Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 176: During the Great Wall battle (part 2)

Latest URL: "Boom!"




Both the barrage group and the reward group are fully focused, and both count down silently in their hearts.

Tourists in the distance did not dare to approach, and they retreated farther and farther.

[Female assistant, come on! We'll support you forever! 】

[Come on, Barrage Group! Is it great to be rich? 】

[You are Ou Shen. 】

[Octopus is so cute. 】

[That is squid. 】

[Aren’t octopus and squid the same thing? 】

[There must be some squid who love diving. (funny)】

[There are so many people, why not keep playing Occupy. 】




"Start pushing the tower!"

With the last explosion of the clouds, the blue and red both pulled the triggers at the same time and sprayed paint frantically at the giant tower.




The five-story tower changes colors quickly.

When there is more red paint, it moves to the blue side.

When there is more blue paint, it moves to the red side.

Since both sides had similar firepower, the push tower was deadlocked from the beginning.

Chen Yu had an active brain, taking advantage of both sides' jets, turning around decisively, bypassing the giant tower, and drew the trigger again and again at the barrage group behind the tower.

"Tutu! Tututu..."


The crooked nut with id named liyi was shot and exploded instantly.

However, the paint he exploded dyed the tower's surface red, and the squid tower immediately moved towards the home of the reward group.

Xiao Taohong reacted and turned her gun to spray paint, but Chen Yu had already withdrawn.

"Aren't you asking for gifts?"

He took out the new grenade, pulled the bolt, and threw it behind the tower.




A huge blue paint erupted, killing the two who were too late to react.

"Hey, I won."

Chen Yu pursued with victory, took out two grenades, pulled the bolts one by one, and passed.




A series of explosions of blue paint re-stained the surface of the tower blue, and the tower turned its direction and moved towards the home of the barrage group.

"Another one died."

Taking out the newly acquired grenade, Chen Yu pulled the bolt, and was about to throw it out for the fourth time, when a figure suddenly jumped onto the city wall from his side, and his submachine gun was fiercely ejected.

It was the soldier who was temporarily brought in by Chen Yu!


Chen Yu, who was the first to bear the brunt, was shot directly, and then representatives Sauni and Turing reacted slowly and exploded one after another.

Only the representative of the bank rushed up with the paint cover of the explosion of the three companions and smashed it on the soldier's head.



The soldier screamed, his center of gravity became unbalanced, and he fell down the cliff.

The bank representative hurried forward to look around and found that the soldier had fallen on the mountain wall and exploded into a cloud of paint.


Slowly raising his hand, the bank representative's eyes sparkled.

He seems to have discovered the correct way to use this thing...

Licking his lips, the representative of the bank raised his brush, rushed to the tower and shouted: "Demasi...ah!"


As soon as he showed up, he was blown up by the paint sprayed by the little pink.

"Four, there is one left..."

After calculating with her fingers, Xiao Taohong bent her knees, jumped onto the tower, and quickly climbed to the top of the tower to look down, and she saw the representative of Tizini still playing with the Italian cannon foolishly.


Xiao Taohong aimed down and happily pulled the trigger.



After the blue waves tossed, only Xiao Taohong was left around the tower.

[Fuck, this wave of tactics is wonderful! 】

[Lightning stone fire. 】

[The soldier is really awesome, he climbed over the city wall. 】

[The barrage team won! 】

[Female assistant is awesome! 】

[I hope the female assistant can fall head-down. 】

[Old driver 666. 】

【I also want to see. 】


Above the tower, Xiao Taohong cheered, and just about to jump off the tower to spray paint, she found the squid under her feet staring at her.

Little Pink blinked.

The squid blinked.



Little Taohong raised her submachine gun: "What are you looking at?"

The squid seemed to be irritated, and suddenly stretched out its tentacles, entangled Little Pink's feet...

"Hmm! What are you doing?!"

Before struggling, the squid flicked vigorously and flew the little pink a dozen meters away, fell off the cliff, rolled more than ten times, and exploded into a ball of paint.

Ten seconds later, Chen Yu resurrected from his hometown and said to the two companions who had just been resurrected next to him: "You fight on the frontal battlefield. Give me the surprise attack. I will ignore the tower. Pay attention to both sides. Don't be caught. The soldier's raid."


"no problem."

Taking a deep breath, Chen Yu moved his joints, put away the two spears, and rushed forward like a gust of wind! The speed exceeds at least ten meters per second!

Running to the high tower, he turned around and jumped off the Great Wall, grabbing the battlements with both hands, and with the explosive power of his waist and arms, he climbed one meter by one toward the barrage group at a very fast speed.

[What skill is this? 】

[You ran faster than Bolt, right? 】

[I just said that the up master is an alien! 】

[The alien stone hammered. 】

[It may be Superman. 】

[Can't play and hang up. 】

[My husband is super handsome! 】

[Is it a protective suit? He is wearing protective clothing. 】

[The protective suit cannot accelerate, nor does he fly. 】

[Fuck! This young man! On the contrary! 】

[Meibbon paint, the same style as squid girl! 70% reduction in formaldehyde! All major stores have sales. 】

[This advertisement is a bit...]

Lie on the wall, feeling that the position is almost the same, Chen Yu used his arms to climb the battlements, and then jumped and "flyed" to the sky!

Being in the air, Chen Yu looked at the three players in the barrage group below, quickly pulled out two guns, and pulled the trigger!







Accompanied by three bursts of red paint, Chen Yu jumped directly from one end of the city wall to the other, coquettishly like a master of spear fighting.

"You paint the tower, I will kill it!"

With a roar, Chen Yu sprayed paint with two guns and rushed to the home of the barrage group.

He wants to block all his opponents at home and support his teammates to push the tower. In the eyes of more than two million viewers, there is an image of a wise and brave boss...

At this time, Xiao Taohong was finally resurrected. Seeing Chen Yu rushing forward, her eyes suddenly lit up with red light, and the two brain chips turned on computing at the same time.


Chen Yu speeded up and stepped forward five meters, raised two guns and pulled the trigger, spraying out two coats of blue paint.

"The speed is 47 meters per second, the range is 70 meters, and the droop is 15°..."

After finishing the calculations between the lightning and fire, Xiao Taohong jumped left and right to avoid all the paint offensives, raised the submachine gun, and counterattacked while running.

Seeing this, Chen Yu retracted into the blue paint, turning into a squid and retreating quickly.

"You can't run away!"

Xiao Taohong also learned something, jumped into the red paint, turned into a squid and chased after it.

Since it was on the site of the barrage there was little blue paint, Chen Yu had no choice but to drill out after diving for a while, raising his double guns to recoil.

"Hey! I am here!"

Jumping away from the paint, Xiao Taohong suddenly appeared behind Chen Yu, threw away the submachine gun and rushed over.

Hearing the sound of the wind, Chen Yu kicked decisively.


Xiao Taohong blocked the kick with her right hand, buckled her left hand, pushed Chen Yu down, and rode on him: "Finally pressed on you!"

Chen Yu: "..."

"Not convinced?"

"Serve your sister!"

Chen Yu sneered and took out the grenade, pulled the bolt, and detonated it!


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