Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 165: Real boss

"Thirty-two basements, I will give you two." Chen Yu pointed to the two circles with the tip of his pen: "These two are yours. The rest will be distributed to other officials."

"But...but...our mountain..." The old man's eyes widened, and he stopped talking.

"Your mountain?" Chen Yu turned to look at the flattened ground outside the window: "Where is the mountain?"

Old man: "..."

"Do you want it?" Chen Yu pushed the mask: "You just said you want it?"

"Yes! I want you!"

"That's right." He patted the old man on the shoulder, and Xu Xu Shan lured: "There are more than 30 in total, and it's a lot for two of you. So many officials are still waiting for points, you don't want to monopolize Right?"

Hearing this, the old man turned pale and shook his head quickly: "No! Certainly not!"


I just like the shameless look of the uP master.

The name Gang Richuan...Tsk.

The remaining 30 have been packaged by our rabbit country!

Touch your head without crying... Or give you the bathroom.

Hahaha laughed to death.

"I know that your country has the most international spirit. I would like to praise you." Chen Yu made a perfunctory remark, picked up the cardboard, and wrote and painted in front of the camera: "The officials watching the live broadcast have their eyes wide open. I will only say it once and will not repeat it."

After a pause, Chen Yu’s tone became serious and sharp by the way: “From the beginning of this circle, this basement will be given to the Kingdom of Great Britain, this basement is given to the Kingdom of Britain, this is given to the country of Mao, this is given to the country of surrender, to the universe, and this is given to Fuck Billy..."

In the live broadcast room, many officials watched tensely, and the 30 basement locations were quickly allocated 27.

"There are three left, it's a bit troublesome." Chen Yu stretched out his hand irritably and scratched the top of his head: "There is no country to divide. Japan provides a precious venue, and people should get one more seat. As for the rest, who should be given more? One, everyone is not convinced, so just give two more, all to China."

Old man: "..."

Two million viewers: "..."

As a global-oriented uP master, nothing can be overtaken.

His three sisters have made him understand since they were young, what it means to not suffer from widowhood and suffer from unevenness. Too many "bad" biases will undoubtedly cause a serious rebound.

Returning the cardboard to the old man, Chen Yu's tone returned to peace: "Of course, as the host, you still have to consult your opinions, do you have any comments?"


"Then the plan is passed."

Turning around, Chen Yu faced the camera, shaking his robe, full of power: "The detailed allocation is just like that. Each basement has a maximum of ten scientific researchers. In addition, a radius of 2,000 meters is not allowed for one person to enter! Which official Dare to violate the rules..."

He deliberately lowered his voice: "Directly erase qualifications."

So arrogant...

Big guy is awesome! (Breaking sound)

Big guy is awesome! (Breaking sound)

Anchor you are the master of the world!

The most **** uP master in history.



This wave can be.

Steel dinosaurs are not easy to move and cannot be hidden. Rather than being coveted by various officials, it is better to open an "exhibition" so that everyone can participate in research.

The so-called cannibalism is short, and the manpower is short. Since he has benefited from Chen Yu, it is inevitable that he will be "polite" a little bit, otherwise he will withdraw his "benefits" and no one can object to him.

After all, his true identity is hidden strictly, and the big guy behind the scenes has a solid style of painting. Only he is "playing" with others, but others can't even catch his shadow.

Moreover, through the operation of "letting whoever gets on, whoever gets on, and whoever is not allowed to do not dare to get on" the operation of distributing benefits, boil the frog in warm water, and slowly gain the "right to speak", indirectly affect the world, and become something that no one can ignore. Boss...

How can it be true that it is vertical and horizontal?

This is the way of balance and control learned from his three sisters.

As long as the officials of various countries are regarded as his sisters, he can snorted to fly...

"very smart."

"Absolutely great wisdom..."

Secretly lamenting his high level, Chen Yu faced the camera and continued: "As an ordinary human being, I hope that our human community can develop and grow, so I will share this precious scientific research opportunity with all mankind. I hope everyone can Obey the rules and develop together."

"The rules are very simple." Chen Yu stretched out four fingers: "One, all scientific researchers can only conduct research externally. Materials are allowed to be collected, but each basement cannot exceed ten grams, otherwise the qualification will be erased."

"Second, scientific research results can be shared and exchanged, but the only way to steal scientific research results through harsh means is to obliterate qualifications."

"Three, for each basement quota, there can only be domestic scientific researchers. If there are officials who use their huge power to overhead others, their qualifications will be eliminated."

"Four, if you are not satisfied with the result of the distribution, you will directly erase the qualifications, pack your things and go by yourself."

Putting down his hands, Chen Yu thought for a while: "Well...for the time being, these four items may be added in the future. I hope you will unite and love, and make outstanding contributions to mankind's technology, development and culture."

"I always believe that we modern people will always have more hope than the future."

"Because we have walked out their way."

With that said, Chen Yu's iconic fingers crossed.

"Then this review is about to come to an end. Although I am very reluctant, I still have to say goodbye."

"First of all, I would like to thank Harbin Military Industry for providing us with this K-type animal armor. The quality is really great, and the performance is also very strong. I hope that I will have the opportunity to see your company's products in the future."

"Secondly, thanks to the audience friends who have been waiting in front of the screen. Because of your support, my evaluation will become better and better. I hope you can spread more offline, so that the next official evaluation will have more audiences, and then Elevate permissions."

Certainly next time.

Be sure to +1 next time.

It must be +2 next time.

Don't leave me!

I would like to sacrifice to my little brother, in exchange for you to broadcast for ten minutes.

Is this gone?

Holding the watch handed back by Xiao Taohong on his wrist, Chen Yu straightened the mask: "After the authority is increased, I will bring you more unexpected and more magical technology products."

"Here is the official live broadcast of the Super Time Evaluation, we..."

"See you next month!"

After the concluding remarks, he closed the live broadcast room without hesitation.

The screen of 2.31 million viewers turned into darkness in an ended perfectly. "

With a sigh of relief, Chen Yu moved his shoulders, turned to look at the old man next to him, raised his eyebrows: "Hey, the uncle hasn't left yet?"

"Ah? Ah! Let's go, let's go." The old man suddenly returned to his senses, bowed again and again, turned and left.

"By the way, take the pen."

"Thank you."

Chen Yu handed out a pen and smiled and said, "Thank you again for your help and the provision of the venue today. I apologize for the daily problems affecting the residents of small towns."

"It doesn't matter, it's our honor for you to come here to evaluate high-tech products." The old man bowed at ninety degrees, his posture extremely low.

"oh, I see."

Chen Yu nodded: "Then I will come next time."

Old man: "?!!!"

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