma's levitation wheelchair into this place, looked at the chaos below from a height. He shook his head and said to Magneto and Zhushuai beside him:

"Quiet it all up, it's ugly! Hurry up, we have a lot more to do tonight."


The generals of the first sequence nodded.

They became the actual leading party, leading a group of "compatriots" who wanted to destroy their organization into their base camp.

But they are not ashamed of it, just because the real enemy has emerged.

The way to the flagship was quickly cleared by the charge led by the horde, but they did not set foot in it, leaving the battle to Magneto's lieutenant, Chaser, and the other generals who brought them.

This is an internal matter of the first order.

It is inconvenient for others to participate, and there is no need to shed blood for other people's affairs.


The hatch of the flagship was opened, and the one-armed adjutant walked in. There was chaos in front of his eyes, as well as the remains of blood and energy collisions. It was obvious that there had been a fight here before they arrived.

Because of the difference in ideas or objects of allegiance, after the foundation of existence is disintegrated, those conflicts and contradictions can no longer be concealed.


A General Omega holding Compound No. 5 glared at Magneto and the people behind him, and he roared:

"Have you forgotten the oath we made in front of Ms. Madeleine? The first sequence will never compromise with the Primarch! The fate of clones must be in their own hands!"

"I haven't forgotten."

Magneto levitated forward, and magnetic balls spun around him. The general sneered when he saw this scene:

"Then why did you come? You brought these people with you?"

"Come here to fulfill your oath!"

In his hoarse answer, Zhushuai also launched his telekinetic power.

In this way, the comrades-in-arms who once fought against the enemy closely but are now split into two sides drew their swords and killed each other at the same time, just for the same oath.

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