Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 183: Install anti-matter battery


The packaging bag fell, and the old man looked at Chen Yu in a daze, his face full of disbelief.

"Well, uncle, let me explain."

Chen Yu got down from Xing Biqi's body and spread his hands out trying to make sense: "Did you see the textbook on the desk? We are really studying. It's just your granddaughter..."

"Animal... animal!"

The old man's breathing was getting faster, he ran out of the bedroom tremblingly, took a kitchen knife from the kitchen, and rushed up with a roar.

"Oh. It's not civilized at all at such an old age."

Chen Yu sighed, took out the amnesia stick from his pocket and blew it up. After dodge a knife, the return is a stick.



The old man fell to the ground softly and fell asleep.

"Xiao Qiqi, we..."

The old lady also walked into the bedroom and was shocked when she saw the scene before her.

Chen Yu knew that wasting his tongue was useless, so he directly swiped the big stick and smashed it on the top of the grandmother's head.




Knocked down the two old people, Chen Yu held one in one hand, put it on the bed of the master bedroom, and then returned to Xing Biqi's room.


After locking the door, Chen Yu sat on the bed and pushed the girl's body: "Hey, wake up."

"Huh?" Xing Biqi opened his eyes in a daze, "Chen...Chen Yutong..."


Before she was fully awake, the eggplant-like stick hit her forehead, causing her to fall asleep.

"The memory should be gone."

Putting away the lightsaber and the amnesia stick, Chen Yu put on his coat, packed the learning materials and papers, sat back by the bed, and pushed the girl again: "Hey, wake up."

"Um..." Xing Biqi stood up blankly, glanced at Chen Yu, and then at his clothes: "I...what's wrong with me?"

"Just now you didn't have a physics problem, the more you think about it, the less you will, the less you think about it, and then you fainted." Chen Yu didn't even bother to make up a decent reason.


"Yes, I fainted. Don't fight too hard next time you encounter a problem, your body is important."


"Don't talk about anything else." Chen Yu lowered his voice and leaned into Xing Biqi's ear: "Your grandparents are back, I have to go."

"What?" Xing Biqi was startled and jumped off the bed quickly: "Impossible!"

"Shhh! Be quiet!" Chen Yu covered Xing Biqi's mouth: "What is impossible, if I hadn't heard the movement and locked the door, your grandpa would have come in and found me."

"Lock the door?" Xing Biqi frowned: "The lock of my bedroom door is broken. It's useless if the lock is not locked."

Chen Yu: "..."

"Look." Xing Biqi walked to the door and showed it in person.

The door lock is really broken.

"Then...that means your grandfather was polite and left without responding when he knocked on the door."

"My grandfather never knocks."

"Yes." Chen Yu bit his head and said nonsense: "Your grandfather didn't knock on the door. He just stood at the door and listened. He thought you seemed to be sleeping, so he didn't come in."

"Grandpa and grandma know that I have to study until twelve o'clock every night before going to bed."

Chen Yu: "..."

"And the lights are still on. If they come back, they will definitely come in." Xing Biqi pointed to the bulb: "Chen Yu, don't lie to me, you can't go."

"Facts speak louder than words." Chen Yu couldn't make up anymore. He took Xing Biqi and walked to the master bedroom. He pointed to the old couple on the bed and lowered his voice: "Look, they are back? Maybe they are too tired to enter your house. , Went to bed directly."

"Really back!" Xing Biqi was surprised, then tilted his head suspiciously: "But why didn't they even take off their coats when they slept."


"The shoes didn't take off either."


"There is still dirt on the body."


"what is going on?"

"……you know too much."

Chen Yu, who had completely "talked up", silently took out the amnesia stick, blew it hard, and smashed it on the back of the girl's head.



Dragging the unconscious girl back to the bedroom, throwing it on the bed, unplugging her clothes, and covering the quilt, Chen Yu didn't want to explain any more, so she carried her schoolbag and ran away.

Leaving the bungalow area, he walked on a quiet street, looking at the starry sky, and inexplicably gave birth to a sense of loneliness and melancholy that a young man can only have.

He didn't know how to write poems, and didn't memorize a few poems. After holding back for a long time, he chose to sing a song to express his feelings.

"Like Yang Guo, through the black smoke. Your sister quietly crossed the horizon."

"Whose groaning, traveling through reincarnation..."

"The way to breastfeed is right under your feet. Don't get caught, don't snap."

"Full of confidence, the deceiver clearly licks..."

"The new seam abalone is bleeding! How can you stop keeping it..."


After walking for nearly an hour, Chen Yu finally returned home.

The living room was quiet, only the even breathing of Chen Erke could be heard.

Taking off his shoes, Chen Yu tiptoedly walked to the bedroom door, took out the key to open the lock, and just pushed the door and entered, he threw a little pink on his face and hugged him tightly.

"Mr. Chen, you are finally back!"

"Shhh! Be quiet!" Pushing off the hanging robot, Chen Yu gently closed the door and lay on the bed and took a deep breath: "I'm a little sleepy, don't pester me, I'm sleeping."

"Mr. Chen, have you drunk?" Xiao Taohong approached Chen Yu and sniffed her nose vigorously: "It seems that there is a smell of cheating."

Chen Yu: "..."

"Mr. Chen." Little Pink's eyes turned red instantly: "Have you forgotten our love for each other?"

"...Fart! When have we ever been in love!"

"You men are so cruel!"

Chen Yu: "..."

Wiping a tear, Xiao Taohong pouted: "Can you tell me who she is? Let me understand."

Chen Yu lowered his head and glanced at Xiao Taohong's clenched fists, his face turned black: "You want the other party to understand it!"

"I am a love robot, I have the right to defend my love!"


After a moment of silence, Chen Yu sat up and said calmly: "First of all, it is Chi Guoguo's friendship between the two of us. I always treat you as a buddy."

"There is also love between buddies."

"Can you just listen to me?"

"You say."

"Secondly, you can't win love with violence."

"Impossible!" Xiao Taohong categorically denied: "Snatching your partner and killing competitors has been the truth since ancient times."

"...You future intelligent bodies are all neuroses, right?" Chen Yu raised his hand and slapped Xiao Taohong on the forehead: "I wanted to find time to educate you well, but considering your age. The adult class is just a child, and I have been procrastinating. Now I can’t procrastinate, I have to be reasonable with you."

He paused slightly, adjusted the rhythm, and Chen Yu said: "Since you have come to 2020, you must abide by the rules of modern society. It is illegal to hurt others and you can't do anything illegal. As for love, which one I like, like A few are my freedom."

Little Taohong stared at Chen Yu in a daze: "It turns out that Mr. are a scumbag."


"You are going to open the harem, haven't you?"

"I just express my opinion." Chen Yuqiang couldn't bear the urge to lift the table: "If you want to get love, you have to compete with your heart, so that I can't do without you and can't hurt other people. Otherwise I will hate you!"

"Oh." Xiao Taohong looked down at Chen Yu's legs thoughtfully.

Chen Yu quickly retracted his leg: "It's even worse to hurt me! Fuck! What I said is not paralyzed! Mental retardation!"


Snowflakes are like tears of angels.

Covering a paradise without love.

But Chen Yu's home is full of love, so snowflakes didn't cover it.

Two weeks have passed since the last night visit to Xing Biqi's home.

After learning that Xing Biqi was not an official agent, Chen Yu's attitude towards her immediately changed. The relationship between the two has also become a little delicate.

But he didn't pay much attention to such small things.

The sixth official live broadcast will begin soon. After the live broadcast, it is the rating for the second quarter. Whether it is promotion or relegation depends mainly on this issue. So his energy has been put on this.

"Which piece to remove? It should be this piece."

In the bedroom, Xiao Taohong was holding the manual, pointing to the plate at the bottom of the portal, and said: "It should be this one, and the energy module is behind it."

"Should?" Chen Yu frowned.

"OK!" Xiao Taohong pointed to the plate: "It's here."

"Don't be wrong, in case it explodes and the whole earth is finished."

"The instructions say that the portal will not explode, and the safety devices are there." Xiao Taohong handed out the instructions: "If you don't believe me, take a look."

"If I know professional English, would you still use it? This shit, the operating instructions are available in all languages, and the disassembly instructions are only one in English. The shit." Chen Yu reached out and pressed on the plate and finally confirmed: "I want Unload it, sure it is it?"


After getting a reply, Chen Yu didn't hesitate anymore and pushed his palms to the left.


The original integrated plate was separated, revealing a small round button.

"This is a security button." Xiao Taohong was excited: "Press it to separate the energy module. How about it! I'm not wrong. You should trust my Xiao Taohong."


Reach out and press the safety button, accompanied by the "hissing" cold air escape. The plate below the portal suddenly popped out, revealing the antimatter extinguishing battery immersed in a special liquid.

I saw that there were three more slots beside the battery. Prove that this portal within the star system can be loaded with up to four batteries.

"Bring the battery."

"it is good."

After receiving the brand new antimatter battery from Xiao Taohong, Chen Yu put on his gloves, opened the package, and carefully installed it aiming at an empty slot.


When the battery touches the liquid, a strange chemical reaction occurs on the surface of the battery.

"Is this disinfecting?"

With this level of technology, Chen Yu doesn't even understand the theory, so naturally he doesn't think much about it. After installing the battery, he pushes back the module and presses the closure cover again.

"It's a product from the 39th century, it's not as easy to charge as the current mobile phone."

Silently vomited, Chen Yu stood up and stretched out, "Ah, it's finally done."

"Mr. Chen, you don't need to be so careful." Xiao Taohong pointed to the manual and said: "It is said that any high-tech product with the possibility of explosion must go through 26 safety standards inspections before it can leave the factory."

"What if it explodes after leaving the factory?"

Xiao Taohong turned over the last page of the manual: "The manufacturer's Beyonder Group and the General Security Administration will pay huge compensation."

Chen Yu: "..."

"Wow, so many zeros, a lot of money." Xiao Taohong took back the instructions and said seriously: "So you don't have to worry at all."

"I'm more worried."

Calling up the console of the portal, Chen Yu glanced at the energy display and nodded: "The battery is sufficient and the installation is correct. I will go to the toilet first, and you will post a text announcement before the live broadcast. Then put the portal manual. , I have to use it later."


Patting the dust on his butt, Chen Yu opened the door and walked out of the bedroom.

In the living room, only Chen Erke was drawing with crayons.

"Second, where are your sister and younger sister?"

"I went shopping with my mother, saying that I want to stock up on New Year's goods and buy sugar." Chen Erke did not look up.

"Why don't you go?"

"How cold, it's better to wait for the ready-made ones."


"Following, you have to carry things and squeeze around with others." Chen Erke spread his hands: "The fool went."

"Where is the dog?" Chen Yu scanned the living room: "Does the dog follow?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen it for a long time." Chen Erke waved the crayons irritably, "Brother, don't disturb me painting!"

He raised his **** and aimed at Chen Erke, Chen Yu poked his lips and walked into the bathroom, opened the toilet lid to urinate, but smelled a hint of smoke.


He squinted his eyes to the left and smelled the right, confirming that he was not smelling it wrong: "There is indeed a smell of smoke."

After urinating, flush the water. Chen Yu vaguely guessed something, closed the sliding door, and moved step by step following the source of the smoke.

"this is……"

Bending over, thinking of the powdered soot, Chen Yu stared at the corner of the bathroom in a daze.


He heard the sound of puffing smoke.


Silent for a long Chen Yu trembling arm grabbed forward, unexpectedly touched an entity in mid-air...


Chen Yu jerked, the invisible cloak fell off, and in the corner of the bathroom, the Husky was holding a cigarette and staring at him in a daze.

Chen Yu: "..."

Husky: "..."


(Note: This chapter is an addition to the "some memories" of the leader.

The big chapter is also more, 189-1188

Five million rewards today, plus five more.

A total of 193...

It's less than 200, it's nothing, I can pay it back...)

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