Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 119: Evaluation of Xiaomi mobile phones (below)

   At night, the brightly lit city of Beijing.

  Xiaomi Science and Technology Park, the roof of No.5 office building.

   A wooden door suddenly appeared out of thin air.

   Then walked out of the door, a man and a woman, two strangely dressed people wearing masks.

   is Chen Yu and Xiao Taohong.

   "It really is one of the largest cities in mankind..."

   Standing on the top of the building, Chen Yu looked condescendingly, the neon shining light, as if to blind his eyes that were bred in the poor country.

   "Little Taohong, does it look good? This is our human creativity." Chen Yu pointed his finger forward and turned to look at Xiao Taohong.

   "If this is the case, I can do it with me."

   "Fine, you can do anything. Now, can you change the appearance of the portal to a metal arch?"


   Xiao Taohong walked back to the portal and adjusted the shape to a metal arch that was five meters high and three meters wide.

   "Mr. Chen, we are so conspicuous, will we not be discovered by others?"

   "It will definitely be, but it doesn't matter." Chen Yu shrugged: "This live broadcast is very short. We will leave after the evaluation. If there is an abnormality, we will just turn off the broadcast and go back."

   "Why don't you go to a place where no one is?"

"Evaluation of mobile phones does not require much space to display. It is more meaningful to broadcast live at the door of mobile phone manufacturers. And in future live broadcasts, I am also planning to add a little more tricks, or even slightly change the form of evaluation to improve the effect of the program. Otherwise, the audience will Aesthetically fatigued."

"Oh I got it."

   Xiao Taohong simulated a sudden expression, but in fact she didn't understand anything.

   Time passes quickly.

   In a blink of an eye, the number on the watch jumped to 9.

   "It's about to start live broadcast, Xiao Taohong, look around, if there is a drone flying up to take pictures, you can shoot it down."

   manipulated the watch to adjust the camera, and Chen Yu changed his hand and handed the "high-frequency lightsaber" to Xiao Taohong: "Remember, you can only hit the plane, not even the buildings!"

   "Don't worry, Mr. Chen, I'm thick and thin, and careful."

   Chen Yu: "……"

   was silent for a while, he snatched back the high-frequency lightsaber: "Forget it, you'd better stay behind, don't need you to do it, just tell me where there are sneak shots."

   "Mr. Chen, don't you worry about me?"

   "Why use interrogative sentences?"


   "Don't say it, it's 9:01, standing behind me, now it's live broadcast."

   [The promotion live broadcast room is being opened...]

  【Station B is opened. 】

  【The funny fish is opened. 】

  【The tour push is completed. 】

   [Quick foot opening is complete. 】

  【The vibrato is turned on. 】

  [Total number of people in live room: 0 people]

   Several lines of text flashed, and on the watch screen, the number representing the number of people rose rapidly!

  484 people.

   3967 people.

   13,111 people.

   38,963 people.

   72,550 people...

  【Live broadcast! 】

  【True·High yield like a sow. 】

   [Does the UP master need to be updated from now on? 】

  【Already coined, please start your performance. 】

   [Is the anchor live in a city? 】

  【The two long legs of the female assistant are's a pity not to kick three rounds. 】

   [Can you give way to the sand sculpture in front, give my sister some space. 】

   [This place is so familiar. 】

   [UP Master, for your live broadcast today, I made three connections and flew to Sacramento. You...]

"Hello viewers in the live broadcast room, thank you for staying in front of the screen and watching tonight's live broadcast." Chen Yu stretched out his hand and pointed to the sky: "You can see that the sky is dark. I am indeed still in China and where I am. Everyone is familiar with the place, that is the capital."

   After that, Chen Yu turned the camera to show a circle of the night scene of Beijing: "The reason why I chose this place is because the product we reviewed today, the company's headquarters is in Beijing."

   "The location I am in is on the top of the office building of this company."

   [Fuck? Which company is so awesome? 】

   [Isn't the UP main evaluating future products? 】

   [Finally have a meal? 】

   [It may also be a future product of this company. 】

  【Your account is gone. 】

  【Your account is gone +1. 】

   [The extra live broadcast is boring, I want to watch the live broadcast! I want to see the technology of the sky! 】

  【Official live broadcast once a month, wait slowly. 】

   The barrage was flying around, and Chen Yu continued his opening remarks.

   "The product I reviewed is the thing in my hand. In order to share with you, I haven't unpacked it like last night."

   "As a professional reviewer who has never been a professional reviewer, we naturally have to go straight to the subject and start the first item of review, out of the box! Witness the most glorious moment of a product together."

   The words fell, Chen Yu decisively removed the seal, and under the watchful eyes of nearly 300,000 spectators, he opened the lid and slowly took out a mobile phone packaging box from the express box.

"Did you see it? The product for this live evaluation." Chen Yu threw away the courier box and showed the mobile phone box in front of the camera: "Yes, as you can see, this is a mobile phone. One comes from three years later. Smartphone."

   "And the brand of this phone..."

   As Chen Yu’s wrist turned, the LOGO on the front of the box gradually appeared...


same time.

   Below the roof where Chen Yu is, Rebs is interrupting the meeting with three executives and sitting in front of the projection screen to watch the live broadcast of Station B's "Super-Time Evaluation".

  As a practitioner of electronic technology and a director of station B, Rebs is the first group of viewers to know the special characteristics of "Cross-Time Evaluation".

  Whether it is for monitoring and analysis, broadening his horizons, digging technology, or simply to satisfy curiosity, he will not let go of any episode of "Overtime Evaluation".

   Even when he finds a certain future product he likes, he will hold a small meeting of the technical department to discuss the usability of that product, research and development, scientific and technological principles, and market prospects.

   For ordinary people, looking at Chen Yu's comments is just for eye addiction.

   For all employees in the technology industry, as well as the core academic circles, Chen Yu's evaluation is the vane of human future technology, future culture, and future development!

   This is a rare opportunity for the entire human race to spy on the progress of future civilization.

   is also one of the important reasons why officials of various countries still maintain a "cautious", "balanced" and "conservative" attitude towards time-space evaluation.

   "Which company is so lucky? Was selected by this UP owner." The middle-aged executive sitting next to Rebs slapped his tongue: "The stock price is about to limit."

"It's not necessarily good luck." Rebs shook his head, raised his arm to look at the time, then looked at the agenda on the table, and said: "There will be a lot of, it seems Something's wrong." The technical director sitting in the corner frowned: "When UP took the main location just now, I felt a little familiar."

   Hearing this, the other three people in the office were stunned, and subconsciously turned their heads and looked out the window.

   The brightly lit night scene gradually overlaps with the picture in memory...

   "No...Isn't it?" The middle-aged executive instantly oozes cold sweat on his forehead.

   "..." Rebs narrowed his eyes unconsciously, and immediately focused on the projection screen without blinking.

   The big office, the needle drop can be heard instantly.

   There is only the sound of everyone trying to suppress the breathing.

   In the screen on the screen, the mysterious UP master wearing a mask is opening the seal and pulling out the outer packaging box of a mobile phone from the inside.

   The LOGO on the box is clearly visible.


  The next moment, the four of them slowly raised their heads and looked at the ceiling above...


(Three lines: It’s okay to say that I am out of chapters, 2k files, I agree. But I can’t bear to say that I am water! I never think that I am water, every paragraph of text is born for the plot, whether it is daily or evaluation part , All are so.

   The real water is the described water, such as large sections of scenes and character descriptions.

   Looking back at the author, from the first chapter to the present, is there a scene description that exceeds fifty words? Many scenes are used in four words. At most, like the beginning of this chapter, "Night, the city of Beijing with brilliant lights".

   Nine words! Only nine words, brothers! Not in double digits yet! Then enter the plot directly.

   Therefore, when I say that I am water, I will never admit it!

   On the contrary, I feel that I have a good conscience.

   Ask for a recommendation ticket. )

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