Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 305: The people of Jian country full of great love (Part 2)

   Patted the dust on his body, Chen Yu rubbed his shoulders and looked at Musk: "It's all done. Let the two astronauts carry the equipment that can't be dropped."

   "Much better!" As soon as Musk grasped Chen Yu's hands, he gratefully said: "Mr. Wang, thank you very much. I can do this for our cooperation."

   "It should be for all mankind."

   "On behalf of SpaceX, I would like to thank you very much for your contribution. If there is a need for SpaceX in the future, it is our duty."

   During the conversation, the two astronauts put on their helmets, lifted up a piece of equipment with a tripod stretched out, and moved carefully.

   But when they just approached the portal and were about to step through the space film, the Martian world inside the portal suddenly disappeared and turned into darkness.

   The astronaut was shocked, and hurriedly stopped his feet.

   Talking with Chen Yu on his mouth, Musk, who kept his eyes fixed on him, was taken aback: "Wang...Mr. Wang, look at the portal! Why is it dark?"


   Chen Yu turned around in doubt, saw the pitch-black metal arch, frowned: "Huh? What's the matter? Where did you touch?"

   "You...did you touch it?" the black astronaut asked his companion.

   "NO." The white man shook his head sharply: "Did you touch it?"


   "Old...Boss, we didn't touch..."

   "This...what's going on?" Musk's heart gradually raised a bad premonition: "Mr. Wang, is it automatic standby?"

   "It's not a computer, how can there be automatic standby?"

   Inside the helmet, Chen Yu maintained a serious expression, walked to the portal, looked up and down, left and right, and found nothing unusual, clicked on the console again, and found that the virtual projection could still be used: "Sorry."

   "What a mess?!" Musk clenched his fists subconsciously, and asked with a trembling voice, "Something went wrong?"

   "It's not a malfunction." Taking a step back, Chen Yu turned and spread his hands: "The portal is out of power."

   Musk: "?"

   Everyone: "???"

   "Yes, it's dead."

   "This thing still uses electricity?!" Musk's voice raised.

   "Nonsense, how fresh, find me a perpetual motion machine."

   "No... what I mean is that this future portal has run out of power so soon?"

"It's not fast anymore." Reached out and patted the metal outer wall of the arch, Chen Yu sighed: "Since my first official live broadcast, I haven't stopped using it. I have opened it hundreds of times. It's easy. And this time the energy consumption is really not small. More than two hundred large boxes have been thrown from the Earth to Mars, and it is normal for the electricity to be consumed.

   "Then...then we should recharge it quickly?"

   "Can't charge, people use anti-matter batteries."

"What now?"

   "Don't worry, change the battery and you're done." Chen Yu waved his hand: "You can use it as soon as you change it to the battery. Panic?"

   Hearing this, Musk breathed a sigh of relief: "I was scared to death. I thought the plan was going to go to waste. How long will it take to change the battery?"

   "Soon, only half a month."

   "That's good, we... half a month?"

   "Yes, half a month."

   "Half a month?!"


   "Half a month?!!!"

   "Are you a repeater?"

   "Why does it take half a month to change the battery?!" Musk couldn't help roaring.

   "I don't have this kind of battery, so I have to send it out in the future. I say it will speed up in half a month."

   "But... it can be delayed for half a month, the first to land on Mars..."

"It can only be Huaxia." Chen Yu spread his hands: "Who would have thought that the battery would run out? Force majeure, force majeure... But fortunately, the materials we worked so hard in the past can't be wasted. China Aerospace Corps can use it directly. ."

   Everyone present, their complexion instantly turned blue, red, black, green...

   is not a normal color anyway.

   "We human beings are one body. Who should use the materials? The left hand is for the right hand. It just happens that the China Aerospace astronauts are in a hurry to fly, and there must be a problem with the logistics supply." Pat Musk on the shoulder, Chen Yu concluded: "Great love."

   Musk has cold hands and feet: "Loss... Loss..."

   "The Huaxia family has a big business, can you eat Bawang Meal? I will tell them afterwards that they will pay your company at a 15% increase in the normal price. You must not let your good partners chill."


   The result came before his eyes, and Musk naturally understood that this was Chen Yu's routine.

   From the very beginning, when the other party said the three words "impossible", he should have known that it was completely wishful thinking that he wanted to break the original cooperation plan and damage the interests of China to become the first person to land on Mars.

   The next scenes of "performance" are just punishments for his inability to advance or retreat...

   At this point, Musk relied on superhuman endurance to suppress negative emotions and bit his tongue: "Mr. Wang, I understand, let's start the colonization of Mars as planned. We re-prepare materials and personnel training."

"Okay. Since the set time is three months, we will perform according to the contract. We must have the spirit of the contract." When sliding the virtual earth and docking the space of the floating castle, Chen Yu nodded: "It is my negligence that the battery is insufficient today. Next time you send it, increase your carry by another 20% and it will be compensated."

   Hearing these words, Musk's expression immediately relieved a lot: "Thank you Mr. Wang. This time we are giving you trouble."

   "You are welcome."

   waved his hand, Chen Yu was about to walk into the metal arch.

   "Master UP! Didn't you mean that the portal has insufficient power? How can it be used now?" a young and energetic white man in the corner suddenly shouted.

   The figure paused, Chen Yu slowly turned his head, his sharp eyes through the helmet, focused on the young white man.


   The white man stepped back subconsciously, feeling a little cold all over.

   "The energy consumption of connecting to Mars is several times higher than connecting to the earth, so the only energy left is barely enough for me to transmit once on the earth." Chen Yu's tone was flat: "Is the reason enough?"


   "Enough is"

   Through the rippling space film like water, the metal arch slowly disappeared into the darkness under the spotlight.

   In a corner where no one is paying attention, the infrared of a surveillance camera is flickering...


   Back to the principal's tower hall, Chen Yu closed the portal, and by the way changed the appearance to its original shape.

   Before the portal suddenly went black, it was just that he activated a function called "transmission limitation".

   In the future, portals in the star system are commercial transportation products, and due to cost considerations, the delivery quality will generally be limited. To put it simply, a "fat man" consumes more energy than a "thin man". In order to ensure profit, transmission will be restricted and the "fat man" is prohibited from getting on the car...

   entered the secret room of the study and took off his protective clothing. Chen Yu quickly took a bath, changed into home furnishings, and slipped the virtual earth to connect to his home.


   With the twists and turns of the space completed, Chen Yu stepped in, and was surprised to find that there was no small pink figure in the bedroom.

   The door of the room was also wide open.

   With a startled heart, he rushed out of the bedroom, suddenly bewildered.


   (Note: There is still one chapter that has not been sorted out, please wait a while to continue to update chapters 1-2.)

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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