Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 145: Go to TM's love!

Himalayas, Mount Everest.

A stream shadow fell from the top of the mountain and bounced among the rocks and rocks.

Inside the ball, the loving couple looks at each other affectionately. It seems that the life and death tribulations of falling down the mountain cannot shake their strong love.

"I love you." The young woman said softly.

"I love you too." The young man replied.

"We want to be together forever."

"Yes, never separate."

"Until the sea dies."

"The sea is dry and the stone is rotten!"

The moved tears of the young woman sang choked: "When the mountain has no edges or corners."

Male young interface: "When the sea is not flowing."

"When the time stops, the sun and the moon are not divided."

"All things in the sky and the earth are turned into nothingness."

"I still can't break up with you!"

"I can't break up with you..."

The two clasped their fingers, and embraced again.


In the next second, the ball of life suddenly hit the oncoming rock, causing the ball to rebound forcefully. The young woman screamed in pain and subconsciously waved her fist and knocked on her boyfriend's forehead: "You bit me!"

"You hit me?"

"You bit me!" The young woman punched again in anger: "Can't you say sorry?"

"Fighting? You did it on purpose!"

"Do you hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt or it hurts! You are a shrew!"

"You scold me?"

"You still beat me."

"Bah! Dead man!"

"Bah! Bah! Stinky 38..."

"Break up!"

"Fuck, I'm afraid of you?! Who doesn't break up and whose grandson!"



This bend...I am puzzled. (Qiao Shan face)

Justice came too quickly, and no seat belt was worn.


Love to hear.

What a laugh at me, comfortable! Dei Jin!



The rice in my hand is fragrant again.

We are all professionals and generally don't laugh.

You may not have a car or a house, but you must have a heart that accompanies me till I grow old. Love requires company! On the way of love, there is you...

Why is his paralyzed love not love, love you paralyzed!

Why can you speak?

Search for aV12058116 at station B, my name is.


When Chen Yu flew back to the top of Phoenix Mountain with the two. The women of the couple have disheveled hair, and the men have scratched faces.

"Is it fun?" Chen Yu asked.

"Fun." The young woman nodded.

"Go on your own! Barbarian woman! If you don't make sense, you will break up when you go back."

"If there is a kind, divide it now."

"Score it!"

Chen Yu scratched his helmet: "Okay, in your current state, I don't need you to say experience in front of the audience, let's go home."

"Thank you uP master." The young woman wiped her tears and said seriously: "Thank you for giving me this opportunity to let me see the essence of this scumbag."

"I thank you too." The young man bowed: "Thank you for letting us break up."

"'re welcome."

The former couple glared at each other and walked towards the portal.

"Do not touch me!"

"Why would I touch you? The door is so big..."

After the two disappeared into the metal arch, Chen Yu sighed: "The world of the people in the city is really wonderful."

"Next, the last member of the barrage group, it's up to you, old man, how do you want to play?"

The old man stepped forward and waved his walking stick: "I want to go to Mount Everest."

Chen Yu: "..."

"And I have to jump down from the stratosphere, land on Mount Everest, and then roll down."

"...Master, are you reaching for the toilet and wanting shit?"

"I'm so good!" The old man threw the stick and patted his chest: "Give me away and it's over."

After a moment of silence, Chen Yu hesitated to say, "Are you here to fake me?"

"I don't do that often." The old man pointed to the top of his head: "Send me up quickly."

"Don't make a fuss. Let me throw you in the deep ocean. The pressure will push the ball of life up. The process should be smooth and innovative. Would you like to try it?"

"No excitement, don't try. I'm going to heaven."

"No." Chen Yu felt a little irritable: "I have stated the rules of the game in advance. All participants must follow my instructions. You are too old to fall from Mount Everest and it is easy to be dangerous."


"If you don't agree, then stop playing."

The old man was silent, touched his chest, and softened his aura and begged: "Young man, discuss whether it will work or not. I won't jump from Mount Everest. Just put me in the atmosphere, let me fall down, and fall on the flat ground. ."

This old man is really annoying.

+1, people must be self-aware.

Kick the old man and replace me!

Professional touch porcelain? The uP master dare to bang?

Maybe it is trying to corrupt a spaceship. 23333.

After all, it's an old man, so keep your words.

Chen Yu looked up at the blue sky and sighed: "Master, can't you play peacefully?"

"I won't roll the mountain anymore. Just let me jump out of the atmosphere." The old man picked up the walking stick and staggered to Chen Yu, with a hippie smile: "I beg you young man, please satisfy the old man's wish."

"...Alright." Chen Yu spread his hands: "But say it in advance, I don't take any responsibility. You are so old, and your thinking logic is quite clear. You have to bear the consequences for your choice."

"No problem! The young man is doing well!"

The old man's excited beard trembled, threw away the walking stick again, and staggered into the goal for fear that Chen Yu would regret it.

"That's good." Chen Yu didn't say much, picked up the old man's life ball and walked to the portal, connecting the space location to the stratosphere 50 kilometers away from the ground, and finally confirmed: "Old man , Have you thought about it?"

The old man lying in the ball curiously squeezed this, touched that, and waved his hand: "Don't worry, my old man has a good mentality, and there is a standard for respecting the old and loving the young. I am so annoying, you young people don't need to take care of them too much."

Chen Yu: "..."

"Okay, old man, just say this to you, and I will try to protect you."

When the words fell, Chen Yu pushed hard, and the sphere together with the old man was thrown out of the space connection point and placed at an altitude of 50,000 meters.

Seek an internal perspective!

The old man will be scared and cry.

Love to hear.

This old man is really annoying, how nice it is to go to the sea, we can also have eye addiction.

When the old man saw that the environment outside the ball instantly turned from the top of the mountain to high in the sky, the original laughing expression on his face slowly converged.

Feeling the weightlessness of the rapid fall, the old man slowly took out an old photo from his pocket and placed it in front of him for a closer look.

In the photo, a girl with braids with big eyes is showing two rows of small white teeth facing the camera, smiling very sweetly.

"My wife..."

The old man smiled peacefully, stroked the gray matter of the photo with his old wrinkled thumb, and then pointed the photo below: "My wife, do you see it?"

"This is hundreds of kilometers of space! No plane can fly so high."

"Hey, they won't let me get on the plane, am I here too? Higher than them!"

The old man rubbed his itchy eyes and continued talking to himself.

"For decades, we have won."

"Life has changed for the better, and the young people are more promising."

His eyes were slightly wet, and his fingers holding the photo trembled uncontrollably: "Did you see it?"

"What a beautiful mountain and river."


"It's all ours and will always belong to us."

"Look, this flourishing age..."

Haha, the old man is scared!

I won't call anymore.

Carry it away, cool. (funny)

I want to play too!

It's also a lesson to him, the old man also needs to know that the sky is great.

They danced happily, how high can the sky be?

Because of being loved, there is nothing to fear. (smile)

The bad guys are getting old...


The old man trembling and crying, wiped the muddy tears with his cuffs, and pressed the photo firmly on his chest.

"You didn't die in vain."

"I didn't fight for nothing."

"Everything is worth it."

"Our time has passed."

"I wish to stop my heartbeat at this moment..."

Muttering, the old man closed his eyes peacefully.

Old tears dripped, and the lubricating fluid that fell into the ball was not mixed.

Just like that, calm, and sink to the bottom...

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