Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 316: Live interactive


Accompanied by a strange sound, the dumbbell-shaped spacecraft descended slowly, as if the top of the mountain was overwhelming.

Strictly speaking, as a means of transportation in the universe, it is very compact.

But in the 21st century, the earth is definitely a giant.


When the spacecraft was less than 500 meters from the ground, the strong winds driven by the pressure forced the nearby armed personnel to give up onlookers and retreat one after another.

Only Xiao Taohong stood on the spot, looking up, stupidly cute.

"Get out of the way."

A crack was opened on the surface of the cylinder in the middle of the spacecraft, exposing Chen Yu's head. "The air pressure is too high below, so you can stay away."

"Oh oh!" Xiao Taohong nodded quickly and retreated thousands of meters.

Back inside the spaceship, Chen Yu waved his right hand, and the whole spaceship was immediately transparent!

The sky, the earth, the front, back, left, and right scenery are all at a glance!

"This is a function of the spacecraft." Facing the camera, Chen Yu manipulated the sinking of the hull in his mind while explaining to the audience, "You can see the outside scene from the inside, but from the outside, the spacecraft still remains prototype. Besides, if you want to observe somewhere, you can zoom in further."

With that, Chen Yu pointed his hook slightly forward.


The red hills in the distance were as if they had been shrunk to an inch by a spell, and instantly pulled in front of them. Even the fine sand and gravel are clearly visible.



No screen, no radar, no dashboard, this kind of spacecraft has never even thought of it. Envy ing.

Envy +1

This is so called high-tech!

I have a bold idea, and I must say it now. Can you use it to spy?

Don't take it away, just shoot it.

It’s not black, I’ve been on this spaceship. It’s good everywhere, but the air conditioner is too hot, and the girl will take off her jacket as soon as she comes in.

There is a faint hunch that this live broadcast may be interactive...

Follow the UP master to an alien system?

I have already agreed with the Buddha, picked up the butcher knife again, and slashed anyone who snatched it from me.

"All the operations of the spacecraft operate within my consciousness. This feeling cannot be said. To use an inappropriate metaphor, the entire spacecraft is like an extension of my limbs. With limited knowledge, I cannot understand its principles. Presumably. Scientists around the world should not understand it either."

When the words fell, Chen Yu's thoughts moved, and the "world" in front of him pulled closer again, hopping through thousands of miles in a trance! I directly saw China’s Chang'an Wild Goose Pagoda from the east center...

In the live broadcast room, a barrage that covered the sky immediately broke out.

The content of the barrage, the main body is composed of slumber.

Squinting his eyes slightly, Chen Yu then made fine adjustments in his mind, manipulating the telescope function of the spacecraft to magnify the scene ahead, and aimed at a young man with short hair who was looking at his mobile phone.

The picture is getting closer and closer. Five seconds later, everyone saw the content played by the youth mobile phone, which was the live broadcast room of the Super Time Evaluation...



After half a minute of silence, the short-haired young man slowly raised his head, looking at the sky with a dazed expression.

"Hello." Chen Yu said hello with a smile, "Have you eaten?"

The short-haired young man was a little skeptical of life. He looked down at his phone and then at the sky, breathing quickly.

"Ah, just kidding, I hope it didn't scare you." With a wave of his hand, he exited the hyperopia screen, and Chen Yu explained to the camera. "This is just one of the thousands of functions of the spacecraft. There is no doubt that even in 6877, this A spaceship is also a'higher grade' cargo."

"In addition, there are several very interesting functions on display, such as magnetic field manipulation, close-range material reorganization, gravitational suppression, air pressure manipulation, quantum shock waves..."

One after another, unimaginable technologies were displayed one after another, causing 160 million viewers to be overwhelmed and disintegrated.

But because the spacecraft's descent speed is not slow, Chen Yu only demonstrated the atmospheric pressure control function, and the hull has landed steadily.

The terrifying atmosphere sank the ground at least ten meters deep before disappearing completely.

The sand dune area returned to calm, leaving only the sky full of red dust for a long time...

Little Taohong rushed forward with running and jumping. First, she circled the spaceship curiously, stood beside the ball on the left, looked at the cylinder above, and shouted, "King, can I go up?"


After patted his hands, Chen Yu stopped the display, his thoughts moved slightly, and a silver-white step stretched down and reached the ground.

Little Taohong ran into the boat excitedly, looked around, exclaiming "It's so big!"

"Because the space is not being used." Chen Yu pointed around, explaining, "The more people there are, the more rooms need to be generated. If there are hundreds of people, there is no space left."

When the words were over, Chen Yu's thinking turned again, and a set of square silver rooms rose instantly on the far left of the hall.

When he stepped forward, he opened the metal door and saw that the interior was fully equipped, including a living room, sofa, kitchen, study, bedroom, and bathroom.

"Unfortunately, the only information previously integrated was the introduction and control of the spacecraft. As for the house and decoration of the future people, I don't know. It can only be generated according to the style of our current era."

"Is this for me?" Xiao Taohong asked.

"Well, let's go in." Chen Yu nodded. "If the space is small, I will enlarge it for you."

"It's huge! You can play a battle of squid girls inside." Xiao Taohong quickly got into the house and stroked the sofa in the living room "It's exactly the same."

"The fake ones are all simulated by the same material as the spacecraft. This material is actually gaseous in nature, but it is bound by a special force and can be compressed and changed at will. When in a compressed state, the nuclei are all affected by the force. It’s locked and unimaginable. It’s no exaggeration to say that when the hull material is compressed, it can penetrate the entire earth. It’s easy to penetrate the sun.”

Nima! I knew it! Master UP, you are an arms dealer!

It's still a weapon...

Taking the current truck into the tribal era is also a Who is wronged by yourself?

Can traverse the sun emmmm... The nuclear bomb will definitely not break.

Does anyone think that the way the spacecraft moves faster than light is more terrifying?


Shutting Xiao Taohong into the room, Chen Yu urged the engine to fly out of the hull, and came to the metal arch, facing the camera, opened his arms and exclaimed, "Presumably some viewers have already guessed it. That's right, because of the particularity of the product, the time After more than a month, the interactive session will be added to this review again. The old rule is that the interactors are divided into two groups, the barrage group and the reward group, with ten people in each group."

"This upcoming trip is the first time that mankind has rushed out of the solar system, and it will definitely be included in the brightest page in history! So..."

"Wave your bills!"

"Release your luck!"

"Visit the scene in person and feel the romance at the speed of light!"

.. ..

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