Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 170: Leadership presence

Five days and months, hurriedly rotating.

At 8 o'clock on Saturday morning, in order to check whether the officials were obedient, Chen Yu entered the enclosed steel dinosaur through the portal, scanned a half circle through the glass window, and found many scientific researchers.

"See if you can catch a monkey..."

Putting on his protective suit and helmet, he opened the steel door fully armed and walked out of the control room.

Following the steel road all the way down, Chen Yu controlled the engine to fly into the sky, looked condescendingly, and nodded in satisfaction.

Within two kilometers of the diameter centered on the steel dinosaur, there are no redundant personnel. And two kilometers away are small troops of various official organizations, blocking the entry of any unrelated personnel.

"My orders are still very strong."

The well-organized scene reminded him of what the super-time promoter once said: No matter what time, space and age, strength is always the support of everything. As he puts out more and more epoch-making products, the right to speak and deterrence will also increase. When the time comes, those who are frightened will become others...

Looking at the 30 major officials in the world "honestly" under their own rules, Chen Yu can't help feeling the refreshment brought by power.

"It has an internal taste."

Stretching comfortably, Chen Yu controlled the engine to land on the ground and walked towards the three basements in Huaxia District.

Several scientific researchers who heard the sound around were shocked when they saw Chen Yu, and quickly picked up the communicator to communicate with their superiors.

Walking down the stairs into the basement, Chen Yu was blocked by a glass. In the glass room, there are many weird and small equipments, except for a few microscopes, the rest are unknown.

Lying on the glass wall and looking inward, Chen Yu saw a total of five scientific researchers wearing disinfection suits inside.

"Boom boom boom."

He raised his hand and knocked on the glass.

The five busy scientific researchers looked up at the same time, and when they saw Chen Yu, they opened their mouths in shock.


Chen Yu knocked on the glass again and shouted, "Hey, can I go in?"

One of them rushed forward, opened the glass door, and said in a trembled voice: " are the king...the king...the king..."

"Mr. Wang."

"Yes, right! Mr. Wang!"

"It's me." Chen Yu raised his hand and touched his helmet, and said, "Can I go in and have a look? Need to be disinfected?"

" need! You...please come in, please come in."

Under the diligent and respectful guidance of several scientific researchers, Chen Yu entered the glass room and looked left and right: "Are you only in this basement?"

"There are ten people in total, and the remaining six... six went to the basement next door to assist in the experiment." The man behind Chen Yu's **** explained as he anxiously contacted his superiors and team leaders.

Sitting on a chair, Chen Yu picked up a small microscope: "How has your research been done for so many days? Are there any results?"

"Just... under study."

"I see all the equipment in the basement, so are the other basements?"

"Yes." The scientific researcher wiped the sweat from his face, and suddenly a sense of sight of a superior leader came to inspect...

"What about sleeping?"

"I...we will pitch a tent outside..."

After the two talked for a few words, a few old people jogged in and shook hands with Chen Yu.

"Hello, hello!"

"Hello Wang... Mr. Wang."

"I am the head of the research team, hello..."

Chen Yu stretched out his hands and shook hands with several old people one by one, in a flat tone: "Sit, everyone does it."


Several old people bowed their heads and waved their hands instead of looking for other seats.

"No, we can just stand."

Hearing that, Chen Yu also stood up and waved his big hand: "Every old expert is the pillar of the country. You are standing. How can I be a junior to sit?"


"Yes, you are too kind."

"Oh." Chen Yu stretched out his hand, patted his chest, and said earnestly: "I am here this time, and I don't want to disturb your urgent scientific research work. But I don't worry about it, I'm afraid that your compatriots will be bullied by other people. So I just I want to ask, is anyone bullying you?"

"No!" An old man with a gray beard moistened his eyes and held Chen Yu's hand excitedly: "Old man, I have gone abroad to engage in scientific research for half my life. I have never raised my eyebrows like today! No one bullies us!"

"That's good, that's good." Chen Yu patted the old man's hand: "This is our own person, so I'll just say it straight."

"You say."

"Cough cough." He cleared his throat and said in a sad tone: "I really want to use all the basements for us, but now that we are globally integrated, what we can't do is too extreme, and I feel uncomfortable. "

"Don't tell me." Another old man's eyes were also red: "We all understand the overall situation, and your allocation is correct."

"It's good for everyone to understand." Chen Yu nodded and sighed again: "Oh, I heard that everyone is still living in the tent...Everyone, you are wronged."

"You are serious, this is what we should do."

"Yes, not wronged, we are very happy."

"Mr. Wang! You are our pride!"

Listening to the welcome and cheers in the basement, Chen Yu bowed ninety degrees: "Thanks for your hard work, you are my pride!"

Several young female researchers standing on the periphery felt empathy and applauded excitedly...

The strong positive energy and patriotic feelings fill the room...

Surrounded by the enthusiasm of many compatriots, Chen Yu came to the basement of his country of Japan and turned and waved his hand: "Everyone, go back. I will check other officials to see if there are any violations."

After all, he went into the basement.

The person in charge of the Japanese scientific research team who had been waiting for a long time quickly stepped forward and held Chen Yu's hands: "Hello, hello! It's a great honor to see you."

"Don't be too polite." Chen Yu nodded kindly, walked into the glass wall, sighed, and said earnestly: "My friend, I'm here this time to talk to you about the distribution of the basement. Do you think you just Very few divided into two?"

"No, no!" The person in charge shook his head again and again: "A lot! There are a lot of two, not a lot at all."

"Actually, I can't help it either." Chen Yu held the person in charge's hand and patted lightly: "So many officials, it's really not enough. The original plan was to give you four, but...oh, it's hard to say."

"It is a great gift to give us two places!" The person in charge was very excited.

"Thanks for your hard work, next time there is something good, you can't be spared."

five minutes later.

Chen Yu appeared in the basement of the Belgian country again, grasping the hand of the person in charge, and said earnestly: "I have always respected your country. I wanted to give you one more place, but unfortunately, the conditions do not allow... …"

ten minutes later. U U Reading

In the basement of the universe country, Chen Yu shook hands, sighed, and said with earnest heart: "The universe is the land of your country, but now that you are wronged in a basement, my heart is hard to calm and I have worked hard..."


It was 8:55 in the morning. Under the watchful eyes of many scientific researchers who were friendly, cordial, numb, or worshipped, Chen Yu flew into the sky and belched contentedly.

"It's great to be a leader..."

Flew into the control room and passed through the portal, he came to the old place of Taiguo-Racha Tomb.

Seeing Xiao Taohong holding the white express box, she was impatient: "Mr. Chen, you are finally back. It's nine o'clock! The live broadcast is late!"

"It's too late." Chen Yu raised his wrist slowly, glanced at the time, with a full demeanor: "As a superior, you must be calm. The more noble, the later you will be there."

Little Pink: "..."

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