Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 128: Limit to death (middle)

Qianyuan County, in the cloudless sky, suddenly flashed a white light!


Six or seven seconds later, the sound of breaking wind was late, and many people in the county looked up in shock.

"What is it ‘swish’ all of a sudden?"

"It looks like a meteor..."

"No...No! Is it a fighter?!"

A sharp-eyed man stretched his hand to the west and jumped up excitedly: "Fighter! Two!"


Accompanied by the loud engine roar, two fighters "slowly" appeared on the stage, from west to east, leaving behind two long tail flames, chasing the white light and whizzing away.

"Main station, this is J2. If the target speed is too fast, it will lose its positioning. Repeat. This is J2. If the target speed is too fast, it will lose its positioning."

In the cockpit of the fighter jet, the pilot looked forward in a standard posture, watched the changes in the data displayed in the helmet, and reported seriously.

"Extend the route and return."


The pilot replied, then raised his head, angrily pulled down the oxygen supply tube, moved the total distance, slowed down, and returned to the original route.

"Damn it."


Three minutes later, the island is green.

On the top of a high-rise building in the city center, a group of college students looked up and looked west.

No one said a word, and was engrossed, like a mentally retarded child.

Not long after, a white light faintly lit up in the distance, and everyone cheered instantly. The girls bounced around and the boys roared and roared, bursting with excitement.

"Come on! UP Lord is coming!"

"Fuck Nima! Great! Up master is awesome!"

"I saw it..."

A fat college student picked up his mobile phone, trembling hands, typing quickly in the live broadcast room.

[Coming! I'm on Daoqing! See the UP master flying over! I'm going crazy...]


The sound of the armor rubbing against the air became more and more harsh, but the students didn't care, waving their hands one after another, hoping that Chen Yu in the sky could see it.

In the protective clothing, Chen Yu lowered the engine pressure, and the jet of blue flame was immediately reduced.

Under inertia, he flew forward for several kilometers before he stopped in the air steadily.

"Brothers! I'm here!"

Turning around in the air, facing the camera, Chen Yu pointed to the sea and sky in the east, and said, "Have you seen the seaside? It didn't take six minutes to fly from Taishan to Daoqing. Now we can be sure that this protective suit is The flight speed, under standard atmospheric pressure, can indeed reach more than twice the supersonic speed."

[999! 】


[Good **** envy! I also want to fly in the armor. 】

[Anchor awesome! (Breaking sound)】

[Anchor awesome! (Breaking sound)】

[Watching a first-person Superman movie. 】

[Does anyone care about the cameraman? 】

[UP Master! The roof of the Century Building! Can you see us? 】

[Go to Sword Island! Strongly request to go to Sword Island! 】

[I was in Qianyuan County and saw a lot of fighters chasing UP owners...]

[In Daoqing, you can see the anchor when you look up. 】

Taking off his armor gloves, Chen Yu glanced at the barrage on his watch, then returned his gloves, looked around, and quickly found a group of young people waving their arms frantically on the roof of a high-rise building.

"Hey, did you see it? Brother's fan."

Chen Yu proudly raised his head toward the camera, then stretched out his hand and waved at the crowd.

"Oh oh oh!"

"UP master is awesome!"

"look here!"


The young man on the top of the building became more excited, and seemed to want to throw his arm away.

"I just watched the barrage. Someone suggested going to Jiandao to take a look. It was just what I wanted."

After greeting the fans, Chen Yu slowly started the engine, raised the altitude, and flew towards the east.

By the end of this evaluation, if these college students are still on the top of the building, he is ready to have a good "Hi" wave with them face to face.

But now, it is still based on product performance evaluation.

Ascending to an altitude of four or five kilometers, Chen Yu hovered and broke through the sound barrier with a "bang" again, flying through the clouds, ups and downs, flying freely.

[MMP, I'm so greedy, when will it be 2305? 】

[The same is the UP master, why is the gap so big? 】

[The earth is finished, is the anchor going to space? 】

[Sure, I'm lying in bed silently now, watching how the anchor shows...]

Sword Island, not far from the green city of the island, under high-speed flight, only a minute, Chen Yu saw the target.

Looking condescendingly, the "magical" shape is still dazzling...

After dropping three kilometers in height, Chen Yu lowered his head and looked intently, and saw that the originally deserted island had been built with barracks and airfields.

"It deserves to be the speed of China, this building ability is no less than that of island building ships."

Chen Yu smiled and put up a thumbs up, and was about to turn around and fly away, but heard a long cry suddenly coming from below.


"Did you see, my compatriots are greeting me."

[Sure it’s not a warning? 】

[Greetings! Obviously tell you that if you don't flash, you will be bombarded. 】

[Hahaha... laughed to death. 】

In the protective clothing, Chen Yu naturally couldn't see what the barrage said.

He hovered high in the sky, listened in silence, and then flew towards the sea. While flying, he said, "For humans now, the ocean is as difficult to conquer as space. There is very little exploration there."

"And the deepest ocean on earth, as far as I know, is the Mariana Trench near the Pacific Ocean. The deepest place is more than eleven thousand meters. Even if Mount Everest is thrown in, it won't Will be out of the sea."

"So, taking advantage of this opportunity to evaluate the performance of the protective clothing, I will take the audience friends in the live broadcast room and dive into the 10,000-meter sea floor to see how cold and dark the world is. There is deep sea phobia. Friends, get ready."

At the end of the speech, Chen Yu raised the altitude again and entered the stratosphere with thin air, and then the engine was adjusted to a high pressure state.


The faint blue flame suddenly soared, pushing Chen Yu forward at an extremely fast speed.

Three thousand kilometers per hour.

Three thousand five hundred kilometers per hour.

Four thousand kilometers per hour...

Without the barrier of dense atmosphere, Chen Yu's flight speed continued to increase.

In the live broadcast room, the left and right channels immediately fell into silence.

Without any sound, I can catch up with the speed of Chen Yu and the camera at this time...

Twenty minutes later.

The positioning system of the protective suit sounded a reminder.

Chen Yu decisively lowered his height while slowing down his speed.


When the speed dropped below the speed of sound, noisy air friction sounded again in the live broadcast room.

Not long after, he landed directly on the sea level, stepped half of his foot into the sea, and introduced to the camera: "Here, here is the Mariana Trench. So far, many people should have dived to the bottom of this trench. But absolutely no one can live on the bottom of the sea as freely as me..."


Before Chen Yu finished speaking, the sea surface in the distance suddenly bulged, and a huge whale emerged from the water, jetting a jet of water from the air hole above its head.

"This is... a blue whale?!"

Chen Yu's eyes lit up, then he lowered his head and looked up the armor on his body.

"I suddenly had a bold idea..."

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