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“There is no enemy of Colonel David who can live. Now maybe he has become a soldier. He is not as murderous as before. Otherwise, we are here to collect the bodies for you guys!” Law Enforcement Group members lightly said with a smile.

The Chief Law Enforcement Group did not speak this time, and the members of the Law Enforcement Group said so deliberately, which stimulated Captain Kram and made it easier for the next interrogation.

“Who said that the killing is low? If the killing is low, how could Colonel David get the’National Scholar’ medal after only three months in the military!” Another Law Enforcement Group member said dissatisfied.

“By the way, there are more than hundreds of people who died in the hands of Colonel David, right?” The former Law Enforcement Group member said with a smile.

“Don’t talk nonsense, there is no evidence for those!” a Law Enforcement Group member said.

“What kind of evidence is needed. With Colonel David’s ability to’sniper the master’, will the killing of some people leave evidence? As long as the people who have become enemies with him can’t survive, do you need evidence?” The Law Enforcement Group The member retorted.

Captain Kram was already 10000 in horror at this time. He thought of the feeling when David asked him before, as if he saw a beast.

In the past, I heard people say that if you kill too much, there will be a murderous aura, and that an ordinary person will be trembling in fear when you come into contact with such a person. Captain Kram thought it was a rumor, but now he is indeed an understood.

David is such a person, but he dares to do things in front of such a person.

“Okay, don’t talk!” The Law Enforcement Group looked at the fire and said solemnly.

David opened Skynet at the port and searched for information on the spaceship to Rock Star. There are many spaceships passing through the Battlestar, most of them are military spaceships.

It is not a problem to want to take a ride in his capacity. It only takes a few days to get to Rock Star, and when he arrives at Rock Star, he can transfer to his spaceship.

David’s’Hess’ is on Rockstar, and you can take your own spaceship when you get there. As for the flagship escort equipped for him, you can only receive it after signing up.

Contrary to David’s expectation, there is only one spaceship on Skynet today that leaves Hong Kong for the direction of Rock Star, which is a cargo spaceship.

David looked at the spaceship information, which is the freight spaceship of Chamber of Commerce Darrow.

Darrow Chamber of Commerce is not a big company. What is David’s impression of this Chamber of Commerce not at all, but being able to engage in War Star transportation will not be simple.

Any supplies of War Star belong to the military, and Chamber of Commerce, which can intervene in this, has various interests behind it.

David did not consider the relationship behind Darrow Chamber of Commerce. All he needs to do is to say hello to the captain of this spaceship and see if he can take this spaceship to Rock Star.

David is carrying the outer skeleton armored loading box with the Level 3 Heavy Axe on his back. He left his mind that the outer skeleton armor is not the custom outer skeleton armor he usually uses, but an ordinary standard outer skeleton armor.

His equipment is placed in the space bag, and with the space bag, he can immediately take out the equipment without the help of Shadow Servant.

According to the information on Skynet, David came to the port where the freight spaceship was located.

Although it is a cargo spaceship, some self-defense weapons are installed on this cargo spaceship, which is normal.

War Zone is still very messy in some places. In space, there are often some space pirates engaged in professional robbery, and some mercenaries on mission will do some amateur robbery easily.

Of course, compared with the real battleship, these weapons are far different.

“Excuse me, I want to see your captain, please let me know!” David said to a crew member who was working.

“Mr. Colonel, wait a minute!” The crew was a little annoyed because of the interruption of work. He looked up and saw David’s military rank and the particularly conspicuous’National Scholar’ medal. He immediately changed his attitude and said politely.

The crew member opened the identity bracelet and said a few words softly.

“The captain asked me to take you in, please follow me!” The crew bowed slightly to David.

Under the leadership of the crew, David walked into the cockpit along the gangway.

“Colonel, please sit down!” David came to the cockpit and saw the big man sitting in the command chair. The big man turned his head and said to the crew on the side: “Go and pour a glass of water!”

“Thank you!” David said, sitting on the empty seat aside.

“My name is Chester, what can you do?” Captain Chester said very politely.

“My name is David. I want to take your boat to Rock Star. I don’t know if it is feasible?” David explained his intention directly.

“You are a’National Scholar’, of course there is no problem. The spaceship will leave in an hour. If you still have luggage, please bring it as soon as possible!” Captain Chester said with a faint smile.

“I don’t have any other luggage, only this!” David smiled and pointed to the skeleton armored loading box outside.

“That’s good, you sit here and rest for a while, and I will prepare a rest room for you when the spaceship enters the cruise!” Captain Chester said with a faint smile.

After that, Captain Chester directed the crew to make the final preparations, and some of the crew brought water to David’s side.

David was smiling all the time, waiting for Captain Chester’s arrangement.

Time passed quickly, the cargo spaceship set sail, first slowly left the port, and then accelerated towards the depths of space.

The cargo spaceship turned on the warp engine and entered the speed of light flight.

“Colonel David, please come with me, I’ll take you to the room!” Captain Chester glanced at the glass of still water and said in an inviting gesture to David.

“Then trouble Captain Chester!” David stood up and said.

“No trouble, you are the hero of the Federation!” Captain Chester smiled and said before he picked up David’s outer skeleton armored loading box.

Generally speaking, any Armored Soldier will not allow the outer skeleton armored loading box to leave his side, but Captain Chester’s politeness prevents David from forcibly going up and grabbing it.

David can only be followed by Captain Chester, and he follows Captain Chester to the passage.

Captain Chester said compliments and held David all the way.

David listened, the smile on his face not at all changed.

“It’s here!” Captain Chester said, pointing to the door in front.

The smile on David’s face was even greater, because Shadow Servant had come to that room earlier.

That room was not what Captain Chester said, but a training room in which a dozen Armored Soldiers armed with Level 2 weapons were waiting there.

From the imposing manner of those Armored Soldiers, David can see that these are all elite Armored Soldiers.

In fact, when he entered the cargo spaceship, David felt a lot of things. For example, among the crew here, many were Armored Soldiers, which is very rare in a cargo spaceship.

Generally Armored Soldier is only responsible for escort tasks, not for crew work.

Don’t look at Armored Soldier in War Star almost like cannon fodder, but it is still very much valued in other places. Armored Soldier is enough to make some Xiaoxiao dare not make ideas.

And ten 2 elite Armored Soldiers, and elite Armored Soldiers holding Level 2 weapons, are not what this cargo spaceship should appear.

In addition, David’s strong spirit has long been aware of the malice on Captain Chester. Don’t look at Captain Chester with a smile on his face, but the Evil Thought in his heart has always been there.

Perhaps Captain Chester didn’t think it himself, but in front of David, his attitude was as conspicuous as a light in the dark.

This is also a question of its own level. Captain Chester is just an Armored Soldier, and he has no way of knowing the role of spirit.

David didn’t worry, he walked into the training room with Captain Chester.

“Captain Chester, what does this mean?” David asked with a constant expression.

“Colonel David, you are really calm. I admire it very much. If you are not offended and should not be offended, I will not treat you like this!” Captain Chester retreated behind the dozen or so elite Armored Soldiers as he spoke.

“It seems that Captain Chester knows something, which makes me feel at ease!” David said with a faint smile.

“Don’t force yourself to be calm, your outer skeleton armor is in my hands, you should be obediently surrender, and I won’t make you too uncomfortable!” Captain Chester said with a cold laugh.

“Captain Chester, you probably thought your acting was very successful. You have to know that for the’weapon master’, any assassination is useless, just like the glass of water you gave me in the cockpit, knowing why I didn’t drink it. Is it?” David said with a smile and shook his head.

Captain Chester had heard that the’weapon master’ had an instinctive reaction to assassinations, but he snorts disdainfully about it. How could anyone even prevent assassinations?

But when he heard what David said, his face changed.

“The glass of your understood is poisoned, why did you let me take the outer skeleton armor?” Captain Chester firmly grasped the outer skeleton armor loading box in his hand, for fear that the loading box in his hand was fake, he was puzzled. Asked.

“Because I want to know more things. Sure enough, you have said so much by yourself. Let me understand that you are an insider who knows the master behind, so that I can kill everyone else and leave you alone! “David said with a grin.

His white teeth flashed with cold light, and the temperature in the whole room seemed to drop between his smiles.

“Kill him!” Captain Chester almost exclaimed.

The ten or two elite Armored Soldiers were divided into two groups. They cooperated with each other and surrounded David, and the door suddenly closed behind David.

In an instant, David was blocked on the spot, and there was no retreat.

David grabbed his hand behind his back, Level 3 Heavy Axe appeared in his right hand, his face still smiling.

To be honest, after 3 months of War Star, his combat power has already surpassed the level of Armored Soldier.

Even if he is not in armor, his strength is not comparable to these elite Armored Soldiers.

Perhaps David is not as powerful as these elite Armored Soldiers wearing outer skeleton armor, but he is far more technically than these elite Armored Soldiers and can make up for this gap.

When the ten or two elite Armored Soldiers in groups of 2 saw the Level 2 Heavy Axe, they couldn’t help but stunned, and they all complained in their hearts that Captain Chester had not put away David’s weapons together.

However, they are still confident that they can kill David. Twelve fully armed elite Armored Soldiers. Faced with the’sniper master’ who is not armed and close, they can no longer kill David. They are among the elite Armored Soldiers. The name was called for nothing.

David is not too big, he activates the’extreme speed’, which allows his speed to keep up with these elite Armored Soldiers wearing outer skeleton armor.

For David, who is holding a Level 3 Heavy Axe, these Armored Soldiers are weaknesses all over, so he didn’t even turn on the’Spirit Slashing Heavy Axe Technique’. He just relied on the strength of the’Heavy Axe Grandmaster’ to actively move towards the elite Armored Soldier. Rush away.

The group of elite Armored Soldiers on the left did not expect David to be so fast even without armor. The wrong estimate made their reaction speed slow.

Green rays of light flashed by, and the two elite Armored Soldiers had fallen to the ground, their bodies were divided into two sections from their waists.

This fatal injury does not cause the injured to die immediately. It takes a period of painful struggle for the injured to die after the blood has drained.

The other ten elite Armored Soldiers were heart trembled together. Although they were elite Armored Soldiers, their brother-like companions fell to the ground so violently as soon as they touched them, they were extremely touched.

David went one step further, swiping the weapons of the 3 elite Armored Soldiers with a Level 3 Heavy Axe, and also cut 2 of the elite Armored Soldiers from the waist.

Then he kicked the elite Armored Soldier who lost his weapon. The timing of this kick was very precise. When the elite Armored Soldier who lost his weapon was cut off due to the weapon in his hand, his body balance was lost. He kicked the elite. Armored Soldier took a few steps backward.

The retreat of the Armored Soldier, the elite who lost their weapons, just blocked the attacking route of the last elite Armored Soldier in this group.

David took another two steps, the Level 2 Heavy Axe cut the backing elite Armored Soldier, and the Level 3 Heavy Axe continued to move backwards. The last elite Armored Soldier was cut in the waist by the Level 3 Heavy Axe as soon as he was about to move. between.

In just one second, the situation of the battle changed. Six people fell beside David, but the blood was full of the ground.

The six Armored Soldiers that fell were all chopped at the waist, and the blood flow was very fast.

The group of elite Armored Soldiers on the right just wanted to attack, and the battle on this side was over. The scene before them made them feel cold.

David ignored their thoughts, stepped forward and rushed to meet the 6 elite Armored Soldiers.

“Pay attention to the formation!” the leader of the elite Armored Soldier group shouted.

This is to embolden himself, but also the elite Armored Soldier who doesn’t want the group to have problems because of fear.

David also wanted to do it quickly, he started the’power shock’ innate talent.

The elite Armored Soldier on the opposite side also knew the sharpness of the Level 3 Heavy Axe, so the large shield Armored Soldier was holding a Level 2 large shield and ran into David.

The Level 2 shield has the power that David has no armor. It is not easy to cut with a single blow. The opponent’s choice is also correct. However, David shot the Level 3 Heavy Axe on the shield, and then Turned the shield.

The body of the Armored Soldier was affected by the’power shock’, not at all able to move, and was easily approached by David.

Then came the massacre. The 6 elite Armored Soldiers were the same as the 6 elite Armored Soldiers, and they were all cut in half in a short contact.

Captain Chester looked at David standing on top of ten or two corpses. His whole body was trembling. He had forgotten that he was also an Armored Soldier. Perhaps he also knew that Armored Soldier was just like an ordinary person for David!

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