Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 313: The speed of light can break! (on)

"Super speed of light?!"

When hearing these three words, Chen Yu's pupils shrank suddenly.

The wave of barrage in the live broadcast room also broke out quickly.

Faster than light? !

Faster than light? !

It's nothing Einstein, you guys have fun...

Is it because the fragrance is not scented anymore, or is it that your future people are floating?

How can it be faster than the speed of light.

Are you scheming with time?

unacceptable! Unless you give me money.

unacceptable! Unless to my wife.

Old Ba can't accept it! Unless give me shit.

! ! !

The road to science and technology has no limits. After all, the theory of relativity is the theory of the last century.

It should be a wormhole...

After a long astonishment, Chen Yu recovered, and an unspeakable excitement and joy came to his mind.

Although he still doesn't know how to make matter exceed the speed of light, as long as anything is astronomical and physics. Anyone who knows science and technology understands what super-light speed navigation will bring.

There is no doubt that it will be a huge leap for the entire civilization!

No less than the little Taoist priest during the foundation-building period, soaring to the heavens...

Subconsciously clenching his fists, Chen Yu calmed down, looked up at the new human text in mid-air and said, "Can you tell me how this spacecraft is faster than light? And its basic information, please introduce it."

Human beings are always used to looking for a reference.

"Dad, if you perform quantum information fusion, you can get all the detailed information, parameters, control methods and other information about the spacecraft. After the fusion, this information flow will disappear."

"Disappeared?" Chen Yu frowned. "Are you dead?"

"As an information flow, there is no concept of survival and death. I will be one with you."

"Possessed?! Then am I still me?"

"As an information flow, there is no concept of survival and death. You can treat me as semi-substantial knowledge. Just like reading a book, it can change the reader's thinking, but there is no subject."

"Almost understand." Nodding thoughtfully, Chen Yu said, "Then perform quantum information fusion. Let's start now."

"Okay dad, please wait dad later."

The voice fell, and the cylindrical hall fell silent.

And Chen Yu stood still, motionless as if crashing...

Hey? Is the network card?

The picture doesn't move.

The barrage can still be sent, it should be a network problem.

what's up?

Can you say something!

If you are kidnapped, skip C miles to C miles.

If you are kidnapped, stab yourself.

2333 Are you demons?

Don't worry, the UP master may be dead...

The pitch-black sea of ​​barrage lasted for five minutes before Chen Yu suddenly became clever, and his consciousness recovered.

He turned around and looked around for a few times. He looked at the camera and sorted out the words in his mind "The fusion is complete. This feeling is amazing. To use an inappropriate metaphor, it seems that I am an NDA, and the quantum information flow is also a paragraph. NDA, the so-called information fusion, is to piece two pieces of NDA together to get more and more detailed expression fragments."

"And everyone, even everything in the universe, is a materialized product made up of countless information!" Closing his eyes, Chen Yu carefully recollected the pleasure of fusion for a long while, and said quietly, "Four thousand years, only four thousand years. Human civilization has reached this level. Based on the knowledge I currently understand, human beings in 6,800 years, after several technological explosions, each individual can even become a colorless and invisible flow of information. Completely get rid of the macroscopic physical world. Constraints. The entire universe, macroscopic, microscopic, ancient, and future freely travel. Science and technology will no longer have room for progress, because the entire civilization has been integrated with nature."

"People are the universe."

"The universe is human!"

UP Lord, is this crazy?

I can understand it vaguely, but it seems like nonsense when I take a closer look.

In other words, does civilization finally merge with the universe?

Life is information, and the universe is also information. The essence of matter and energy is information. In the end, it becomes information without any problems...a fart.


The simple summary is that civilization strives to climb the tree of science and technology in order to get rid of itself. (funny)

Lao Tzu said that death means eternal life.

Didn't Lu Xun say it?

Opening his eyes, Chen Yu suppressed the insights in his heart and returned to the topic "Continue product evaluation, the future world is too far away from us, and we don’t need to worry about the useless heart now. Now, let’s introduce this spacecraft in detail. .Be sure to concentrate on listening. Trust me, the way it moves is really amazing."

"The R-type deep spacecraft, supervised by the Proxima Conference, was produced in 6877 by Roaming Haha, and is a type of small private spacecraft, classified as super-light speed."

"That's right." Chen Yu clapped his hands facing the camera. "It can really exceed the speed of light, and it's not a point or two. It is tens, hundreds, or even thousands of times faster! What's more amazing is that this speed of light exceeds the speed of light. , Has not violated the theory of relativity!"

Put fear on the public screen! fast! That's too late!



It's fine for Einstein to jump on my coffin, do you want to unpack it now?

Afraid of...

"It has to be said that Einstein and a large number of big men who contributed to the theory of relativity are really awesome! In the sixty-nineth century, the theory of relativity is still as stable as 1+1, unshakable. In the future, no matter what scholars As long as there is an error between the calculation result and the theory of relativity, there is no need to doubt it. It is definitely a theoretical error."

At the end, Chen Yu tilted his head. "So, in modern, the quantum theory that conflicts with the theory of relativity is wrong? But many products based on quantum theory have been born, such as quantum computers, quantum entanglement, and quantum Speed ​​and things like that. Especially China and Jianguo have started a quantum technology competition..."

After thinking about it for a while, completely puzzled, he decisively gave up the entanglement. "In short, the theory of relativity is correct. Then there are definitely problems with modern quantum theory. Researchers from various countries can be more cautious. Continue to introduce the problem of superluminal speed."

Chen Yu raised his hand, a silver metal block suddenly drilled out of the ground and quickly unfolded into a mahogany chair. He sat down, leaned back tactically and leaned back in his chair, saying, "As we all know, according to the theory of relativity, any mass material motion cannot exceed the speed of light. It is impossible to just reach the speed of light because it requires infinite energy to accelerate it. But all the energy of the entire universe is not infinite, so even if the energy of the entire universe is used to increase speed, it will reach 99.99% of the speed of light at most, which can never be surpassed."

"How does this spacecraft exceed the speed of light?"

"The principle is simple."

"It didn't move at all..."

.. ..

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